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I was not sad nor was I depressed there was only one thing that was bothering me that was WHAT WAS WRONG ABOUT SHE TALKING TO ME.


Hope is such a thing which picks you from the ground and makes you fly in the sky and finally throws you from the mountain peak so hard that your heart is broken even before you land on the ground.

Except ROCHELLE there was another friend of mine who knew about ALIYA. When I told him about this he just told one thing

Roy there is nothing wrong in keeping hopes but when your hopes are broken it hurts..(He said pointing towards his heart) It hurts here. Right at the APEX BEAT.

I decided that I would not do anything which people who have lost on love do. Instead I would just leave it on its own because TIME HEALS NOTHING BUT GOD DOES.

I decided to be more focused from now and concentrate on my daily tasks which would help god make his work easier.


"Doctor can you please help me know what has happened to my son?" A soft voice came from behind. I explained him what had happened to his son and there arose a look of satisfaction on his face.

Yes I was a DOCTOR now.

I had joined St. Mercy West Hospital and Trauma Center in CANADA.

Now you'll may think CANADA because ALIYA had said it but trust me when I meant that she didn't mean anything to me now then she really didn't mean anything.

It was that before I could complete my dream I had to get exposure so that's why I moved to CANADA.

It was a new place, new people sexy cold weather. It was a new atmosphere and there was enthusiasm everywhere.

I was monitoring a patient and was sitting in the Nurse station just in front of the cubicle in which my patient was undergoing treatment.

I was completing the further course of treatment and I felt like some known  personality just passed by me.

I looked up trying get a glance of that person. But I could just see a young girl. I guess she was in her late 20's.

The way she walked,
The way her hands swayed,
Her body language,
Her long and bit curly hair,
And those eyes of her which I could see through the reflection in the glass when she took a turn were the most mesmerizing things.

My heart beats raised, I don't know why, I stood up from the chair and began to follow her.

I ran and took a fast turn and there she was still walking ahead.
She moved out of the exit gate of the hospital and waved her hand for taxi.
I started running faster..
I don't know what was going through my  mind that I started following her.
I screamed out to reach her,"Excuse me Maam.. Maam excuse me".But my voice didn't reach up to her.

I ran as fast as I could to reach up to her before she could sit and kept my hand on her shoulder and taking deep breathes said"Excuse me Maam. "

What the f....

She was someone else. I had never seen her before I don't even know her.
What was happening to me. Nothing like this had happened in the last 7 years and why now suddenly. I didn't want anything to happen again.

I thought I was hallucinating and just ignored it.
But you know that feeling was something else.
It felt like it had taken command over me.
It picked me up from the chair and made me find who that girl  was.
I don't know but somewhere inside I had satisfied my heart by saying that I knew her and It was not a Hallucination.

I finished my work and reached home. By the time I could open the door and enter inside I got a call from MERCY WEST saying that there was an emergency and I needed to be there.  I reversed my vechile and returned back to the hospital.

My Junior presented me the case..

He said,"Aunt Lucy, 48 year old female. Case of drowning in swimming pool. No pulse, Blood Pressure dropping Down. What do we do sir?"

I asked him to immediately shift her to the ICU.
I accompanied her into the lift and started giving her CPR. The lift was moving up and it finally stopped in between. I had a 50 year old women on the crash cart. Im giving her  CPR hoping she responds to it and the lift stops. What the hell am I supposed to do. I calmed myself and continue giving her a CPR waiting for her to respond until when I heard a small weeping voice from behind. I was so involved in the case that I didn't get time to even notice who was Aunt Mary's relative.  I just looked up to see who's voice it was.

There were those eyes gazing at me,

And those eyes dropped my jaw and I just kept on looking at her.

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