Chapter: 11

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Happy Easter!-Alexa

Toby's POV

3 weeks later

Today is the day that we find out that if Avery is acutally Spencer's daughter. I'm holding the papers in my hand waiting for Spencer to come down. She's taking a shower.

Avery is being watched by Aria and Ezra because Avery really wanted to hang out with them. I hear the bathroom door open and Spencer comes out. I smile and she comes and joins me.

"What are those." She asks nodding towards the papers.

"The test results." I say.

She gasps and her eyes start getting teary.

"Spence" I say rubbing her back with my free hand."it will be ok."

"Toby just read them." She chokes out.

I turn the papers over and read until I find the words I need. In bold letters it says 'Spencer Hastings is 99.9% the mother of Avery Cavanaugh'.

I read Spencer the exact words and she starts to cry. I pull her into a hug and try and calm her down.

"Toby...I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was pregnant." She cries

"But now you know that your daughter is healthy." I say

"Toby she's your daughter. The adoption papers say." She says looking at me.

"Spence, you birthed her. She's yours as much as she is mine." I whisper.

"But how is it possible that you adopted your own daughter without knowing that is was yours." She asks

"Luck I guess, but I want you in her life Spencer." I say before kissing her.

She kisses me back and I pull her onto my lap. She smiles, I kiss her smile and stand up. She wraps her legs around my waist. I walk upstairs and place her gently on the bed. I crawl on top of her and kiss up her neck. She tugs at my shirt and I pull it off.

Spencer's POV

I wake up next to Toby, he's playing with my hair. I shut my eyes to pretend I never woke up. But he pulls me closer to him.

"I know your awake." He says and kisses me.

I smile and kiss him back.

"I love you." I say but soon regret it.

"I love you too." He says.

I grin and cuddle with him. We talk about what happend over the last 5 years. He told me the best day of that five years was adopting Avery.

"Did you name her." I ask clearly wondering where the name came from.

He nods." I remebered how you loved that name. So I named her that." He says

"You named our daughter after something I liked when we even broken up." I say

"We may have broken up but I never stopped loving you." He says.

I start to cry and Toby comforts me. When I'm calm enough to speak again.

"Did you ever try and get over me." I say

"I tried hard, I went on a couple of dates with this girl but she wasn't what I was looking for." He says

"What were you looking for." I ask

"You." He smiles. I smile and kiss him one more time before getting up.

I grab some clothes from the closet and throw them on. Toby gets changed also.

"What time does Avery get back?" I ask

"Tommorow morning, then I have to work." He says.

I look at the clock it's only 3 o'clock.
"What do you want to do?" Toby asks

"We could bake." I suggest wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You don't bake Spence last time you made me cookies they were burnt." She jokes

"Hey! You said thoses were good." I defend.

He laughs and kisses me. I fake a frown and turn my head.

"Spence come on that was 5 years ago." He says pulling my face back in his direction.

"Yeah 5 years ago." I whine

"Fine you can get another chance." He says pulling me downstairs. I smile.


3 hours later we end up with totally too floury cookies. Toby smiles and says I told you so. So I throw a cookie at him.

"Atleast there not burnt." I say in defense. He laughs and hugs me tightly.

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