Chapter 43

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Lauren: Heyy baby where were you yesterday? I tried calling you.

Y/N: Oh yeah, I was just cleaning around my apartment and I meant to call you back but I fell asleep :/

Lauren: Its okay ;)

Dinah: Stop

Normani: Please

Camila: You girls are too cute <3

Y/N: We didn't even do anything

Lauren: Yeah we didn't...

Lauren: But on another note...

Lauren: I really want to just hug you </3

Camila: Same

Lauren: >:(

Camila: What? She gives good hugs

Lauren: But there my hugs

Ally: Chill Lauren and tbh she does give good hugs

Y/N: Yeah I do ;)

Lauren: Don't get all cocky on me now

Lauren: I strongly dislike it when people are cocky

Y/N: Okay I'll stop... for you

Dinah: So if I would have asked you to stop would you?

Y/N: No...


Y/N: Very :)

Normani: Wow she even admitted it 0-0

Y/N: Yes I did :)

Lauren: :*

Y/N: :*

Camila: Damn i'm sooooo single

Dinah: I thought you liked being single?

Camila: Yeah well that changed

Ally: How come?

Camila: Because Y/SN is so cute and I want that

Ally: ;)

Camila: Chill Ally

Ally: :(


Y/N: Whats up with you guys?

Ally: Nothing but I just rejected :(

Dinah: BY WHO?

Ally: Camila :(


Lauren: Do you not remember when Ally sent Camila that winking face?

Normani: OHHHHH

Dinah: Dawg why would you do that?

Camila: IDK

Dinah: Don't 'IDK' Me

Camila: I'm Sorry Ally I love you

Ally: Aww I love you to sweetie

Camila: Don't call me 'Sweetie' makes you sound old

Ally: Okay :(

Y/N: :{(

Lauren: The hell is that?

Y/N: he has a mustache

Normani: Oh...

Dinah: Sure he does...

Ally: Yeah...

Camila: Imma just go...

Y/N: :(

Dinah: Same^^

Normani: Bye...

Ally: I have to... vacuum my swimming pool

Ally: BYE!

Lauren: :{)

Y/N: I Love You :{)

Lauren: And I Love You :{)

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