Chapter 7

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(Harry's POV)

"Wow" I huffed and sat down in the chair next to Edward. William, Marcel, Bella, and Niall went to get some food and we waited to hear about Steph

"I'm so sorry Liam" Edward whispered and Liam patted his back

"This is not your fault" Liam said sympathetically and looked up at me for help. I just hugged Edward and he started to cry into my chest

"He just grabbed her, punched her, then left?" I clarified and Liam nodded, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. I comforted Edward and the others came back. William sat next to me and asked me if everything was okay, I slightly nodded

"Stephanie!" A woman ran into the waiting room, her heels clicking on the floor. Oh my god

"Mom?" Liam stood up. Karen turned around and embraces her son in a hug

"Where is she?"

Edward was furious and stood up, ripping himself from my grasp, "she doesn't want to see you!" He exclaimed

"That is my daughter! You got her in this bloody mess you little punk!" Karen said and pushed Edward. You could see the fire trying to erupt from inside him. William, Marcel, Niall and I all grabbed some part of him to hold him back

"Mom, leave. Eddie has done nothing but take care of Steph and protect her. You know the boys got kicked out of their apartment right? The boys and Steph are living with William, trying to get by. Eddies doing what he can because you and dad won't deal with her pregnancy! Get out!" Liam infuriated towards his mother. She stood tall again and straightened out her blouse

"Fine" she spat and began to walk out. Her devil like self turned the corner and she was out of sight. Edward wasn't moving. He stared at the direction that Karen went and was breathing heavily

"Excuse me?" A woman in her mid 20's came out. Eddie snapped out of his trance and looked to the woman

"Stephanie Payne?" He questioned. Edward and Liam approached her and she whispered to them what had happened. Eddie's legs began to shake and he collapsed into Liam's arms

I looked at William, then Bella, trying to figure out what was going on. Liam took Edward down the hall to calm him down

"What, what happened?" Bella asked the nurse. The nurse explained and Bella fell to her knees sobbing. Marcel and Niall helped pick her up and they took her to a more private place

"Miss?" William spoke up and the nurse began to tell us

"Stephanie lost a lot of blood from the punches she got. She is in a coma but has a 35% chance of surviving" she explained. I began to cry. Stephanie is basically my sister and I love her to death.

"What about the baby?" William choked. The nurse sadly shook her head and walked away

I cried into Williams shoulder and he hugged me tight. I'm just trying to imagine how William is feeling. We were all looking forward to this baby and now it just got taken away. And the saddest part is that Stephanie doesn't know....

(Edwards POV)

He killed my baby. He took the love of my life away.

"Shh" Liam said through his own sobs as he tried to comfort me. It was useless. My girlfriend has a 35% chance of living and our baby died. All because of him

I dug my head into Liam's neck and we sat there in silent, aside from our cries. My phone vibrated and I pulled away slightly to check it

Unknown number

"Things happen when you don't do what you're told"

I got up and ran out of the building. I found my car and started the ignition.

I skidded out of the parking lot and pressed on the gas pedal like my life depended on it. All this shit is bringing out Eddie. I'm not Edward right now, I'm Eddie. Edward doesn't cry. Edward isn't a softie. Eddie is. Eddies about to give Stephen what he deserves

I barely turned the car off before I got out and ran to the door.

Fuck knocking

"Edward?" Zayn said shocked as I almost ripped the door off its hinges

"Where's your dad?!" I spat. I wasn't mad at him but I was obviously furious with his father

"Um, um his room. Are you okay?" He seemed concerned but I stomped to Stephens office and ripped the door open. When he saw me he stood up and approached me

"You killed my child!!" I screamed and he looked taken aback

"What?" He questioned

"You kidnapped Stephanie at the baseball game and punched her face then punched her stomach you fucking prick!" I screamed and pushed him

"Stephanie's your girlfriend?" He said calmly and I wanted to rip his fucking head off. I nodded and swallowed back the vile that I tasted

"I didn't touch her Edward. I was at the baseball park, yes. But I left after I told you two more weeks..." He trailed and looked, sad

"She's in a coma and has a 35% chance. She was pregnant. The baby died" I said coldly and he gave me a sympathetic look

"Edward I'm so sorry...." He trailed

"You better fucking be because this is your fault you mother fucking phsyco!" I yelled and broke some frames. He put his hands on my shoulders to stop me and I broke down again. Then he did something I never thought someone as cold as him would do

He hugged me

I pushed him away and punched him in the jaw

"You did this to her! You killed my baby! I'm not paying you anymore fucking money! You killed her!" I screamed and stomped out of the room

I was stopped again and turned around to Zayn

"Did you ever know where I worked?" Zayn asked and I stood there shocked that he is doing this right now

I shook my head and he started to smile evilly

"Like father, like son" he smirked. I took a step back and shook my head

"You did this?" I whispered angrily and he approached me

"Look who's catching on" he growled

"Why would you do this?!" I raised my voice and my hand

"Remember? Stephanie was mine before you took her" he growled again and got closer to me. I slowly pulled my pocket knife out of my pocket and put it behind my back

"You broke it off with her. We've been together for four years. Zayn, you two weren't meant to be. But now she might not live" I spat and brought the knife out, striking his arm and enjoying the blood that was released from the binds of his skin

He hissed in pain and I kicked him in the groin, then punched him in the jaw repeatedly

Stephen watched the entire thing and thankfully, did nothing

"I'm sorry my song did this Edward" Stephen said and made me stop hitting the unconscious body on the floor, "but you still owe me the money"

"Fuck no I don't owe you shit! Because of your fucking son that what supposed to be my friend, my girlfriend might die and our child is dead! He is a murderer!" I screamed and slammed the door and ran to my car, after kicking a dent into Zayn's car

After I got in mine I sped away. I don't know what to do anymore but I need to make sure that these fuckers get what they asked for.

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