Chapter 45

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*Without Lauren*

Y/N: I leave for LA today.

Y/N: I'm nervous as fuck.

Y/N: Give me some words of encouragement.

Normani: Chill like we said there is nothing to be nervous about...

Camila: Why are you even nervous?

Y/N: I don't even know...

Y/N: I just am

Dinah: Well chill dude your nervousness is making me nervous


Ally: Y/N Don't listen to her shes just dumb.

Ally: And are you ignoring Lo?

Y/N: I haven't texted her today. Why?

Ally: Because she keeps looking at her phone like shes waiting for something.

Y/N: Oh okay, i'll shoot her a text after I get all of Mavericks thing ready for the plane

Camila: Just text her now so she'll stop being sad!

Y/N: Okay I will chill

Camila: :)

*You and Lauren*

Y/N: Heyy babe ;)

Lauren: HEY

Lauren: Sorry *Hey

Lauren: I forgot Caps lock was on...

Y/N: Sure you did ;)

Y/N: You could just admit that you missed meh

Lauren: Nope never

Y/N: So what have you been up to?

Lauren: Nothing just sitting around...

Lauren: ...Missing you :(

Y/N: Aw babe I miss you to but i'll see you soon right?

Lauren: Yes, your still coming with us on tour right?

Y/N: Yup

Lauren: Good so i'll see you in like 2 months :(

Y/N: That's not that long babe, it will be here before you know it then you'll want to get rid of me because you will be tired of me

Lauren: I could never get tired of you :) <3

Y/N: I love you

Lauren: I love you to

Y/N: Okay I have to go get ready for this thing, talk to you later?

Lauren: Okay, Bye babe

Y/N: Bye

*Without Lauren*

Y/N: I finished packing and i am not heading towards the airport...

Ally: We will be at the airport to pick you up, but we are leaving Normani to distract Lauren

Dinah: Yeah we gotta leave my boo with your boo

Y/N: Okay sounds good

Y/N: I gotta go, Driving.

Y/N: Bye guys

Normani: Bye

Camila: Byeee

Ally: Safe trip, text us when you arrive at the airport

Dinah: Peace dawg.

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