Chapter 3

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After Harry left,I took a shower to let my hair fall out naturally curly. I went into my room and went to the back of my closet, pulling out dark black skinny jeans and a deep red long sleeve. I put those on and grabbed a bandana, tying it around my head loosely

To get to the tattoo parlor, you have to go to the back of the apartment and through a door to a stair case. And that's the back way

"Alright, so what did you want as a tattoo?" I asked the customer that I was talking to Harry about earlier. The man explained his tattoo again and I drew it out as he explained. Once I was finished, he laid down and I lotioned up the area on his forearm where he wanted the tattoo

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think Edward was the tattoo artist? I don't blame you, that's what we want everyone to think. I'm the only artist, Eddie can't draw for his life. I have him all his tattoos

We make everyone think that Edward is the artist. Everyone knows me as Marcel the nerd and I just don't want people to know that I'm the one behind the magic, but obviously Harry and Edward know of the secret that I'm keeping from the neighborhood

Now Edward does work here. But he does all the accounting and appointments. Yes Edward does all of it, he was a straight A student in high school. So basically at the parlor, we switch lives. He becomes the nerd and I become the miracle worker

I slick my hair back, use a geeky voice, wear chinos, sweater vests, and glasses to keep the "nerd" look. I am very smart, we all are actually, very intelligent

"Okay, you're done!" I exclaimed in my genetic, deep, raspy, Styles voice

"Damn! Thanks Eddie! You did an amazing job!" My customer exclaimed

I wrote down the details of his appointment and he payed for his artwork. I gave him some ointment to apply for the next two weeks and wrapped his arm up. He was on his way.

I closed the shop up early, because it was a Sunday, and went back to the apartment to put my normal clothes back on. They make me feel comfortable, unique. Different than my brothers

When I was satisfied with my gelled back hair, I was ready to go.

Bella. Beautiful. I love her with all my heart. She and I have been together for 3 years. She's a punk girl but beautiful. Of course, I've done all of her tattoos. Her brother Niall is a cool guy and I've offered to give him tattoos but he doesn't like needles. I can't blame the guy, most people are

Bella has blonde hair and rosy red lips. I don't know how she fell for me but she did. She's seen me in my Marce clothes and my Marcel clothes, and truly loves me for me. Which is all I can ask for

I was pulled from my thoughts about my girl when I pulled up to Taj's house. Taj is an eight year old boy who I tutor three days a week and I've been tutoring him for around three months. Let me tell ya, I get money from his parents. They're filthy rich, but of course I don't comment about it

"Hey Taj!" I smile when he opens the door. He hugs me and I follow him in

"Hi Marcel" Tricia, Taj's mom, greeted me and I waved to her. I've never met his father but his mom is very sweet

Taj and I sat at the kitchen table and began his tutoring session

"Okay, do you want to start with Math or Science?" I asked and Taj thought for a moment

"Math! I want to get it out of the way" Taj complained and it earned a chuckle from Tricia and I

"He's just like my oldest, Zayn. He hated math in school" Tricia commented and went back to cooking

Zayn. That sounded familiar. Whatever

After two hours, our session was over but Taj begged me to stay longer. I got down to be eye level with him

"I'd really love to stay longer but I am taking my girlfriend on a date" I smiled and he contorted his face

"A girl? Eww!" He exclaimed and I laughed at his reaction. He was still in the 'cootie' days. I gave him a hug and promised that next time, I would try to stay for a board game or something fun for him

"Bye!" Taj yelled from the door as I walked to my car. I waved goodbye to him and drove to Bella's


"What movie do you want to see?" I asked Bells when we walked into the mall, over to the movie theater inside

"Hmm, what about Now You See Me? That one with Dave Franco?" She asked and I nodded. She would pick that.

She's so breathtaking to me. No, her tattoos don't go up her neck. He has some on her arms, a few on her legs, but most of them are on her back. She does do dramatic makeup but it works for her

"Alright, we got the tickets, lets go" she smiled and kissed my cheek

(Harry's POV)

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" William asked. We ended up going back to his place because I didn't want to go home

"Sure. Pick anything" I shrugged and plopped myself on the couch. He sat next to me and The Little Mermaid came on the screen

"Really?" I smirked at him and he nodded

"No shame" he murmured and I couldn't help the smile that played on my lips. He smiled back at me then turned his attention to the movie. When he smiled I felt, butterflies. But how? I- I'm straight, I don't like guys, I don't like William.

He yawned and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Wait what? What? That feeling was coming back again. I was not attracted to him, I couldn't be. Maybe I was. Oh god I don't know.

Shit. What if I am? What would I tell the boys? I know Marcel wouldn't have a problem with it but Edward, oh he'd fucking chew me out

What about Claire? I never really truly loved her. And we've only been together for 5 months... She's more if a sister like friend then anything else.

"Hey where's your bathroom?" I asked William and he told me it was down the hall. I locked the bathroom door and dialed Claire's number. I hope I'm doing the right thing

"Hey babe" she answered

Here it goes

"H- hey. I uh, I have to talk to you" I stuttered. Oh great start Harry...

"Yeah? What is it?" She said kind of panicky

"Claire. We uh, I erm. Not feeling this, we should" I rambled and she cut me off

"You're breaking up with me?" She squeaked

"I'm so sorry" I said. She told me she saw it coming but hoped we'd still be friends. I told her I'd like that

"Bye Claire"

"Bye Harry"

Wow. That felt, nice. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"What happened?" William asked without looking up

"I broke up with her" I announced. He looked up at me, with gallons of hope in his eyes. The butterflies again. Damnit stop!

I sat down again and we presumed the movie. I know breaking up with Claire was the right choice. But I don't know why I get these butterflies all of a sudden around William

"Are you okay?" He asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I just nodded and gave him a tight smile

"No you're not" he said and wrapped his arms around me. My heart was pumping so fast that it was going to rip out of my chest. My stomach was doing somersaults and my head was spinning

"Harry?" Will asked and I looked down at him

"Please don't hate me for this" he whispered

Hate him for what? Before I could process what happened, William kissed me and pulled away

"I'm so sorry" he whispered again. The funny thing is, I, I enjoyed it

"Don't be sorry" I said and pulled his lips back to mine

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