Chapter 5-Daisy POV

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9 years later

"Come on dimwit," I yelled out to my older brother Gabe.

"I'm coming" he yelled back.

Oh how rude my name is daisy waters and you already knew my mum and my older brother looking thingy over there is Gabe him and I, are inseparable we have just been running for 5 hours straight because our 16 birthday is tomorrow and my mum wants us to got meet the son of a bitch that Hurt her and as you know we are only an hour away from moonshine my dad's pack and little miss lazy is just dragging himself because he is to tied 'apparently'

"Ok we will stop here for the night do you have the note mother gave us for father," I spit his name when I said 'father'.

"Yep her you go, sis," he said handing it to me and kissing my cheek.


Dear nick

It's Brittney, your mate that night when you played me and stole everything that I had left, you didn't wear protections and now I have the most beautiful children, they are twins and they aren't just mine they are also yours and now they're here with you, if you are reading this note and then I have to tell you that by the time you get this note my babies will be all grown up and I will no longer be on this earth, when they were born I sold my soul to a witch that then made them hybrid, to help them survive this hatred world that you call earth, I was lucky enough to spend 7 years with them. They also know everything that the pack did to me when growing up.

Love from your mate

Brittney XOXO

After I read this I cried I miss my mum so much I got my blue eyes from my mum and brown-black hair from my dad apparently, gabe has brown hair from mum and brown eyes from our dad, Gabe saw me lying down and sat next to me.

"You know every time you read that you cry, mum would love to be here with us and you know she loved us more than anything in the world and we will be shifting tomorrow, you know how much mum talked about our wolves and look mum pinched this from our dad his dog chain and mums necklace that she never took off, come on let's go to bed we have a big day tomorrow finally be able to kick that good for nothing's ass that we call a father and that Other so called family of ours, ok now go to bed I'm here" he kissed me on the forehead and I put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep peacefully knowing that the only person that cares about me is right next to me.

Next morning

I woke up to find I'm still next to gabe, so I got up and got breakfast from the stream next to us it had lots of fish so I cooked that on the fire I just made and woke up gabe.

"come one breakfast is ready,""come one breakfast is ready,"

"Ok sis I'm coming"

"So what time do, you think we will shift today," I asked.

"I don't know," he said.

I got up and said I have to go for a run I jumped into my running clothes and ran in my vampire speed.

when I came back to the top of the water I saw Gabe in his boxers, he jumped over me into the water I think we were in her for what felt like hours but it was like 40 mins until I let out a, bloody Marry scream I felt my bones start cracking I jumped out of the water as fast as I could I looked at Gabe and saw him ran towards me but before he reached me, he also started shifting I could heard two sets of bodies bones cracking and muscle tearing to shift into a wolf. It took about 30min until it finally stopped I laid down and looked at Gabe who was also laying down tired. Gabe was the first to get up and coming over to me and nudging me with his long snout making sure I was alright

'he can you hear me' I hear Gabe in my head

'how the fuck did you do that' I asked

'you just did it, dumbass' Gabe said laughing

'shut up, what colour fur do I have' I asked

'you're a pitch black which is what only alphas have what colour fur do i have?"

'you're the same as me" i said giving him a wolfy grin

I shifted back to human, I looked down and saw I was naked I didn't really care that gabe could see me, we both are used to it. growing up taught us to be more confurtable with each others body, most people would be like 'thats weird' and 'thats not natural' but i couldnt give two fucks.

Gabe also shifted, it was painful but not as much as the first shift "hey are you ok? You got taller and your hair is longer and your breast got bigger and-"I cut him of"OMG look at you, you handsome devil" I pushed his shoulder playfully.

"Why thank you, thank you every much," Gabe said trying to be Elvis Presley

"Wait shut up do you smell that," I said at Gabe and then we sniffed the air and looked at me our eyes both wide

We quickly got dressed "Let's run in our vampire forms so that we can get there faster, so that i can kick his ass" said Gabe as he started packing our stuff

Well good luck to my father RIP nick black because we are coming for you.

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