Chapter 5

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Y/N: I hate school :(

Lolo: Why?

Y/N: It's stupid

Allysus: How is it stupid?

Y/N: I don't want to be laughed at again...

QueenD: Well dawg you ain't gunna like puke again are you?

ManiBear: DINAH!

BananaGirl: Just don't puke and you should be good! :)

Y/N: Wow I never thought of that...

BananaGirl: See Lolo I'm Smart!

Lolo: She Was Being Sarcastic...

BananaGirl: Oh...

Allysus: Chill

QueenD: Damn let her have her moment...

Lolo: Fine.

Y/N: Guys I'm so scared.

Y/N: Like come kidnap me or something.

Y/N: Please

Y/N: I can't go on like this, it's so embarrassing...

Lolo: Chill babe


QueenD: She's called you that before...

Y/N: She has!?

BananaGirl: Yes she has

ManiBear: Stupid...

Lolo: She isn't stupid

QueenD: AWE

QueenD: Lo defending her girl



Y/N: But back to the school thing.

Y/N: Please help

Lolo: I'd go kidnap you if i could babe, but you're in...

Y/N: Miami


Lolo: But we are in LA at the moment :(

QueenD: So what Lauren is saying is that if she was home she'd go kidnap you from school and keep you locked in her secret sex dungeon and I right?

ManiBear: Lauren you have a sex dungeon?!

Allysus: You've been our friend for a while now and haven't told US!?!

BananaGirl: CAN WE SEE IT!?!?!

Y/N: I wouldn't mind having a look...

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