Chapter 4

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Being in space for an eternity was lonely. This bean had seen the stars, the seven moons of Athlon, countless supernovas, it had been tanned orange by 1 or 2 blackholes and yet the loneliness never seemed to go away. 

It was at this moment that the bean had had enough of this loneliness and decided to plummet to the sphere of the next planet it found.


The man stood high above Mylene.

'Oh how rude of me! Uhmm... my name is Beltrax, Bimble Beltrax.'

Mylene slowly got off the ground maintaining eye contact with him. His eyes were glassy blue like a marble.

'Where am I? What do you want?'

The man stared for a bit in silence and then flicked his goggles back on. He then went to go sit down at a desk and started writing. Mylene waited and waited.

'Are you going to answer me?'  Mylene said in irritation.

'What? Oh yes sorry, you can go now.'

Mylene looked puzzled, she started walking towards the desk.

'What do you mean I can go?'

'I mean that you can go, like you can leave. Bye bye.'

Mylene turned around and walked towards her bag lying on the floor where she fell. She picked it up and headed to the door. As she got to the door she stopped.

'Can I atleast get an answer...' 

Mylene stood there for a while and waited. Nothing had been said and the man was still writing at his desk. She turned around to open the large metal door.

'Oh I just heard you thinking, thinking of what you're going to do now that you're in this city.'

Mylene turned around, confusion on her face.

'How do you know that?'

'Oh I know a lot of things Miss Phira...  Miss Mylene Phira.'  He said still writing away.

'Phira is not a common last name. I once knew a Phira... once very long ago in the...'

'How do you know my name!?'  Mylene asked in alarm.

'Oh I'm sorry I didn't even ask your name, what is your name?'

'Mylene, Mylene Phira!'

'Ah yes, hello Mylene Phira. Now do you want my help or not?'

Mylene stood there in complete silence not sure how to respond. Beltrax got up and walked over to her.

'If you would be so kind as to follow me Miss Phira.'

He then turned around and started walking towards a second metal door on the opposite side of the room. Mylene began to follow him unsure if it was wise or not. Beltrax got to the door , unlocked it and opened it. What lay ahead of Mylene was a long dark corridor. Beltrax then stepped in front of her. He clicked his fingers and suddenly a bright purple light appeared above his index finger.

'Much better! Follow me then.'

He started walking down the hallway and Mylene continued to follow him. The corridor was lined with door after door on either side. Each door had a number above it. They walked and walked until suddenly Beltrax stopped. He turned to his right and lifted his index finger up to the number of the door. The door was numbered 49. He reached into his cloak, taking out a massive key ring, every key had a single number. He started going through them.





Aha! here it is, number 49!'

Beltrax took the key, inserted it into the keyhole and then twisted. The wooden door swung open. Mylene stepped inside. Her eyes widened. She was suddenly in a magnificently lush green jungle. She could hear birds and could smell the fresh jungle air. She turned around to look at Beltrax but instead of a doorway being behind her all that was there was a large tree. Mylene started to panic, what had happened to Beltrax? What happened to the doorway?


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