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"You read my Diary? Aliya, I trusted you. You cant do this," I said to her.

"No......No.... you cant do this. And I thought we were best friends. What is this ROY? " she asked me.

What, I am no way gonna tell her that I love her so much.

I just looked down, trying to avoid answering her.

She must have been in a lot of pain right now. Her wedding broke, the revelations from the diary. I somewhere felt that I shouldn't have had written so much about her. I felt it was wrong to write about someone this way. But then I told myself that I didn't do anything wrong, it was just my inner self who threw away all those feeling because the 125gm heart was not as backed up as a 1 or 2 TB hard disc to keep on storing feelings.

"Why ROY, why didn't you ever tell me about this?" she asked me.

I just kept quite.

"You walk in with me right now and you are gonna tell about it to everyone inside the Church. You owe them a bloody explanation. Now walk with me,"Aliya ordered me.

I simply followed her, didn't want to spoil her day more.

As we entered inside everyone's eyes where on me and ALIYA.

She went and stood at the altar and I had too follow her.

"Are you gonna tell them everything or should I make it easier for you? " she asked me, with a weird look.

Finally she burst out, and when she burst out it was a miracle.
She said,


As she said this all the people sitting in front of us began to clap and screamed "COME ON SAY YES.... COME ON.... "

I was not on the 9 th cloud but my cloud had NO number. What was she saying? Was I dreaming?

"Wooh....... What are you saying ALIYA? You where getting married to JASON here. And he left and suddenly me?
I inquired from her.

"What I'm saying, You should have said it long back. You diary has revealed everything about you. You such a bad stalker, a bad tracer, but always a great LOVER. Roy you were always there for me. And you were the BIKE GUY. I figured out you wanted me to stop boozing and you feared for me. You stood by me as a protector and above all, you love me. So,why not marry me?" she said as if she knew all this from beginning.

What do I do. I had dreamt of this day from 7 years. Today it was happening.

I didn't think much . I looked at her and said, "ITS A BIG YES.. "

She was my WONDER WOMAN....

I don't know how happy she was doing this. She was asking me to be her life partner but did she love me?
Decided to leave the thought. What was I thinking about?

Here I was, wearing a formal Armani with a bow tie and hands in pockets so that no one could see my sweaty hands; standing at the altar and waiting for my bride. Yes, my beautiful bride! I was whipped, badly! I never thought that I would settle down let alone the thought of a grand wedding in LA. It still felt like a beautiful dream to be true. I was getting married to the love of my life! Mushy much? Nah, I am just too happy. The music starts to play; soft tune of violin soothes the knots in my stomach. I straighten up and smoothen my suit.

All nervousness I had felt before, the doubt's and insecurities I've had had vanished. I now wanted her, she is what mattered the most at this movement. She reached the altar and I still didn't take my eyes off her, not even for a second! It felt downright impossible to look at anything or anyone when we were in the same room. My gorgeous bride then smiled at me and stepped up facing me. I don't know how much time passed; may be few minutes before Rochelle cleared her throat and brought us out of our trance. I smiled shyly while she was sporting her typical 'teasing' grin. I looked at Aliya and saw tint of pink on her cheeks. Holy Lord, the way she blushed did something to my heart. We were asked to face forward, towards priest. He started his ranting in which I was least interested as the center of my concentration was standing next to me. I was the first to take my vow.

I wasn't prepared for the vow because it unexpectedly turned out to be my wedding. But then I saw her studying me and gazed into those mesmerizing eyes which had drawn me to them; and it came to me as naturally as it could be. I said "I promise to encourage your compassion, because that is what makes you unique. I promise to nurture your dreams, because through them your soul shines. I promise to be your partner in all things, not possessing you but working with you as a part of the whole. Lastly, I promise to you perfect love and perfect trust, for one lifetime , which with you could never be enough. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things." It came out from my heart. She smiled sweetly at me before she began her vow, "I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together. With my whole heart, I take you as my husband, acknowledging and accepting your faults and strengths, as you do mine. I promise to be faithful and supportive and to always make our family's happiness my priority. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. I will dream with you and celebrate with you and walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring." She took a deep breath and continued all while playing with a strand of hair, "- you are my person- my love and my life, today and always." She blushed, deep crimson, after the last line. I had forgotten to breathe. The happiness I felt in that moment was so overwhelming. I cannot even begin to describe in words what I felt for her. It was deep. I was in too deep now. Priest asked me, "Do you take Miss Aliya Fernandez as your wife?" "I do... I do." I said without any delay. "Do you take Mr Roy as your husband?" "I do." She said without any hesitation. "I now lawfully declare you as husband and wife. You may kiss now!" with this the priest stepped down from the altar. I leaned in close to her and she met me half way. Her vanilla scent wafted through me and drew me into her. I felt so full and content.


You really wanna know how it feels to have your wedding broken? I too cant tell you?

You might think what a girl I might be. I faked to love Jason all the time and ended up marrying ROY.

But let me tell you. I'm married today. Roy is happy and that is what I wanted.

I can NEVER LOVE ROY......


Then why this marriage, the vow and all this big drama?

All this for ROY. Today JASON might not be standing beside me but ROY is. Roy was always there for me. He picked my life as COAL and polished it to make it GOLD. He was there when Jason wasn't there for me. He saved Aunt Mary. He helped me and JASON understand each other. Though he loved me he was ready to sacrifice me just because I loved Jason.

He still thinks that I love him.

For all what he has done to me, I can never pay back anything to him.
Giving him love of his life was my choice. If you would look at the smile on his face and the happiness in his eyes, you would say I still won the day today.

Do some things just to make people happy, just for the sake of a smile, that is where HOPE begins.

From now on,

I MRS. ALIYA HOPE TO FALL IN LOVE MADLY FOR MR. ROY and I believe I'll surely fall in love for him one fine day till I take my last breathe.


HOPE is a good thing may be the best of the things and No good thing ever dies.


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