Chapter 2

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Edward burst through the door, waking me from my slumber on the living room couch. I rubbed my eyes and he stood there looking quite scared

"Eddie?" I asked

"Yeah it's just me, Harry" he shivered. I got up and threw the blanket I was using over him

"What are you doing here? I thought you were at Zach's house" I yawned and stretched out my arms

"It's Zayn. And I just wanted to come home. Didn't feel comfortable there" he muttered. I stood there looking at him. That's weird. He stays at people's houses with no problem...

"Guys!" Marcel yelled from his room. That's his nice way of telling us to shut up

"I'm going to bed" Edward said and trailed back to his room after putting my blanket back on the couch. I honestly don't remember falling asleep but it happens when I watch tv. I checked the time and saw that it was almost 5 am. I get up in an hour anyways so I didn't see the point of going back to sleep. Then an idea popped into my head

Cupcakes!! I mentally jumped up and down and started clapping. I love to bake and cook, it makes me really happy. But not as happy as singing makes me

"Isn't she lovely. Isn't she wonderful. Isn't she precious, less than one minute old" I hummed around the small kitchen, rummaging through cabinets and grabbing things I needed. I stopped singing when my phone buzzed in my pocket

From: William
Hey wanna do something today? I'm so bored. Sorry if I woke you up

William Louis Tomlinson. We met in high school and have stayed friends since. He's like Edward, covered in piercings and tattoos. Surprisingly they're not friends, but he and I clicked immediately

"Sure!" I replied and got back to baking. While the cupcakes were in the oven, I began on breakfast because I'm the only one that won't burn the place down

"Morning" Marcel yawned, sitting down at the table

"Morning sunshine" I murmured and flipped another pancake

"What are your plans for the day?" I asked when the room when silent

"Seeing as its 6 am, I'm doing nothing for a while. But Bella and I are going to the movies later. What about you, any plans with Claire?" He asked

Bella Horan is his girlfriend and she's the biggest sweetheart. Claire is my girlfriend, she's like Marcel, nerdy but cute. I love her but she's not my number one person to be around

"Nope" I shook my head, "hanging out with William"

"Good morning" Edward coughed and sat down next to Marcel

"What are we talking about on this joyous morning?" Eddie smirked and Marcel told him about his and my plans

"Will Tommo? Seriously? That fag? He tries to be just like me" Edward scoffed. Eddie is a big homophobe but I see nothing wrong with people like William

"Shut up Edward!" I snapped back, earning a chuckle from Marcel. Marc el liked William, Edward is the only one who hates him for no good reason

"You should do something with Stephanie" Marce told Edward, talking about Eddie's girlfriend

"We're going to some museum or something today" he murmured. I finished breakfast and placed it on the table. Getting ready for the shit Edward would say about William

(Edwards POV)

William fucking Tomlinson. That kid copied my style after I got my tats done senior year. He's such a loser and I can't believe Harry is hanging out with him. Whatever I have bigger things on my mind

I decided to put the events of earlier this morning in the back of my head to worry about tomorrow. I was taking my girl on a date today

Stephanie is literally my entire world, and thankfully gets along with the boys. Her brother Liam is pretty cool too.

She's like Harry. Normal and innocent. Okay, okay she looks innocent but I decided to change that if you know what I mean. We've dated for 4 years and I love her, I really do love her

"Alright, I'm going to get Steph. Call me if you need me" I said as I walked out the door and received a "ok" from the boys. I know Harry is still mad at me for my comments about William but he needs to hear it. That kid isn't a good friend for him to have

I got in my car and drove around the corner to Stephanie's

"Hey babe" I smiled at her and gave her a kiss

"H- hey" she smile shyly. Shit. Something happened. She's usually so bubbly and never shy

"Babe? What's going on?" I asked

"I'll tell you when we're there, okay?" She said, pushing her red hair out of her face. I held he hand and nodded before driving off

(Harry's POV)

I put my black sneakers on and grabbed a jacket

"You'll be okay?" I asked Marcel. He's the most fragile one out of us

"I'll be fine" he nodded, "got customers coming in today then tutoring Taj later. After that I'm going out with Bella"

"Any tattoo ideas?" I asked

"This one guy wants me to do some sort of heart intertwining him and his wife's name. Something like that" he laughed, which caused me to laugh too

"You're a great artist, Marce. You'll do fine" I smiled before shutting the door


"Are, are you comfortable with having a gay friend?" William hesitantly said. We had just got back to my car after roaming the mall for hours

"No it doesn't bother me at all" I answered honestly and Will smiled at me in the passenger seat

"Are, are you dating someone?" He asked. I slowly nodded, even though I felt like I shouldn't have

"Her name is Claire. We've been together for 5 months. She's really sweet but..." I trailed

"You don't love her" Will said blatantly

I nodded, not able to find the words. I really only cared for her as a friend, and I think she knows it too

"Well you always have me" William smiled at me, and I warmly returned it

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