Chapter 8

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(Marcel's POV)

I held Bella in my arms as we both cried. Niall looked like he was going to cry but was deciding to stay strong for Bells

William, Harry, and Liam all congregated back to the waiting room and we did just that, waited.

After a while of silence, Edward came through the doors. He had tears streaking down his face, fury in his eyes, and blood on his hands

"Eddie?" Liam gasped and grabbed ahold of his shoulders. Edward was breathing deeply and raggedly

"Eddie what, where did you go?" Harry choked out. Bella clung to my shirt a little tighter and looked up at the frightening yet depressing sight

"Z, Zayn. He did this" Eddie growled and his knees began to tremble. "Edward!" I yelled and he started to shake violently. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed on the floor

"Eddie!" Harry screamed. William held him as doctors ran into the room and carried him off

Wait. Wait. Zayn... Why does that sound familiar? Where have I heard about him before....? Oh my god

"Niall, William, Liam, come with me now!" I shouted and got up. Bella looked scared and Harry confused as to why I didnt call him

They all gave me questioning looks

"I need you to come with me, now!" I yelled enraged and they didn't hesitate to get up. I tightened the bandana around my head and kissed Bella goodbye

They were asking questions over and over again to the car . I didn't answer and kept walking. When we got to the car I opened my trunk and pulled out "marcel the nerd". I brought my costume to the back and instructed Liam to drive

"Where am I going?" Liam asked as he pulled out of the parking lot. I wrote down the address and Niall looked it up. In the back, William handed me my tan chinos, white button up and brown vest. I kicked my skinny jeans and vans to the floor. I ripped my bandana off and put my fake glasses on. We were pulling up onto the street when I finished telling my hair back

"Alright listen. This is the kid I tutor. His older brother is Zayn. I don't know why Zayn did this bit were about to fucking find out" I growled and they followed me. I knocked on the door and as soon as Tricia opened it, "Marcel" came out

"Hello Mrs Malik! It's so nice to see you!" I did in my most geekiest voice ever. She looked confuse but smiled

"Marcel! What are you doing here?" She said and I heard shouting of two men in the back of the house. I decided to bring the real Marcel out. The secret tattoo artist.

Que normal, deep voice, "Well Tricia, it seems that your husband and son did quite the scheme today" I said and took my glasses off, throwing them to the floor and Niall stomping on them. William pushed the door open more and Liam slipped in

"Marcel, what are you talking about?" She said concerned

"Do you know what you fucking did you little piece of shit?! You killed their child and she's going to die!" I heard a man scream at the back of the house. Tricia looked up at me them moved out of the way

The four of us went to the sound of the voices and I saw a tall, muscular man standing there and Zayn.

That's the Zayn that Steph dated in high school...

I charged at him and wrapped my hands around his neck

"You killed my niece or nephew! My brothers girlfriend is in the mother fucking hospital dying because of you!" I screamed and his breathing became ragged as he tried to fight me, but I was winning

"I hope you die painfully someday you piece of shit!" I spat and let go of him. His lips and face were turning blue so I decided to spare him for a moment before turning to his dad

"Do you know who I am?!" I growled at the scum. Niall and William held his arms and Liam was beating the shit out of Zayn now

He discreetly shook his head and I approached him

"I'm Taj's tutor, Marcel. Nice to meet you" I said calmly and stuck my hand out. He reluctantly looked at my then began to move his own towards mine. Right before our hands met I punched him square in the jaw and with the help of Niall, broke his arm

Liam was breathing heavily. I looked down at Zayn and gasped. Blood covered the boys face and he lay unconscious on the floor

"Why did you two go after him? Why did he do this?" I growled through my teeth in the older mans face. He swallowed and it surprised me that I was actually scaring him

He hesitated and looked down

"My son was just very jealous of him..." He trailed. William and Niall looked at him like he was crazy. Liam looked down at the boy that used to be his best friend and started to cry angry tears

"Why would your son be jealous of a boy who got kicked out of his apartment with his two brothers and girlfriends because we lost money? Why would he be jealous of a boy who's only option is a house with his two brothers and three other people?" I spat and the man looked shocked

"He got kicked out?" He whispered. What the fuck is going on

"I got kicked out too. So did Harry" I said. The man looked guilty, saddened even

"There's a check for $10,000 in my top drawer. Take it. Please" he whispered and looked down

"Take it and never return, any of you. You will no longer be Taj's tutor. I'm sorry for the trouble my son has caused your family" he continued. Niall and William found the check. Liam came over and looked at the man, shaking his head

"Lets get out of this fucking shit hole" William spat and kicked the man's leg, causing him to take in a sharp breath. Niall grabbed my arm and pushed me out of the room, with Liam following

Tricia was sitting in the dining room crying. I felt bad that she had created such a terrible family, aside from Taj. I grasped the check that the boys had found and stuffed it on my pocket. We will need this for the hospital bills.

"I'm so sorry" she kept repeating. All I could do was continue walking to my car with my three best friends. I got in the front seat and the others got in too

I didn't look back at the house of hell, and after an episode of beating someone to death, we began to cry

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