Chapter 5: Nightmares and Notch

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As Jake's eyes fluttered opened, he was blinded with lights that seemed to sear through his eye sockets.
Then he heard it, a sound. It was faint. But he heard it. Jake thought it might've said... Gloy? Suddenly, he felt a hard hand slap him across his face making him jerk up.
"At last you're awake!" a man said triumphly. "Boy, look at me! Don't go unconscious on me again!" He decided to give Jake another hard slap, causing another grunt of pain.
"Who... who are you?? Where am I?? Where's Emily???????????" Jake asked getting louder with every question.
Surprised with the oodles of questions, the man began to try to explain, "Woah calm down sunny boy. Don't get your tongue in a twist! Well, just so you know, my name is Mr. Lewis. Ok well how may I say this carefully... well, you happened to be ambushed by a group of raiders in the mine you were in. Luckily, one of our scout teams found you lying on the ground in the mine with severe head trauma. You're now currently in the residence of Mr. Notch. We expect you'll heal from the injuries from your incident. Now, about that girl, what did you call her again? Erica?"
"Uh her name is Emily," corrected Jake.
"Ah yes, Emily. Well she wasn't found at the scene. We're afraid that she's been taken by dem raiders. I'll send word to our scout teams to look out for your friend. Now. I think it's time for you to meet Mr. Notch," announced Mr. Lewis.
"Wait what? Notch. Now?" Jake asked with bulging eyes. "Oh my Notch, I'm going to meet the legendary Notch... oh my..."
"Woah there sunny boy, don't faint now!" exclaimed Mr. Lewis. "Come on now, to Mr. Notch's office with you."


The two walked up to a door at the end of a long hallway of fancy ornate mirrors, antique tables made of diamonds, potted flowers of many assortments and a long golden carpet adorned the lengthy place.
"Sir, is this carpet made of real gold?" asked Jake.
"Why of course!! Why wouldn't it be????" exclaimed an incredulous Mr. Lewis.
The man went up to the door and knocked on the door three times. "Mr. Notch, I've brought Master Jake."
"Ah yus please bring him in please," replied Notch.
Jake and the man stepped into the office while he considered why Mr. Lewis called him "Master Jake". But his thoughts soon disappeared. His eyes were overwhelmed with the appearance of the office.
What his eyes saw couldn't possibly be true. Inside, the room was MASSIVE. Filled with expensive objects, the room was painted in a bright blue shade, as if it were made of... diamond??? The room had many skylights made of ornate glass that was obviously imported from the Great Desserts of Mincraftia. Then he noticed the pillars. They were gigantic! And what they were made of surprised Jake. It was like he was in a Minegyptian tomb with the great pillars filled with hieroglyphs of past pharaohs including the great Tutincreeper and the ancient Slimeses.
The further he walked into the office, the more modern the room got as if he were walking through time. The idea bubbled into Jake's mind that perhaps Notch COULD walk through time because it seemed just impossible to have so many ancient treasures in one place.
As he neared Notch, he noticed that Notch had a beard. A big furry one you might find a man had that decided to never ever trim any facial hair off in his whole life. Then his eyes strayed upon Notch's arms. Jake almost recoiled at the sight. Notch was one buff guy who probably went to the gym. A lot.
"Welcome, Jake, to my residence!!!!" announced Notch in a booming voice. "Now, I was looking through your records and..."
"Wait, I have records???" questioned Jake.
"Why of course young Master Jake. Every citizen of Minecraftia has a record. Often we receive these records at a citizen's birth and then they would be filed away without much need to check on them again, but we've had need to recheck your records again young Jake," answered Notch reassuringly.
"Wait, why did you need to recheck my records Mr. Notch? Did I do something wrong? Or..." asked Jake getting nervous.
Notch all of a sudden gave a great hearty laugh. "More the opposite my boy. We've... determined that you may be... gifted. We think you might possess a certain trait that most Minecraftia citizens don't normally have. With this certain trait, you can easily benefit the nation of Minecraftia," explained Notch.
Jake started thinking. Him. Gifted? Jake was very surprised to hear that. He always felt pretty normal. He never did stand out in school; he often got average grades. The only thing that differed himself from others was his great survival skills that others never seemed to possess other than Emily. That was one of the reasons they actually set off on their adventure.
Notch continued with a big grin that seemed too big for a grown man, "As you know, there have been sightings of raiding parties and rebel groups in the mines and cave systems of Minecraftia. We believe that with your special skill, we can annihilate these pesky rebels that lurk the underground caves and finally bring peace and prosperity to Minecraftia.
The idea was pleasing to Jake but he still had one question that nagged at him. "Sir, what actually happens to be my special skill?" asked Jake.
"Well my boy, with more testing, we believe we can identify the trait better but we currently believe that your special skill is that you can connect with the world of Minecraftia; you can connect with the world in ways that many citizens in Minecraftia can't. With that in mind, we think you can help us find and fight the rebel groups. But it will take training for you to hone your skills so they will be of beneficial use..." replied Notch while contemplating himself.
The idea seemed interesting to Jake. On one hand, who's ever heard of a skill where one could connect with the world and manipulate it? Then again, it could make sense. Jake often thought that survival was very second nature to him. He had a feeling that the two were closely related. But it seemed to Jake that Notch wasn't telling him everything even though he DID explain a lot to him already, it just seemed... that there were too many holes, such as:
Were there more people who had this skill? and
How would this skill actually work? and most of all,
Where in Notch's world was Emily?

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