Chapter 13: Two Battles

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Mottlepaw gasped. "It's really him!" She whispered, dumbstruck. She pushed the brown tom off to get a better view.

"Many moons ago, our great-grandparents, also named Jacques and Susan, were forced out of these woods by a ShadowClan and a ThunderClan. As a descendant, Jacques and I will fight for our rightful place." Susan said defiantly.

"Oh?" Lionstar asked, stopping his fight with Greyfeather to tower over the little she-cat. "You and what army?"

Jacques smiled slyly. "Why, this one." He said as he flicked his tail and a stampede of cats flew out of the bushes.

The Clan cats yowled in fear; they started to draw back as the load of cats unfurled. Lionstar arched his back and hissed, trying to scare them off. "Get out!" He snapped at them until a cat flew onto his back and barreled him over.

Mottlepaw let out a shriek of fear. She tried to scratch every cat that came near her, leaving them with permanent scars. She started to run back to the camp, but then she saw Lilypaw struggling with three cats on her. Mottlepaw dashed over to help her. But then, as she watched, her sister didn't want her help. She'd gotten this far in her own, right? In fact, she had been so desperate to leave her own sister behind, they never helped each other. Why start now? Mottlepaw thought. She slowly turned away and continued to escape to camp.

"Help! An army of rogue cats are attacking us!" Mottlepaw yowled to the cats still in camp. They immediately stopped what they were doing.

"Applepaw! Stay here and guard the kits and elders!" Fawndapple, Applepaw's mentor said. Applepaw grumbled about how she never got to do anything exciting, but Fawndapple didn't listen. "Mottlepaw, lead the way." she said.

Mottlepaw leapt back into battle. "Good thinking to get the rest of the Clan," Firecloud growled as he wrestled a slender she-cat.

"I'll help with her," Mottlepaw offered, and flung on the she-cat's back. The she-cat shrieked and ran off. "That was easy," Mottlepaw remarked as she turned to the rest of the battle. Blood stained the grass and yowls rang across the territory. But then, Mottlepaw heard Lionstar and Greyfeather both yowl, "Retreat!" at the same time.

"We will fight again." Lionstar snarled at Jacques and Susan.

"I'll look forward to it." Jacques said with a sly grin on his face.

As Mottlepaw headed back to camp for the fourth time that day, she reflected on the battles. Yes, plural. They had just made two battles out of one. What kind of evil cats are they?

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