Chapter: 16

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Ok this chapter will be about Spencer talking to Avery about how she feels. -Alexa

Spencer's POV

After Toby proposed last night everyone congratulated us and we talked. Soon enough everyone left and me and Toby decided to leave. We said goodbye to Hanna and Caleb. Avery was sleeping over so we said we'd pick her up tomorrow.

Now its morning and Toby had to work so I'm alone. I get out of bed and go to make myself breakfast. As I'm eating I get a text.

H-Avery's crying, she says she misses her Dad.

I quickly reply back.

S- I'll pick her up in 20, keep her calm until then.

I finish my breakfast and run back upstairs. I grab some clothes and throw them on. Then I leave to Hanna's house.

When I arrive Hanna answers the door holding Avery. She still quietly sobbing. Me and Hanna walk into the livingroom. She hands me Avery.

"Hey sweetie what's wrong." I say

"I want Daddy!" She cries.

"He's at work sweetie." I say rubbing my hand up her back.

Hanna excuses herself and goes into another room. I take a seat on the couch putting Avery on my lap.

"Mommy, do you love me." She asks

"Ofcourse I do sweetie." I smile

"What about Daddy?" She asks

"Ofcourse he does. We both love you very much." I say tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Then why did I just meet you." She whispers

"Honey its a long story, I'll tell you later ok." I say.

I knew she was wondering. I wasn't there her whole life, Toby was. She probably thinks I don't love her and I do.

I get up and thank Hanna for watching Avery. She hands me Avery's overnight bag and her shoes.

Then I leave, I open the car door and put Avery in her car seat. She waves bye to Hanna. I smile and put her shoes on her feet. Then put her bag beside her.

I get in the car and drive to the police station. Avery wants Toby, so why not surprise him.

When we arrive at the station I help Avery out of the car. She runs towards the door. I follow behind.

The lady at the front desk asks for a name.

"Spencer Hastings and Avery Cavanaugh to see Toby Cavanaugh." I say

"Hold on a moment." She replies.

I grab Avery's hand and we walk to a pair of seats.

"Mommy, why are you crying." She asks.

I wipe my eyes not even knowing I was crying.

"Nothing sweetie." I smile.

Toby walks out of a room and goes over to the front desk. They talk until the lady points at us. Toby turns and smiles. Avery hops off the seat and runs to Toby.

"Daddy!" She yells.

"Hey sweetie." He smiles spinning her around. I laugh and stand up.

Toby kisses my cheek.

"Why are my two favourite girls doing here." He asks

Avery cups her hands over Toby's ear and whispers something. He nods then looks at me. I fake a smile.

Toby whispers back to Avery and she frowns.

"What's wrong." I ask

"Nothing." Toby says before kissing Avery's head.

I nod. Toby lets down Avery.

"Honey can you let me and mommy talk." He says to Avery.

She nods and goes and sits down.

I look at Toby, what does he want.

"Avery told me that she thinks you don't love her." He frowns.

"Toby I do love her, she just doesn't understand why I wasn't in her life til now." I say as a tears form in my eyes.

"Talk to her Spence, tell her why you weren't in her life til now. She's very smart and understanding." He smiles

"Why did she frown earlier." I ask

"I told her to talk to you, she was just nervous." He reasures.

"Ok, I'll talk to her." I say.

He kisses me briefly before going back to work. I call Avery over and we head back to the car.


We've been home for half and hour and I still haven't talked to Avery. Maybe I'll do it after dinner. Which was still 2 hours away.

Avery walked over to me and sat down.

"Mommy, can we talk." She asks

"Yeah sure baby." I say

"Do you love me." She says

"Ofcourse I do, I've always loved you." I smile pulling her onto my lap.

"Then why did I just meet you." She frowns.

"Well when I had you 4 years ago I didn't have any money to take care of you." I say "and you didn't deserve a life like that, so I gave you to someone who could take care of you. But then your Daddy adopted you."

"Wait why didn't you give me to daddy instead of an orphange." She asks

"I hadn't spoken to your daddy about you. He didn't know I had you." I say begining to cry.

"Then why did daddy adopt me." She says hugging me

"Because he needed someone in his life to make him happy. And it was just a coincidence that he got his acutal daughter."

"Mommy but if daddy is my real daddy then why didn't he know til now."

"I never told him about you, and it was a surprise to me when I found out he adopted you." I smile

"I'm confused." She says

"Your only 4, you'll understand when your older ok." I say

She nods and doesn't ask anymore questions. I kiss her cheek and hug her.

"I love you Avery." I whisper

"I love you too Spencer/Mommy." She smiles.

I laugh.

Ok this chapter was probably really badly written but I was having MAJOR writer's block. Hoepfully the next chapter will be more interesting. -Alexa

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