Chapter 10

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(Edwards POV)

I can't believe that little fucker turned my brother. Harry. Harry Styles is not gay. I will not have it

I accelerated on the gas pedal and sped to the hospital to see my one and only

Stephanie is my only priority. The only thing I need to think about.

The ass in front of me was going 15 in a 35 and I was about to lose my fucking mind. I was riding his slow ass until a cop car pulled up behind me and turned his siren on

Oh my fucking god

I pulled over and the little bitch driving in front of me got away. I cussed at the little fucker when the cop knocked on my window. I didn't look at him as I rolled it down

"License and registration" the husky voice said. My body froze and my veins turned to ice. I could know that voice anywhere

My fears were proved right when I looked at him


"I got a nice little beating from your brother and friends yesterday" Zayn gawked and I studied his face. They got him pretty good

I swallowed and listened to the beat up prick

"You know, I thought I'd just let it go and let it pass. But I decided to do something about it" his evil grin spoke . Before I knew it, his jaw came in contact with my face and I was out cold

(Marcel's POV)

"What do you mean he has Niall and Liam?" Harry yelled and ran his hands through his hair. Bella was shaking and I couldn't do anything but stare at the phone on the floor

"Fuck fuck fuck" was all William could say as he paced around the room, then abruptly stopped

"They got them. Do you think they'd come after you, me and Edward too?" William questioned and he spoke too soon. We heard a screech in front of the house. Harry's eyes shot towards the door

"This way!" William shout-whispered and we followed him into his and Harry's room. We heard stomping up the steps in front of the house and sped up. William opened his closet door and pulled the floor up

"The perks of living in a two storyline apartment building" he smirked as Bella went down. I just got in when there was banging in the front door. Harry slipped down, then William came in and closed the latch to the floor right when the front door for broken down

"Got that way!" William whispered an pointed to a corner with his flashlight that he got before we came in. We did as he instructed and were met by another door

Bella shakily opened it and pulls it back. It led to the back yard

"They'll see us!" Harry snapped and William shook his head

"Go!" He whispered and we all raced to the back gate. William peeked over the fence and said that the coast was clear

We went through the gate to Williams car. There was a cop car parked in the street. As we got closer, we heard banging from the trunk. Harry and I checked to see that Zayn was still in the apartment before telling William to open the trunk. I got Bella in the car and William popped the trunk open. There lay Niall and Liam.

"Get them out!" I shout whispered. William and I carried Liam into the car and Harry got Niall halfway out an I came back to help carry Niall to the car.

We were about to leave when there was a bang in the backseat. Edward.

"Get Eddie!" Harry half shouted. I got the door open and picked up the front half on my tied up brother. Harry for his feet and we put him in the back with Bella and the boys as she was trying to untie them

"Get in!" William yelled. I got in the passenger seat and Harry sat on my lap since there was no room in the back. Will stepped on it and we zoomed off in the street

Harry climbed in the back to help Bella untie the boys

"What happened?!" I yelled when I turned around. Liam was rubbing his writs, Niall his jaw

"We were at my house and he just stormed in, knocked us both out. We woke up in the trunk" Liam explained and Niall looked like he was about to cry. I turned my attention to Eddie and he was shaking so bad in Harry's lap

"Eddie?" William asked from the drivers seat. Eddie just kept shaking

"Eddie why did Zayn do this? What started this?" I pressed and Edward shot his eyes towards me

"You know when I came home from Zayn's early a few weeks ago?" He said and I nodded

"I, I. His dad had drugs on the t-table" he stuttered

"I thought you were done with the drugs?!" I shouted, causing everyone to jump

"It was just that one time. His dad came in and caught me. He's in the British Mafia. He said I owed him $10,000 in a month or else he would have killed all of us" Eddie stuttered and looked scared shitless

I gave him a look to keep going

"I stole the money from the tattoo shop. I'm the reason we got kicked out" he whispered and started to cry. Bella rubbed his arm, Niall and Liam stared at him and Harry looked at him like he was a demon from hell

"Edward" I spat

"I got him $7,000. Then the thing at the baseball stadium happened. I'm the reason Steph is dying" his voice cracked

I didn't know what to think, say or do. I turned around in my seat, looking forward. William gave me a sympathetic look. He's been so kind through all this and been shat on by Eddie day after day. But he deals with it because he loves my brother. I've never met such a kind person before

We pulled into the hospital parking lot and all got out

"I'm calling the cops" William warned me as we all walked inside. He and Harry walked away so William could contact the police. The rest of us followed Edward to the front desk

"Stephanie Payne" he said and the girl behind the desk looked at a clipboard then back at him

"Room 213" she smiled and Liam thanked her as he and Eddie went to Steph's room

Bella, Niall and I sat down in the waiting room chairs and I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief

Bella lay her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. Her other hand was holding Niall's hand. She slowly fell asleep and I looked over at her brother

"Hey Ni?" I whispered. He turned to me and nodded

"I'm going to ask Bells to marry me"


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