Chapter 28

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Me: Leave me alone :(

After I send out that text I shut off my phone and tossed on my couch, and plopped down next to it, thinking about the stupid argument that Lauren and I had just about twelve hours ago.


Its 10:32 am and I'm awake, like what am I doing awake?

Well the reason I'm awake is due to the fact my girlfriend is coming over in about an hour, and I'm very, very excited.

Well you may take my excitement the wrong way Lauren and I aren't having sex or anything we are just hanging out, getting to know each other better, and I really want to spend all the time I can with her before she has to go LA again to record or whatever else she does out there.

I'm still lying in bed, dreading getting up.

I lay down for about eight more minutes so that it 10:40 am, I get up and walk over to my closet to get clothes to wear for the day.

Once my outfit was pick, which consisted of a pair of black skinnys and a Three Days Grace shirt along with a pair of vans, I walked over to my bathroom and turned on the shower and got ready to get in.


After my shower I dressed and walked out to my living room and sat down on my couch, pulling out my phone in the process.

I saw that I had two new messages from Lauren.

Lauren: Hey Baby I'm about to head out <3 See you soon :)

Lauren: Okay I'm now on my way be there in about twenty.

Me: Okay can't wait! <3

Me: Oh and don't text and drive >:(

Lauren: I'm not, I'm at a stop light

Me: Okay good, see you in a few <3

Lauren: Okay  :*

Me:  :*

I quickly shut off my phone and hopped up, I really needed to clean up my place a little before she gets here, because damn it's a mess.

I jogged over to my room to see how messy it was and it wasn't that bad, just clothes on the floor. I quickly scooped up all the clothes and threw them into my dirty clothes hamper and I just straightened up my room a little more.

Once my room looked decent I had to work on my other areas like my kitchen, I just had to wash the dishes so I did, once I finished the dishes I wiped down the counters and was done so I made my way down to the living room.

My living room wasn't THAT messy, I just had to pick up a few things and it was good, once finished I looked down at my phone to check for any messages and saw that I had three.


Lauren: NVM IT'S OPEN!

Lauren: Be there in a minute :)

Me: Okay ;)

I closed my phone and sat down on my couch to wait for her.

Several minutes later my doorbell was ringing, I shot up and ran to the door, tripping in the process. I had tripped over Maverick's dog toy and fell on the ground, I really hope Lauren didn't hear that because that'd be embarrassing.

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