Chapter 12

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"She's awake"

I ran past the nurse and into Stephanie's room. She was looking confused at the nurses as the pulled plugs out of her and replaced some. I began to cry in the doorway and Steph caught notice of me

"Eddie" her hoarse voice spoke. A nurse moved out of the way for me and I engulfed her

"Baby I missed you so much" I cried into her and held her tight

"I could hear everything, I just couldn't wake up" she said and I pulled away. Pain struck her face and I almost lost it more, knowing what she was going to say

"I can't believe you did that to Harry and William" she murmured and gulped down the bottle of water that a nurse gave her. I shook my head and began to walk out the door

"Sit. Down." She commanded an I was right back in my spot

"You, you used $10,000 worth of drugs and that's why you got kicked out? You treated the person who put a roof over your head like shit and treated your own brother like he was some foreign person to you... I just don't understand Eddie...." Steph explained and I felt like I had been stabbed

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything" I said truthfully and took her hand in mine. I could tell she wasn't pleased with me right now but was happy to be awake

"Ms Payne? I need to do an ultrasound to see how the baby is doing" the nurse said and I looked at her like I was a fucking idiot

"The baby, is, isn't here anymore" I blurted out and saw Stephanie's face contort

"I just did and ultrasound on her two days ago and everything was fine" the nurse said confused

"I was told three days ago that the baby was gone" I stated and the nurse held up a finger and left the room

"Eddie, what's going on?" Steph asked and all I did was shake my head before the same woman came back in

"I'm so sorry" the nurse spoke and I felt Stephanie's heart break

"Whoever told you, had it mixed up. There was another young lady named Stephanie, pregnant and in a coma. She grabbed the wrong paper, I apologize" the nurse said and Stephanie was smiling ear to ear

"Oh thank god" I said and broke into tears, kissing Stephanie's tummy. Steph rubbed my head and the nurse set up her equipment

Liam and Bella walked in right them and I told them to get the others. Moments later, all 6 of them piled in and hugged Stephanie, then watched the nurse in confusion was he swiped the wand across Stephanie's stomach

My baby's little heartbeat fluttered across the screen and was as strong as ever. I let more tears steam down my face at Steph did the same

"Wait, the baby is still alive?" Harry asked and I nodded. He embraced me in a hug and I held him tight, crying into his shoulder. William joined and I welcomed him with open arms. I needed to let go of my no reasoned hatred towards him

I let go and patted William on the shoulder, going back to Steph

"I love you so much baby" I murmured and kissed her

"I know you do" she smiled back and we continued to listen to the heartbeat of our baby

Everything was finally falling into place


Next chapter will be the last! Then am epilogue!!!

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