Chapter 9

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          "Demitri," my dad said as he stood in the doorway of my bedroom, "your mother and I are about to head on out. Are you absolutely sure you don't wanna throw on your tux and join us at the charity gala?"

          "I'm sure," I answered. "But thanks for asking, dad. I'm just gonna order a pizza and wings and stuff my face while watching TV."

          "Are all of your friends at the dance?"

          "Brandi and Kayla are. I have no idea where Coby is."

          "Well, just try to relax and enjoy the night anyway. Call me if you need anything."

          "Okay, dad. Goodnight."

          "Goodnight, son." He left my room and headed toward the stairwell.

          So there I was spending Saturday night—the night of the homecoming dance—all by myself. Malcolm was texting me off and on to assure me nothing was going on between him and Rebecca. Brandi and Kayla were also texting me telling me how great of a time they were having. I just felt so crappy that night because not only was I missing all of the fun, but I couldn't spend more quality time with Malcolm before I broke it off with him.

          "Have you done it yet?" my mama asked me as she stepped into my room and pushed the door up. "Have you told Malcolm?"

          "No, ma. I haven't broken up with him yet. I need a little more time."


          "I'm going to do it, ma. I promise. I just need to work it all out in my head first."

          "Fine, you have until next Friday."

          "What? His birthday is next Friday. Can't it be after that?"

          "No. You're lucky I'm holding out past bible study Wednesday."

          "I still can't believe you're making me do this."

          "You need to start taking some responsibility and realize your actions have consequences. I didn't ask you to start some relationship with my pastor's son."

          "I can't help who I fell in love with, ma. Just like you couldn't help falling for dad. But it's fine. I'll do what you want me to do because I have to live here under your roof. You're the parent and I'm the child."

          "I'm glad to hear you say that."

          "Oh, don't get used to it. I will be turning eighteen in December and then next spring I'll be graduating high school. I cannot wait to move out like Domonique did. You won't have any say-so over anything I do because I won't be living in this house anymore. And mama, I want you to know something else."

          She folded her arms and asked, "What's that?"

          "I'll never forgive you for this. I don't care if you apologize later and I don't care how it makes you feel. I will never forgive you. And I don't want your acceptance. All I want is to make it through these next set of months until I leave here."

          "I'm sorry you feel that way given that I have forgiven you."

          "Forgiven me for what?! For being gay?" I was fed up by that point. "Can you please leave my room?"

          "Excuse me?"

          "Get out." I stood up, moved around her, and reopened the door. "Now."

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