Chapter 4

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(Edwards POV)

Stephanie and I have been walking through this museum for about a half hour. We're at the wax museum, she wanted to come here and I couldn't say no

I've been taking pictures of her with her favorite celebrities and she's so adorable. But she is being a little shy and it's making my stomach turn. I feel like after this, she's going to break up with me

"H-hey babe? Can we talk now? I'm getting really anxious, I'm sorry" I said and kind of caught her off guard. I wiped my sweaty hand off on my black skinnies

She didn't say anything. She grabbed my hand and led me to the exit of the museum. My stomach was turning even more and I thought I was going to be sick. When we got out side of the place, Steph turned to me

"Edward. I, I, I" she stuttered

"Please don't tell me you're breaking up with me. Please baby we can fix whatever's wrong" my voice cracked. I'm a tough guy, but when it comes to my girl, I'll do anything. I love her so much and I would never do anything to lose her

She shook her head no and I took a deep breath of relief

"But what I'm about to tell you might make you break up with me" she said, looking down at her feet. I put a finger underneath her chin and slowly raised her head up to make her look at me

"Stephanie, please tell me" I said softly

"Eddie, I'm pregnant" she whispered. Tears started falling down her face. I pulled her into me as she sobbed into my chest. I'm going to be a daddy

"Baby, baby it's okay. It's all okay" I comforted her and rubbed her back

Unfortunately, the events of this morning came back to my mind. Now I honestly didn't know if things would be alright

"You're not leaving me?" She croaked

I shook my head and smiled down at her

"No. Never. I'm really happy, were gonna be a family"

"I love you Eddie" she put her head back into the crook of my neck

"I love you too baby"

(Harry's POV)

William fell asleep on my lap

I can tell you, things got heated. I don't even know how any of this happened, it just..... Did

I didn't even know I was gay. I don't think I am, but I could be

Edward is going to fucking flip out on me big time. He might not even talk to me. But looking at William's peaceful face makes it all worth it. I don't care about his tattoos or his piercings. I don't care. I except him just like I except Edward

This is crazy! I just kind of figured out that I'm gay and I'm scared to come out to my brother. I gently slid William's head off my lap and placed it down on the couch

After writing a little note saying that I had to leave, that I had a great time, and that I'd call him soon. I got my shoes on and went down to my car. Boy this was not going to go down well if he finds out


"Hey guys, hey Steph! Steph?" I said when I walked through the door. Stephanie was on the couch balling her eyes out. Edward was pacing back and forth in the kitchen and Marcel was trying to comfort Steph

"Hey, hey what's going on" I asked softly. Stephanie looked up at me and pointed to her stomach

"Are you sick?" I questioned then realized that was the most stupid thing I could ever say. Marcel shook his head and Stephanie went back to crying into his shoulder. I decided to talk to Edward to see if I could get an answer

"Harry" Eddie's voice cracked and he hugged me. I was a little surprised but wrapped my arms around him. He usually never ever cries or shows emotion

"What's going on Edward?"

"Stephanie's pregnant. We told her parents and they kicked her out. They said horrible things to her. They let her pack her things an they're all in my car but she's so upset and her being upset makes me upset" he rambled. I rubbed his back and he calmed down a bit

"You know she's welcome to stay here with us, we all love her" I said and he took a deep breath before thanking me. He went back to her and Marcel and I went to the shop to give them private time

"Wow" Marce breathed out and pushed his glasses up

"Yeah, that's a lot to take in but everything will be fine" I said confidently. Edward was a little more upset then you think he should be. Like that was a little overboard for just worrying about a pregnancy

I shrugged it off. I don't work at the tattoo shop but I help if needed. I work at a bookstore down the street. I took the liberty of wiping down the cash register and the counter that it's placed behind. I opened it to check if everything was good and choked down a silent gasp

"Marce!" I called and he came out from the back


"Marce there's no cash in the register" I told him and he peeke over my shoulder. He muffled his gasp behind his hand

"Do you think Joe went though it?" I asked. Our uncle Joe owns the shop and apartment and lets us stay here but we pay rent. He's a really close friend to our parents and when they left 4 years ago, he promised he would help us out

"I, I don't know. I'll call him about it later" Marcel said ad went back to the back to get ready for his next appointment

"So how was the movies with Bells?" I yelled back at him while I finished cleaning the counters

"We had sex. Movie was boring" he called back. Well I didn't need to know that

"Thanks for sharing" I hollered

"You asked" he shouted and returned to the front, "how was hanging out with Will? Eventful?"

"You could say" I coughed. I knew Marcel would be accepting of it but I couldn't take any chances right now

(Edwards POV)

Stephanie fell asleep and I put her in my bed. How the hell am I going to be able to provide for them?

I just fucking stole $2000 from the tattoo shop to give to Stephen!

Oh to top it all off, Zayn texted me saying his dad doesn't want me hanging out with him anymore and that he was really sorry and would figure out a way for us to hang out. Great, his dad really is an ass

I need $8000 in 29 days and I have no idea of how to get it. I feel do guilty about taking the money from the shop but I have no other options. I only get $100 a week for my paycheck. I'm going to have to get a second job or something

Now the thought of me being a dad scares me. I'm excited, I really am, but what if I fuck the kid up? What if he grows up to be like me? Tattooed, drugged up and stealing money...

Light bulb!

I've got a friend named Ed and he sings at bars and stuff but gets payed a shit ton each time. Maybe he can help me out

I took out my phone and texted Ed the whole situation, including that I had to steal from the shop and can't tell the boys. Ed's always been a cool guy and understood where I was coming from

From: Ed Sheeran
Yeah buddy no problem. You've been there for me so I'm going to do the same. I can only lend you $3000 though. And don't worry about paying me back, you've got enough to worry about with this scum bag and Stephanie. Lets meet for lunch later.

Ed is amazing, and probably one of my best friends. He's tattooed too but no where close to me. He's got ginger hair too but it works for him. Actually, he thinks I gave him his tattoos but of course I didn't, Marcel did


Thank god.

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