Chapter 52

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Y/N Pov:

Y/N: Have Fun :)

I quickly closed up my phone and chuckled at the thought of Clara and Andrea going up to Lauren and asking her why my name is Papi on her phone, this should be good.

But damn she's going to be so pissed when she gets home...

Lauren's Pov

I had just stepped out of the booth when I noticed that my mom and Andrea were standing right next to the doors, confused I walked up to them and asked what's wrong.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked confusion written all over my face, I noticed that my mom had my phone and Andrea had Normani's phone, Oh damn... I'm fucked.

"Hi Mami" I said nervously

"Lauren, Why is Y/N's Name 'Papi' on your phone?" she said in a confused tone "She is not your father"

I could hear the girls laughing in the background, I had no idea what to say but what I do know Is that I'm going to kill Y/N when we get home, I know she had something to do with this.

"Well you see" Fuck what do I say "It's like an inside joke?" I said and it came out more as a question.

"Is that a question or a statement?" My mom asked

"Question" I didn't mean to say that oh god what do I do know, I can feel my face becoming red

"And why is it a question?" She asks

"Because I was lying" WHY DON'T I THINK BEFORE I SPEAK?

"Why did you lie to me?" I could tell she was getting frustrated

"I didn't want to tell you the real reason" Duh

"Well now you're going to tell me the real reason"

Fuck I can't lie to save my life, maybe I'll just tell her the real reason.

"But it's embarrassing" I whined

"No, Tell me" My mom said as Andrea nodded beside her

"Fine" I sighed, I really didn't see myself heaving this conversation today "Y/N likes it when I call her that" I quickly looked down not wanting to see my mom's reaction.

All I heard was a gasp and next thing I knew I was being slapped on my head repeatedly, ooh Y/N you're going to get it when I get home.

"Mami! Stop" I caught her hands stopping her from hitting me.

"You nasty girl" By now Camila, Dinah, Normani and Ally were in tears watching and videotaping our interaction.

"Me nasty? Y/N's the one who likes to be called that" since Y/N most likely told my mom to confront me why not get her back?

"I'm going to have a word with Y/N" My mom said sternly.

"Yes, Yes you are"

"I'm going to call her"

"You do that" I chuckled

My mom brought my phone out and dialed Y/N's number, bringing it to her ear I just waited.

"Hello Y/N?" My mom said while looking at me

Y/N Pov:

My phone started ringing, I picked it up and saw that Lauren was calling and instantly answered it.

"Hey babe" I chuckled

"This is Clara" A stern sounding voice sounded

"Oh Shi- sorry" damn what did Lauren do...

She probably threw me under the bus as I did she but who knows?

"Yes, so what to explain to me why you like to be called 'Papi'?" oh fuck, LAUREN!

"Uhhhh" What do I say? "I don't know..." I mumbled

"That's not a valid answer" she said "You're not her father so she should not call you that or any reason"

"I'm Sorry" I spoke into the phone "May I please speak to Lauren?" I asked

"Yes, Here she is" I assume she handed the phone to Lauren

"Hi Babe" She said sweetly

"Don't 'HI Babe' Me" I said trying to be threatening "you know what you did"

"I Do" She chuckled "But I also know what you did, and that was more embarrassing"

"Okay true, but your mom wanted an answer and you seemed like the right person to give it to her" I smiled

"You're evil" She laughed "Okay I gotta go eat, see you in a few and I'll bring you something to eat as well"

"Awww you're so good to me" I said with a big smile

"I know" I giggled "I love you"

"I love you to"

She hung up the phone and I went along with my business well doing nothing and waited from them to get home.


Not the best but oh well :)

Updated A/n:

Okay that face is creepy sorry, and I didn't change much in this chapter cause I'm lazy :/

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