12 Days

38 1 0

I woke up the the silent breathing. I barely opened my eyes to see a small boy curled into my chest. His arms wrapped around me protectively.

"Lou?" I wiggled him a little. I didn't want to but in order to pee, he had to let go of me. His eyes fluttered open, showing me that beautiful color.

"Oh. Fuck. Harry! Are you alright?" He jumped up. The fabric of my bed fell off his shoulders and onto his lap.

"Yes," I giggled. He smiled and then looked at me to continue talking, "I really have to use the loo, Lou."

We both laughed at my horrible joke until I literally thought my bladder was going to burst. He had such a cute face though when he laughed, his nose scrunched up and his eyes shut a little bit. I got off the bed and tottered to the bathroom. I listened to his cute laugh before turning around and giving him a glare.

He smiles and walks after me. "Hurry up in there. I have to piss too."

I nodded. His hair was messed up, the locks pushed in different angles. He boxers hung low on his waist. Small hairs clung to the skin from his belly button to his boxers. The small abs on his stomach made my stomach flip. Every muscle flex when he breathed in and out. His small arms that were full of muscle. His face was so-

"Harry? I think you are about to pee your pants. Might want to get to the toilet yeah?" I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded, running to the bathroom quickly. A quick pee did me good. I brushed my teeth quickly. I tortured louis. He knocked on the door, begging me to get out so he could go to the bathroom. I laughed and brushed my teeth longer. I also fixed my hair and washed my face. I think he finally went down stairs because when I got out he was gone.

I threw some shorts on and a t-shirt and made my way down stairs. I don't know why I wanted the bedroom upstairs, I can't walk down the stairs when I'm tired because I always trip. I'm pretty clumsy. Not like extremely but when I'm tired, I can't walk.

Sitting at the table was Gemma and louis. She was laughing at something he said. He laughed and his head fell to the ground before looking back up at her. She blushed slightly making the anger boil up in me. I couldn't stand to watch anymore so I ran into the room.

"Lou, lets go upstairs." I hissed. I didn't want to seem possessive but no. Just no. He looked at me and smiled back at my sister making me want to jump in between them so they couldn't see each other.

"Harry. Why don't you introduce me to your friend?" She giggled. Her brown hair fell in her face before she tucked it behind her ear.

"Seems like you know he pretty well." I muttered.

"What? Harry, mum told you to stop muttering!" She laughed. I was boiling over. Every flirty gesture she made, made me want to wrap my arms around his waist and run away with him.

"This is my boyfriend, louis." I growled at her. Her face dropped and when I looked at Louis face, his mouth was wide open and a smile tugged on his lips. It took me a second to register what I had just said. My eyes went wide and my mouth instantly dried. "I meant best friend."

"Sure you did." Louis smirked. My cheeks heated up. I felt like I was in a sauna. The sweat formed at my hair line.

"Fuck off." I growled before walking to the stairs. Once I reached the stairs I took a dead sprint to my room and locking it. I took a cold shower and tried to figure out what had been going wrong. I kept thinking of him in a different way then I should have. He was my best friend that's it. But did I want something more? He was always there for me, he always treated me like I was his best friend, he never judged me, and he is one of the sweetest guys I know.

I got out of the shower and walked in my room for some clothes. Louis was laying on the bed.

"How did you get in?" I tried to sound emotionless. But when he head popped up and a lovely grin was plastered on his face, I couldn't help but give him the slightest crooked smile.

"Gemma showed me where the extra key is. Harry I get that your words got mixed around. No need to make a big deal about it." He started. He walked closer to me. Putting his arms around my neck. I sucked in some air. The towel on my waist was the only thing between us. "Unless you actually feel that way."

He didn't say it in a question form. It was a statement. He knew I wanted him. He knew I would do anything to be his boyfriend.

"Um..... N-no. I just want to be um... Friends. Yeah best friends." I stuttered. He looked at me with those big grey eyes and backed up. Shit. Why couldn't I just have said that I did have the slightest crush on him. Why was it so hard for me to say my feelings out loud?

"Okay. I was just wondering. Anyway, I should probably get home for a bit. Bye hazz." He smiled. He walked up and kissed my cheek. Then left. I was in my bed room all alone. I put some clothes on and walked down the stairs.

Gemma was still sitting at the table, but my boo was no where in sight. "Gem?"

She smiled but didn't look up from the paper she was reading. I knew she heard me though. "Louis isn't my boyfriend. You know that right?"

"Yes, harry."

"Good because I thought maybe you thought that we wer-"

"But you might as well be." She interrupted me. Her green eyes turning to me. A small pink smile tugged at her lips.

"What?" God she gets on my nerves some times.

"When I was talking to him, it sounded like he was in love." She laughed. A moment of silence filled the air. Awkward silence. "With you."


*sorry guys for having such a late update. I work a lot and by the time I get home, I'm exhausted.

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