Chapter: 4

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Since I'm really into continuing this story I decided to write another lovely chapter. I hope to make this longer than the last one. Please comment. - Alexa

Toby's POV

I look up to the women talking to me and see the one and only Spencer Hastings! It's been years since I last saw her. I try and speak but the words won't come out. All I can do is stare at her.

"Toby?" She says

"Spencer?" I finally choke out

I get up and hug her. Then let her sit down. She reminds me of Avery, with the Brown hair and eyes.

"It's been so long, how have you been." She asks

"Good, How about you?" I smile

"Great, it feels good to be back" she says

"When did you get back?" I ask

"Oh 2 days ago, I've been catching up with the girls." she laughs

I miss her laugh, her smile, her jokes. We continue to chat, until Avery runs up to me.

"Daddy, can you push me on the swing" She yells. Then her attention turns to Spencer. "Daddy, that's the girl who help me yesterday."

I look at Spencer, her face is showing so many emotions at once. Then she smiles at Avery. That's the one thing I forgot to tell her. I have a Daughter.

"Can you hold on Sweetie, I'll be there in a minute ok." I say looking back at Avery.

"Ok!" she runs off back to the playground.

I look back at Spencer and smile, she smiles back but then frowns.

"Toby why didn't you tell me you were married and had a daughter?" She questions.

"Umm...Well first off I'm not married" I blurt

"Ok, but what about your daughter" She asks still trying to clear things up

"She's Adopted" I whisper "And her name is Avery"

"Well how old is Avery?" She smiles

God I love that smile.

"She's 3, will be 4 next month" I clear up.

"She's very smart for a 3 year old" She states watching Avery go down the slide.

"Yeah, just like you" I blurt out. I instantly want to take my words back.

She smiles again.

"DADDY!" Avery screams

I run over to her, she's crying. I pick her up and bring her back to the bench.

"What happened" Spencer asks looking concerned

"She must of fell." I say setting Avery down and looking at her knee. It's bleeding.

"I have a Band-Aid in my wallet" Spencer says grabbing her wallet. She produces the Band-Aid and carefully puts it on Avery's Knee.

After the Band-Aid is on, I try and calm Avery down. Once she is calm enough she looks at Spencer and hugs her. I look at how similar they look. I smile at them.

Spencer's POV

I say goodbye to Toby and Avery and walk back to the hotel. Memories rush back to University. I lay down on the couch and think back to that day.


"Are you sure you would like to give her away." The doctor says

I nod and tears flow down my face. She deserves someone who can take care of her and Love just as much as I wish I could.

The Doctor leaves the room and comes back with the Papers. I start signing the page when I stop at name.

"Do I name her or leave it blank." I ask

"You can do either or" The doctor replies

I decide to leave it blank, someone will give her a beautiful name and she will probably love it. I give the papers back to the doctor.


Tears stain my cheeks as I think about how my life would have been if I kept her. But I couldn't afford a place to keep us in. It was near the ending of my first year of University.

I cry myself to sleep.

Hey its longer! What do you think will happen next -Alexa

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