Chapter 15

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          Even though it was thunderstorming, I was on cloud nine the next day at school. Quentin and I were officially dating, my mama was actually pleasant to be around the night before, and I just felt so refreshed. After getting my books from my locker, I hit the stairwell to head to my first period class. I was almost at the third floor door when I felt a big tug on my backpack. I turned around to see a disheveled Sasha standing there. Her mascara was running and her eyes were bloodshot red. I'd never seen her like that as she was usually dolled up and perky. I assumed she didn't take the breakup with Quentin well.

          "Are you okay?" I asked her with genuine concern.

          "Why were you at Quentin's house?" she asked with a shaky voice. The moment she asked me that, I tensed up.

          "Huh? I don't know what you're talking about."

          "Don't fuck with me, Demi!"

          "Sasha, I'm being honest with you." I looked around to make sure no one was coming up or down the stairs. "I've never been to Quentin's house before."

          "You piece of shit. You're fucking him, aren't you? You're fucking my boyfriend? You faggot ass bitch!"

          "Okay, you need to calm the fuck down because I don't know what the fuck you're talking about!"

          "This is what the fuck I'm talking about!" She reached into her pink Prada Inside ostrich leather bag and pulled out my favorite brown scarf. "You wore this cheap ass Burberry scarf to school yesterday. You also wore it to last Friday's football playoff game. What the fuck was it doing on Quentin's bed?"

          "He must've found it when I left it in calculus class yesterday." I took it from her. "Tell him that I said thank you when you see him."

          "You didn't leave that scarf in your class because I saw it around your goddamn neck when you were leaving school yesterday. I can see the student parking lot from the library and I was in the library looking out of the window yesterday, and I saw you walk to your car with that scarf around your neck. You were at his house after school, weren't you? You were there with him before I came over? Admit it. Be a fucking man and not a faggot and admit it, Demi!"

          The tardy bell rang, meaning we were both now late for class. I sighed and finally admitted, "Yes, I was there." When I told her that, she became irate. She tried to hit me so I grabbed both of her wrists and pinned her up against the wall. "Calm down!"

          "Get the fuck off of me! You nasty piece of shit!"

          "You need to calm the fuck down before you get us both in trouble!" I let go of her and she began to cry. "It's not what you're thinking, Sasha. I have not had sex with him."

          "You're lying!"

          "No, I really am telling you the truth. Quentin and I haven't done it...but we are going to one day and I'm sorry but he's not your boyfriend anymore."

          "So you told him to dump me?"

          "No, he made that decision on his own. Quentin has been struggling with his feelings for me for a while now and we both tried to fight it but the fight is over. And your relationship with him is over."

          "He was confused and you just flaunted your disgusting gay ways on him, huh?" She looked me up and down. "You faggots are all the same. And now you've turned my man into one."

          "Technically speaking, he's your ex again. And this time you won't be getting him back."

          "Oh, you think so?" She smiled and wiped her tears. "Well I got something else for you in my Prada bag, boo-boo." She reached into the bag again and pulled out a pregnancy test. She handed it to me and looked into my eyes. "After you suck his dick, go on and tell him he's gonna be a daddy." She moved around me and made her way through the third floor door, leaving me standing there about to faint.

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