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~five moons later~
Stormyleaf stood proudly as his kits played and romped about the ShadowClan camp clearing. His mate, Lilyfang, watched them with love and care. "They take after you," she meowed, nuzzling the sturdy former RiverClan tom's cheek.

"They look like you," Stormyleaf said back, and Lilyfang purred in delight.

"So energetic for only two moons old," she murmured. "Just like me when I was a kit." Her mind flashed back, and she winced.

"Everything okay?" Stormyleaf said, concerned.

"Just thinking about... about Mottlestorm." Lilyfang stuttered. "She deserved to live for much longer."

Stormyleaf's eyes clouded in sadness as well. "That's why we named a kit after her," he said. Indeed they had- there were three kits, all healthy and strong. One was a sleek-pelted black tom named Riverkit, after Stormyleaf's old home. The second kit was Flamekit, a ginger tabby tom, named after Firecloud, who had died of greencough a moon after Mottlestorm's death. And the last kit was an absolutely stunning tortoiseshell she-cat with brown tabby stripes layered on top. Lilyfang and Stormyleaf had named her Stormkit, after Mottlestorm.

And Stormkit did act a lot like Mottlestorm! She was a feisty little ball of spunkiness and the whole Clan adored her. Especially Badgerstar. Yes, a lot had happened since Mottlestorm's death. Lionstar lost his last life in a battle with ThunderClan, and Badgertail became Badgerstar and named Tigerfrost his deputy. Badgerstar was very pleased to be a grandfather and spent a lot of time with the kits. But he had to split his time with another litter, for Pineflower had had another litter of kits, named Rosekit and Cloudkit. ShadowClan was at its finest hour- all thanks to Mottlestorm. In fact, Mottlestorm was considered a hero, being the first cat to commit suicide to save her Clan. Her name will be remembered for moons and moons and seasons and seasons until the end of time.

---The End---

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