Chapter 5: A Friend?

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*one moon later*
"Mottlekit, please come see Icefeather's kits. They've opened their eyes!"

Mottlekit rolled her own eyes when she heard this comment from Pineflower. "I don't care," she muttered.

Pineflower stalked over to Mottlekit's face. "I am sick and tired of this constant smart-aleck attitude. You are always on edge about something, especially around your sister. You are never any fun to be around because you never want to be around anyone. If you keep acting this way, you'll never be a great warrior. You'll always be a selfish, snobby little kit." Her mother lectured.

Mottlekit felt a sting of anger at her mother's accusations, but she also felt a wave of guilt. Plus, her leg was pretty much healed and should be getting her apprentice ceremony any day now. The thought that Lionstar might delay the ceremony because she seemed unwilling terrified her. "Fine," she grumbled.

As she walked into the nursery, she was greeted by four squealing furballs. The litter consisted of one she-kit and three toms. "What are their names?" Mottlekit asked.

Icefeather, a soft white she-cat, nodded to Mottlekit. "Eaglekit for the brown and white tom, Crowkit for the black tom, Sparrowkit for the solid brown tom, and Swankit for the white she-cat. " she said.

"All birds," Mottlekit nodded uncomfortably. Who would name all their kits after birds?

"Yes," Icefeather said. "Tigerfrost wanted to because my name is Icefeather. He wanted them to take after me. But they all seem to look like him," the white queen added with a purr.

"Huh. " Mottlekit remarked as she tried to shake the kits off of her.

"Are you Mottlekit? Icefeather told us about you!"

"Did you really get a broken leg? Let me see?"

"Your back looks so strong! Can I ride on it?"

"No, you mouse-brain. She doesn't want us on her back!"

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"Can too!"

Mottlekit felt overwhelmed the kits' endless squabbling. She didn't know how Icefeather ever managed.

"Sorry," a tiny voice came from her left paw. Eaglekit was staring up at her. "They always argue. So you are Mottlekit, right?" he murmured.

"Of course." Mottlekit stared down at the small brown and white patchy kit. Unlike his siblings, he actually acted like a normal cat. Suddenly a shooting pain came from her broken leg. "Let go!" she snapped at Swankit and Crowkit, who were grabbing at her broken leg. "Get off!" she snarled, pain making her angry. The kits scrambled off as fast as the speed of light.

"I want to go now," Mottlekit said to her mother, who was standing, concerned, by Icefeather's nest. Before she spun away, she turned to Eaglekit. "Good luck," she said before hurdling back out of the den. But I bet your littermates aren't as bad as mine, she thought ruefully as she collapsed on her nest in the medicine den.

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