negativity (13%)

29 9 2

So there's a whole lot of negativity going around, especially with the most recent presidential candidates in America, as well as the bombings.

Please do not let hate get to you. You are fine just the way you are. The Internet has a lot to say and not everyone keeps it to themselves and there's nothing you can do to change that. If someone sends you hate, simply block and report. Don't start fights or insult them back, you'll only make it worse.

Respect everyone's opinion (political or not) and accept different points of view.

If you need anything or have someone hating on you and need to talk/rant about it, we are now your moms. Message us or comment to rant and we'll listen :)

Lastly, I cannot stress this enough: terrorism has no religion. I am so sorry about all of these terrorist attacks but my religion has nothing to do with them. Islam promotes peace, terrorism promotes war. Terrorism is not a religion. They are extremists and awful people that want to kill others for no reason. Please do not hate Muslims for what terrorists do. And please do not hate Muslims for what Trump has to say about us.

Lots of love,
xo elnaz

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