Chapter 87

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*Call between Y/N and Lauren*

Ring... Rin-

Lauren: BABY!

Y/N: Damn chill

Lauren: Sorry but you're still at the store right?

Y/N: Yeah and I just ran into Ally

Lauren: Cool but I really need something

Y/N: What is this something you need?

Lauren: Okay Here I go... Cookies, Frosting, Pickles, Doritos, And Bread

Y/N: The hell Why do you need bread? Fuck that fuckboi

Lauren: Yeah fuck him but I really need a loaf of bread

Y/N: Fuck Dorito too, He hurt Mila

Lauren: Yes I understand that but I really just want some chips so please

Y/N: Fine fine but why didn't you write this shit down on the list when I left to get you the other stuff you wanted?

Lauren: I don't know, They just came to me right now

Y/N So let me get this straight, Cookies, Frosting Wait what kind?

Lauren: Just get what ever

Y/N: So if I get chocolate you'd be good?

Lauren: Just get the damn frosting!

Y/N: Okay Okay chill, Pregnant women these days

Lauren: What did you say?

Y/N: Nothing!

Lauren: That's what I thought, now finish naming off the list

Y/N: Okay so Cookies, frosting, Pickles, Doritos and bread?

Lauren: Yes

Y/N: Okay is that all?

Lauren: Could you get me a fish?

Y/N: Like a pet fish?

Lauren: Yeah

Y/N: Why do you want a fish you almost killed the last one you had

Lauren: I just want one, you're at Walmart right?

Y/N: Yes

Lauren: Then get me a beta fish

Y/N: From Walmart?

Lauren: No shit

Y/N: But babe they all look so sick

Lauren: So let me get one, I wanna save it

Y/N: Okay but you better take care of it

Lauren: Just get the damn fish

Y/N: I am, I am

Lauren: Sorry

Y/N: For?

Lauren: Acting so mean

Y/N It's okay babe as Long as you love me i'm good, just like don't beat me or anything

Lauren: Wouldn't ever dream of it, I could never hurt you

Y/N: I know babe I love you

Lauren: I love you more

Y/N: Not possible

Lauren: Totally is babe

Y/N: Fine you win this time

Lauren: I win every time

Y/N: True

Lauren: I Love youuuu

Y/N: I Love You too babe

Lauren: Okay I'll let you get back to shopping

Y/N: Okay I'll be back home in a bit

Lauren: Good because I miss you already

Y/N: Miss and love you but I gotta go I'm at check out

Lauren: Byeeeee

Y/N: Bye

Call Ended


should I do a Normani and Dinah call as well?

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