Chapter 49

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Lauren and I quickly rose to our feet and glared at the bread of a boy, I remembered Normani saying something about him showing up but I didn't want to believe it.

I swear he just had to ruin this happy moment, I also swear if her comes up over here and asks Lauren out again I'mma fight the bread lookin hoe.

Brad slowly walked up to us, a grin on his face, as he wlaked over you could hear the low whispers of the girls.

"Why is Bread here?" Ally whispered

"Who invited this hoe to ruin the moment?" Definitely Normani

"Get outta here with your no lip self" Dinah whispered shouted as he walked closer.

Once he was right in front of Lauren and I, a huge grin on his face, he opened his mouth the speak.

"Hello" He said in a wannabe charming tone.

"Hi" I spat at him

"May I ask who you are?" He asked and I just glared at him.

"Doesn't concern you bread" I said and his jaw set, oh so that makes him mad?

I took my left arm and wrapped it around Lauren's waist, pulling her closer to me, I looked back over at him and saw the anger in his eyes, this is pretty fun.

"So Brandon what can I do for you?" I asked and he scoffed

"It's Brad" He spat back "But I'd like to speak to Lauren" He said and Lauren's grip tightened on my hand

"I'm sorry but she doesn't wanna talk to trash like you" I said with a chuckle, he sent me a harsh glare before he spoke.

"Who are you to speak for her?" He asked, his voice now getting annoying.

"Actually I'm her girlfriend" I said causing him to make a weird grunting sound, I know I'm just pissing him off so much, it's pretty funny actually.

"But I could give her so much more" He said which made me a little mad but I still had a response.

"Trust me, you can't with your shrimp dick self" I shot back and his mouth fell agape for a few seconds before he regained himself.

"But I'm a guy and you're not" He said and my jaw clenched, I let go of Lauren's hand and un-wrapped my arm from her waist.

"Baby why don't you and the girls go inside?" I told them without looking that direction, my eyes trained on the moldy bread in front of me.

"Why don't you leave before I make you" I gritted through my teeth, he smirked and shook his head.

"Nah I think I'll stay" He said in his annoying voice.

"Alright you leave me no choice" Was all I said before I launched myself at him, tackling him down to the ground and punching him repeatedly, I when I stopped fro a second I saw that he had a broken nose and and busted lip, poor guy... sike he should've listened.

I was about to hand another blow on him when I was suddenly pulled off of him, i was brought into the house and set on the couch, Lauren immediately came to my aid, looking at my hands only to see that they were bruised and bleeding.

"Are you okay babe?" She asked me, I nodded and leaned closer to her to give her a peck on the lips.

"I love you" I whispered to her and she kissed my cheek quickly before whispering an 'I love you too'.

Several hours later Lauren and I were laying down in her room watching a movie, I'm not sure of what the movie was about since I was falling asleep the whole time.

Halfway through the movie Lauren tapped me awake.

"Thank you" She said and pecked my lips

"For what babe?" I asked

"Kicking his ass"

"It's no big deal" I said and she chuckled "Can I sleep more?" I asked and she nodded before opening up her arms for me to crawl into, and once I did I instantly feel asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in my face, last night Lauren and I asleep in each other's arms for the first time in months and it was great, but this morning when I woke up I was cold and lonely, Lauren was nowhere to be found.

But there was a note...

Dear Y/N:

The Girls and I had to go to the studio today, I totally forgot to tell you yesterday because of the whole no lip thing, so I wrote you this note! Sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up and i'm also sorry that I didn't wake you up and tell you goodbye, you were just too cute and I didn't want to wake you.

I made you breakfast (on the kitchen counter) I hope you enjoy it, I had to beat Dinah because she wanted to eat it but it was for you so if Dinah holds a grudge i'm sorry :)

I love you


I chuckled reading the letter, I pulled out my phone and decided to shoot Lauren a text thanking her for the breakfast and telling her I read her letter.

Y/N: Hey babe

Lauren: Hallo

Y/N: Thank you for breakfast ;)

Lauren: You're welcome

Y/N: It looks sooooooo good

Lauren: Yeah Dinah said the same thing before I swatted her away

Y/N: Awww

Y/N: Poor Dj

Y/N: MMMMMMmmmm this food is sooooooooo good THANK YOU

Y/N: but I do miss you, next time just slap me and wake me up so I can give you a goodbye kiss :(

Lauren: You're welcome

Lauren: And you were just sooooo cute I couldn't

Y/N: But I wanted a Kiss :(

Lauren: You can have all the kisses you want when I get home :*

Lauren: Okay Its my turn to record so I gotta go

Lauren: BYE I love you

Y/N: Love you too

I closed my phone and finished off my breakfast, once finished I went and laid down on the couch with a full stomach, already feeling sleepy again.

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