11 Days

32 2 0

 pounded my knuckles against the wooden door. I knew I could just walk right in but I decided to be polite and wait. There was scurrying and a huge band. Yup, that's Niall for you. I chuckled. The door opened and a short blonde boy popped out.

"Hey Harry!" He yelled and then gave me a strong hug. He smelled like the Jordan cologne he used. He hasn't changed much. His blue eyes were still blue and his hair was still blonde, although the roots were beginning to grow back in. Something was different about him. "Zayn! Harry's here."

"Oh my God! You... um.. got your braces off man!" I smiled.

Zayn walked over to us. His raven hair was pushed up into a quiff. He must have gotten some highlights because a blonde streak stood out in front. "Hey H."

"Hey Zayny!" I said in a girlish voice before jumping into his arms. He giggle and hugged me back. His back muscles have gotten stronger and he had lost some weight. He told me like a week ago that he got a gym membership. Apparently he was starting to really use it.

"Errrm. I'm Louis." He said behind us. Oops, forgot about him. I turned around and grinned. His cheeks were a bright pink color. He shook his hair in front of his eyes and pushed it off to the side. His bottom lip was between his teeth and he was scratching the back of his head awkwardly. I would say he looked adorable but adorable was an understatement.

"Yeah." I walked over to him and threw my arm around his shoulder. I wanted to hold his hand but I decided against it because it would make it awkward. "This is Louis." I grinned.

Zayn walked up first and shook his hand and then Niall followed. "How you doing, lad?" The blonde haired boy laughed. Niall was always the friend that was good with new friends. I wasn't good at all, but Zayn was worse. Louis looked at me before answering.

"Good. What are we going to do?" He was trying his best to impress my friends. But he had already made an impression.

Zayn answered, "Xbox?" He grinned and shrugged.So I guess Zayn had taken a liking to him. He usually stays very quiet unless spoken to. Louis smiled at Zayn and a smirk took over Zayn's grin. I felt a burning in the pit of my stomach. I'm not going to say I was protective, but I was protective and this little exchange had my blood boiling. I honestly wanted to take Louis home right now. Nobody was aloud to look at my Louis that way unless it was me. Especially my friends.  

"Yeah!" They all shouted before entering the huge house. This house was always so familiar to me. It is where I spent the beginning years of my life. The house was a typical British Dream house. It was big, white and a nice picket fence in the front yard and a pool in the garden. The floor was hard wood and there was way too many bedrooms.

Niall set up the X-Box while the rest of us took a seat on the couch. I looked at Louis. He looked so perfect. I realized I had been staring to long when he looked over at me. He rolled his eyes and turned to Zayn.

"So Zayn, how long have you lived in this nice little town? I don't remember seeing you." Louis tried to spark up a conversation. I was expecting Zayn to reply with a one word answer like usual, but no.

"Oh, I've lived here forever. Since I was in the womb actually," Louis chuckled and Zayn continued, "I don't know. It's a nice town. I've met a lot of cool people, but nobody cool enough to date yet."

Louis chuckled. I protectively put my arm by his back. He looked at me and gave me the deadly stare. What the fuck is up with this? Is it attack Harry day? I must have missed the memo. I scooted towards him closer.

"Okay I can not get the fucking wire into the damn box." Niall swore. I laughed and got up to help him. I pushed the outlet into the box. "Oh.... It's that outlet. Then what the fuck is this one." He pointed to the one next to it."

I shrugged my shoulders and got off the floor and walked back over to the couch. Louis and Zayn were staring at us. We played X-Box the rest of the afternoon. I won like 6 games because I am the best. Niall won 2 and Zayn won none. Louis almost won one but I beat him to it. He got so mad he threw the control at me and walked out of the room. I laughed so hard I fell of the couch. After about five more minutes of us calling to him and apologizing, he came back in. The moral of the story is we let Louis win a game so he didn't murder us in our sleep. The clock read 11 and I decided it was time for us to go back to the house.

"Hey guys, we better leave." I stood up off the couch.

"Alreaddyyy?" Zayn whined. I nodded and lifted Louis up by his hands.

"But first I need to let you guys know that I am moving." I said quickly. The room went silent. Nobody looked at each other. "I'm sorry guys. I needed to tell you guys before I left. I'll come back and hang out and stuff but I need to leave to support my mum."

Niall nodded, "When do you leave?"

"11 days counting today." I said quietly. Zayn got up and hugged me first. Then Niall got up and reached for me next. It was emotional. Spending time with my old friends made me realize how much I was going to miss my friends. How much I was going to miss Lou.

We said our goodbyes and fled the house full of my childhood memories.

"Louis?" I had a lot of questions on my mind, but there was one I had to ask.

"Hmmm?" He asked. His eyes were closed and his breathing was steadying. I could feel him. I was tired from a  long day of gaming.

"Do you think Zayn is attractive?" I muttered. The blush was beginning to rise into my cheeks. His eyes opened and he turned toward me. His loud chuckle filled the car and I couldn't help but smile at his adorable laugh.

"Oh God no. He is a nice guy but I don't see him that way." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. I licked my lips and looked at Louis as he returned to his previous position. I dropped him off at his house and went back to my own. It was 12:30 by the time I crawled into bed. 10 more days left until I go to a brand new town and make brand new friends in a brand new house. I sighed. I would rather have everything be old.

Hey there guys! Sorry. I haven't updated in awhile. Like a couple of months or so. I'll be very surprised if any of you read this. Thanks for sticking with the story. I'll be updating more now. I still have school but only 14 more days left. I think I might start updating 2 of my stories every Monday. Give or take a little. Thanks for reading it guys and sorry if it sucked. I'm just trying to make things happen until the move. Love you guys. Read, comment and vote.

-Hunter xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2014 ⏰

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