Chapter 7

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'That's Turnip to you, Bimble.'

Beltrax walked over to Turnip, looking at him.

'It's been a long time Bimble, longer than I can remember.'

Beltrax looked at him dead in the eyes. Tatius stared back with his rheumy dark eyes.

'That's Beltrax to you, Turnip.'

Turnip and Beltrax continued to stare at eachother with blank expression. Suddenly Turnip's lips began to curve into a smile. He began to laugh and that set off Beltrax. Next thing they were both in roaring laughter.

'It's been far too long old friend!'  Exclaimed Beltrax reaching out for a hug.

'Far, far too long!'

They continued to chuckle on for a little while.

'Right... enough of that.' Turnip said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

Beltrax and Turnip turned around and walked towards the book on the large table.

'Hello ma'am. Nice to see you again!'  Turnip said smiling at the pages flickering in the book.

'Yes, Hello Tatius.'  The words slithered from the book like sand through fingers.

Turnip pulled out a chair from the large rectangular table and sat down, Beltrax followed.

'As I'm sure you're aware Tatius I have located another being.'

'Another? How many is that now? 32?'


Turnip looked up from the book at Belltrax.

'Why don't we proceed then?'

The pages from the book flickered once more. 

'Then  proceed we shall!'


Beltrax walked over to the door of the hallway. He opened a hatch next to the door.

'What is that?'

'Tatius I need you to be quiet for 5 minutes.'

Turnip stepped back and observed. Beltrax took out his key of rings and browsed through them. After a while of browsing he took out a key labelled "1-100" and put it into one of the 3 key holes behind the panel. The key clicked and began to turn. Beltrax backed off.

'That should be it.' 

It was silent for a while.

'Bimble... are you sure...'

Suddenly the sound of metal scraping came from inside the walls. The sound was almost like massive cogs turning.

'Yes! It's working! Let's go through Tatius.'

Beltrax opened the door and walked through into the dark hallway. Suddenly the 1st door opened slowly, followed by the second and then the third! Out of the first door came a young boy. As he saw Beltrax and Turnip standing next to him he darted back through the doorway.

'Do not fear young man. We are only here to help! Come on out.'

The boy slowly stuck his head out of the door. He looked at them for a while and then continued to walk out. Suddenly a whole range of people started walking out of the doors as they opened. 

'It's perfect Bimble! Yes! This will do very well!'


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