Chapter 5

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(Marcel's POV)

Harry seemed a little on edge after I asked him about his day with William. He was a little jittery but I decided to shrug it off. I know my brother and if he needed to tell me something, he would tell me

He's much more open with me than he is with Edward and honestly I can't blame him. Edward is very, blunt, when it comes to his opinion or the way he thinks about something. I try not to judge because if I were in the persons place, it would make me feel terrible

"I'm gonna go upstairs" Harry said and whisked away through the back

My mind trailed to the beautiful that I was deeply in love with. My Bella, my beautiful Bella

"Marcel!" I looked up and saw our uncle Joe standing in front of me

"Hey" I smiled and went back to testing the tattoo ink pens

"Harry texted me saying the whole register was clear. What's going on Marcel?" He said sternly

"I don't know. I was in the back and Harry called me out. He was wiping the counters down and opened the register and everything was gone" I explained and tried to get he damn ink pen to work

"Only you, Edward, and Harry are in here and I sure didn't take it! Where are the boys?" He said and I was literally scared shitless by his reaction. I pointed up stairs and he rushed through the back to get to the apartment

I followed him up the stairs as he barged through the apartment

"Where's the money?" He yelled at Edward and Harry. Harry shook his head and Edward looked down at his feet, then shook his head

"So you're not going to tell me? Fine! Get out! Get your shit out if the apartment! $2000 is gone and you little shits won't tell me why you took it! Marcel and Edward are fired!" Joe screamed, then stomped out of the apartment. What the fuck just happened?!

We all stood there dumb founded. Joe has never ever raised his voice at us, ever. That was scary. I've never been scared by someone that badly before

"Wh- what are we gonna do?" My lip trembled a little bit as I spoke

"I, I can call William. He has two extra rooms at his place" Harry stuttered. Edward glared at him and stood up

"I will not have my pregnant girlfriend living in a place with that faggot! Fuck no! It's not happening!" Edward yelled and went into his room, probably to tell Stephanie what happened

Harry's lips were trembling and he looked down at the floor. I wrapped my arms around him and let him cry. I honestly don't know why Eddie is so mean to William. Will is a nice kid, and it really hurts Harry the way Eddie talks about him

"I'm calling Will. Edward can stay here and rot for all I care!" Harry shouted and slammed his door

I didn't know if I should comfort Harry or tell at Edward. I decided against both and got some suit cases and reusable plastic boxes out of the back closet, and began packing my room

(Harry's POV)

"Come here. You are all welcome. It would be nice to have some company here" I could hear William's smirk over the phone. I had told him what happened, everything including Edward's outburst and he still wants us to come to his house

"You're wonderful. You are an amazing person, thank you so so much!" I said and almost started to cry again

He said no worries and to come over whenever. I would be staying in his room. Steph and Eddie would share a room, and Marcel would have the smaller one. We hung up moments later and I turned to my small room and realized I really didn't have much to pack

I opened my door and everything was packed up already

"Yeah, yeah I'll bring it to you soon. Okay. Yeah. 5. I have to meet up with a friend first, and half of it will be complete" Edward hissed into his phone and hung up his call.CHis back was turned toward me and he didn't notice I was there. When he turned around he jumped in fright

"Jesus Harry!" He said and held his hand to his heart

"Sorry" I mumbled and walked to the back closet for boxes, only to find none there

"Marce and Steph went to get more..." Edward trailed. I nodded and went back into my room and pulled two suit cases out of my closet

"I'm sorry about what I said about Will" Edward barely whispered. I looked up at him in disbelief. He never apologizes

"It's okay. I told him, and he still wants all of us to stay at his place. He's a really good person if you'd give him a chance" I spat. Edward looked a little hurt but I felt like he deserved it

"Thank you. I'll get our stuff together" he said and left my room

I wonder who he was talking to on the phone with...

(Edwards POV)

I'm such a complete and utter fuck up. It's my fault we got kicked out. I didn't mean to be so rash about William but I was really upset and I do feel bad for taking it out on him and Harry

I mean, the guy heard about me being a dick and is still willing to let my brothers, girlfriend and I stay at his place. Maybe I should give this kid a chance....

"Honey we're back" Steph said holding some boxes and Marcel came in behind her with more. Marce dropped some off in Harry's room then went in straight to his. Great, Marcel is mad at me too..

"William is being very generous. I hope that you will be nice when we get there" Stephanie warned. She was friends with the kid in high school

I nodded and began to throw random things into the boxes


"Eddie wake up, we're leaving" Steph woke me up but shaking my lightly. I looked around the room and everything was gone, even the sheets I was sleeping on

"You're a heavy sleeper. Everything in the car" she smiled and I got up then hugged her. Her hair smelled of vanilla and I kissed her forehead, breathing in the scent

"I'll meet you guys there. I need to run an errand" I said swiftly and Stephanie raised her eyebrow at me but shrugged it off. She said okay and left with Harry and Marcel

Trying to keep this shit secret is hard. Harry heard me on the phone with Stephen today and I almost had a heart attack. I checked out the window and both cars were gone, so I knew that the three of them had left

I took the liberty and searched through the shop one last time, finding $50. Ehh, it's something. I went back to the apartment and sighed. Basically saying goodbye to my home

I left for the last time and got in my car, driving to Ed's house. He's literally an amazing friend and I don't know how to thank him.

"Hey buddy" Ed smiled when I got out of my car. We did a fist bump then a bro hug for effect

"Dude thank you so much for this! I don't know how I can repay you" I said

"Don't worry about it. Just stay out if the drugs okay? You're going to be a dad, Eddie. You can't keep doing this" Ed scolded and I took in the words

"Thank you so much. I have to go take this to Stephen but we will definitely hang out soon, okay? " I offered and he smiled at me then hugged me goodbye. He offered me the envelope and I gladly took it before saying thank you and goodbye again, then getting back into my car

I was shaking so much on my way to Stephens. This only happened this morning and so much has happened in between then and now. I turned onto the street and started to panic more when I saw the house coming closer and closer. I grabbed the shop money and the money that Ed gave me and put them in the same envelope.

I got to the door and didnt know if I should knock or not. I went with my gut and knocked. A few moments later a little boy who looks like Zayn opened the door. I think his name is Tim or something

"Marcel?" He asked. What?

"Uh no I'm Edward" I stuttered. Does he know Marcel? "I'm here to see your dad, Stephen" I continued and he nodded, then let me in the house

He explained that Stephens office was down the hall and to the right. I followed his instructions and tried to calm my racing heart and knotted stomach. He flicked his eyes right to me when I came through the door

"Edward" he spat

"I, I have $5000 right now" I stuttered and placed the envelope lightly on his desk

"Good" he spoke, "you can go"

I definitely listened and almost ran out of the house. In the car, I was legitimately paying and sweating. I sped away and tried to calm myself down

I thought of Stephanie and our baby. How beautiful she's going to look as she's growing

I've never been a softie or get scared but I guess there's a first for everything. I fucked up, and I have two more lives to care for....

I hit my hands against the steering wheel and screamed. For the first time in about 4 years, I started to cry

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