Chapter 42

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*Chat without Lauren*

Y/N: Guys in two weeks I fly out to LA

Y/N: To surprise Lauren and I'm nervous.

Ally: There is nothing to be nervous about...

Y/N: But what if she's cheating on me and I like catch her in the act?

Y/N: Or what if she doesn't want me there?

Y/N: What if...

Dinah: Yo Stop with the What If's

Y/N: But

Camila: *BUTT

Y/N: Butt Like what if she gets mad at me :(

Normani: If you continue on with these what ifs your going to go mad

Y/N: But i'm like hella nervous

Ally: You still have 2 weeks to prepare

Y/N: What if when i'm there I like piss her of and she's like mad or some shit?

Normani: Y/N

Normani: She loves you and even if you do piss her off and shes like mad she will forgive you because she loves you, and no shes not going to cheat on you because again she loves you, very much like she never shuts up about you its always Y/N this or Y/N that, its kinda annoying if you ask me...

Y/N: Really :)

Normani: Yes really

Y/N: Okay I will stop with the what ifs and think positive :)

Dinah: There ya go ;)


Dinah: Damn sorry

Dinah: Not sorry :)

Camila: :/

Ally: :/

Y/N: :(

Normani: :) YASSS BOO

Dinah: :)

Dinah: Luv u

Normani: Luv u 2

Y/N: 2 QT 4 ME

Ally: Same ^

Camila: Same Same ^^

Y/N: But i'm still nervous

Y/N: I haven't seen my baby in like 3 weeks

Y/N: Its terrible

Y/N: I want to hold her

Y/N: Kiss her

Y/N: Tell her I Love her

Dinah: Sex her



Normani: BABE

Y/N: Maybe that too...

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