Chapter 3: Every Kit Gets in Trouble Sometimes

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Mottlekit yawned, trying to look for something to do. Amberleaf had told her to stay inside the medicine den while her leg healed, but she didn't mention how Mottlekit would have fun in it. She gathered a bit of moss from her nest and tossed it back and forth between her paws. Suddenly it fell and plopped on the ground next to Lilykit's paws. 

"Watcha doin'?" Lilykit asked, sitting down next to her sister. She picked up the moss ball and threw it back at Mottlekit. 

"Pretty much nothing." Mottlekit lay down on her nest, letting the moss ball fall to the ground. "I'm so bored..." 

Suddenly Lilykit's ears perked up. "I have a great idea!" she announced, and started bouncing around the den, scattering pine needles all over.

"Okay, what is it? Ouch!" This last commented was directed to a pine needle sticking in Mottlekit's paw.

"Applepaw was going to take me around the territory today," Lilykit said mischievously, a sly grin spreading across her face.

"We can't do that!" Mottlekit burst out at once. "We aren't allowed to leave the territory! And anyway, I don't know if you noticed, but I have a broken leg! I can barely walk!" And there was another reason Mottlekit didn't want to go: she wasn't exactly fond of Applepaw since their angry encounter a half moon ago.

"Suit yourself," Lilykit muttered as she turned to walk out. 

"Wait!" Mottlekit called. "I-I think I would like to go." she said.

"Then let's go!" Lilykit yelled as she dashed out of the den. Mottlekit followed as her sister's long legs quickly rounded around the medicine den. Mottlekit tried to copy her movements as she stalked away from camp. Applepaw's red fur came into view.

"What in StarClan took you so long?" she growled. Suddenly she noticed Mottlekit behind Lilykit. "You brought her?" she glared at Mottlekit. 

"She needs something to do since her leg broke," Lilykit said, gesturing for her sister to come forward. "And plus, it wouldn't be fair for me to go and not her." she added.

Applepaw rolled her eyes. "Ugh, fine. Just try to keep up." she muttered and sank into the pine forest around. 

Mottlekit felt anger surging in her. Applepaw had no right to think she was any less good than her sister! But still, she swallowed her rage and clamped her mouth shut. 

"Come on," Lilykit whispered, flicking her tail for Mottlekit to follow. So she did, trying to silently stalk along the floor like the other two did. But the sun sank lower and lower under the horizon, and Mottlekit felt a sense of foreboding creep over her. She didn't like the dark. She looked back at camp, but decided she would rather be having adventures than curling up in some nest, bored out of her fur. So she turned back around, but only saw a cluster of ivy trailing down a pine tree trunk. They must have already started, she thought, then scolded herself for acting ridiculous. Mottlekit crept forward, edging her way along the wood. She squinted in the dusky light to make out the outline of her sister's fur. "Lilykit?" she called. Wait a second... that wasn't Lilykit...

"Get out!" A hiss erupted from her ear. Mottlekit yowled with all her might, trying to call Applepaw and Lilykit over. "Go away!" a tom growled as he pushed Mottlekit down. He scratched his unsheathed claws across her neck and backside, leaving a long scar. 

Mottlekit sprung up, yowling her head off, and ran backwards away from the tom, feeling droplets of blood fall down her side. She slammed headfirst into Applepaw. 

"Get off, you stupid kit!" Apple paw yelled and pulled her off.

Mottlekit stood up on wobbly legs, trying to stop shaking. Her broken leg was on fire, and now she had  a scar to remember the experience forever. 

"Mottlekit, what happened?" Lilykit shouted, running to her sister's side. She started licking Mottlekit's scar, trying to soothe the bleeding. 

"I-I got lost and I went the wrong direction-" she started.

"You got lost?!" Applepaw interrupted. "We were only walking for, like, three mouselengths!"

Mottlekit was too shaked up to glare, and continued. "I called out for Lilykit but she wasn't there, only a huge black and white tom and he scratched me, and Lilykit, did i ever tell you I was afraid of the dark?" she said.

"Oh, StarClan help me," Applepaw groaned. "A ShadowClan cat afraid of the dark?! What is wrong with you?!" 

Mottlekit sighed and glanced at Lilykit to see if she would side with her, but she expected wrong.

"Yeah, heh heh," Lilykit muttered uneasily, trying to be like Applepaw. "You gotta admit, Mottlekit, that's kind of dumb," she said, not meeting her sister's gaze.

Mottlekit glared at both of them, then stomped away, but her broken leg bent awkwardly, causing her to drag it behind her. She heard both of them laughing at her bad exit.

She crept back into the camp entrance to become face-to-face with a snarling Amberleaf, Pineflower, and Badgertail. "Oops..." she groaned and prepared for a lecture.

"What were you thinking?" Amberleaf growled. "Your leg is going to take forever to heal now! Say goodbye to your apprentice ceremony!" she said, upset, and stalked away with her nose in the air. 

Next Pineflower stepped forward. "Kits are not allowed to leave camp! You know that!" and Badgertail backed her up by saying, "Your mother is right!" 

Pineflower started jabbering about Clan rules and respect and responsibility and blah blah blah, but Mottlekit wasn't listening. She let her head droop. Her eyes widened when she saw Lilykit and Applepaw sneaking back into camp unnoticed. That wasn't fair! Mottlekit thought, but Pineflower and  Badgertail stalked away, not noticing. Mottlekit sighed and slumped down, shame, scar and leg burning. Being a kit definitely wasn't always fun.

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