chapter 14

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Hey guys, I am so sorry for not updating sooner I have been so busy and it has been such a chaotic last couple months. like I said I'am so sorry, but I promise to make it up too you guys. and to aslo clarify that where i come from we spell 'bro


I woke up to my alarm and a massive headache, I got up from bed and went to get some pills and orange juice. I guess I need to get to school so that I can do more research on this kidnapping of my niece.

Getting dressed into my school uniform, I ended up lying down and shutting my eyes. Waking up for a second time by my phone ringing.

"SHIT I FELL ASLEEP" I yelled jumping up from my bed and running over to my side table where my phone was ringing rapidly. Answering it I quickly ran into the bathroom, putting my phone on speaker and placing it down on the bathroom counter.

"hello,  its daisy" I answered, quickly getting my make-up on, which consists of mascara and a tiny bit of concealer.

"where are you daisy" said a shy and timid voice.

"hey sorry Alex I'll be there soon, I kind of fell asleep again" I said putting my hair up into a tight high pony tail.

"It's fine, It's just that I was worried that something happened to you and I need your help Xavier and Ryder flam are having a staring test for the last twenty minutes," he sound panicked and scared

"okay Alex, I'm on my way just try calming down you mate,"  I said reassuring him.

"HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THAT," he yelled still panicked, I was taken back by him yelling "Sorry I didn't mean to yell im just really scared" he apologised.

"your fine, I'll be there in about 10min okay. Just touch him and make him look at you, ummmm try kissing him" I said walking, more like running out of my apartment making sure I grab my bad and keys. I lock the door and start sprinting to the elevator.

"ki-kiss him what if he doesn't want it" he asked again

"trust me he does" I said, punching the buttons to the elevator.

"okay I trust you but how much longer will you take" he asked, still panicked

"I'll be there is like 7min's okay" I said reassuring him, the elevator doors still haven't opened, so I told myself 'fuck it' and running to the fire exit, I ran down the stair jumping some flights of stairs.

"okay, bye" he said, I could here commotion on the other side of the door, making me speed up a little more, I'm a little scared of what can happen to A.

I pushed into the door which was leading to the underground parking lot. Deciding that I was going to take my motor bike cause it would be quicker to get through the morning traffic. Jumping on my bike and putting my helmet on with great difficulty cause of my high pony tail, but I got it on. speeding out of the underground parking I made it to school in a new record of 5 minutes.

Parking my bike and running over too where, I could see a massive crowd pushing my way through the crowd I came to the front where I saw Alex trying to get Xavier's attention by grabbing his hand but Xavier didn't move a muscle, Alex realised I was there and with his pleading eyes for me to help, all I could do was do a kissy face signalling Alex to kiss him. Within 5seconds latter Alex pulled Xavier's hair down and kissed him rather hard, Xavier looked socked but ended up kissing him back straight away. I saw Ryder reaching out to grab Xavier but I acted quickly and grabbed his hand before he could do so, regretting my decision of grabbing his hand cause as soon as I did there was fireworks going through my body and electric shocks. Letting go as soon as I grabbed his hand

"MATE" he yelled, grabbing me and bearing his head into my neck and grabbing my waist. To say I was shocked was an understatement and I was not the only one that was shocked. I rapt my arms around him loving the feeling of love and warmth.

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