Edited on 5/20/16
I throw my body against the push bar of the hospital door, causing a sharp pain to run through my arm. My body winces at the stinging and throbbing sensation, but I continue stumbling through the hospital lobby, tripping every step I take, until I finally reach the front desk.
I slam my hands down onto the counter, making a loud smacking sound when the palm of my hand meets the cold marbling of the tile. The nurse quietly sitting behind the desk looks over from the computer monitor to meet my eye, reviling a surprised and horrified look. I can't tell if it's because I look horrible from crying so hard, or if it's because I just caused a scene in front of the whole hospital lobby. Either way, the last thing I really care about right now is what people think of me.
Quickly and without a breath I explain myself, trying to get out as much information as fast as I can so they allow me to see my parents as soon as possible. All I want to do is be with them and know it's going to be okay.
"Hello I'm here to see my parents. They were in a very bad car crash and they're currently in critical condition and I don't know what exactly happened or how they're doing. Please just let me see them," I blurt out. I don't know what to say, I never had anything like this happen to me before.
"I'll search them up in the compute. Last name?" the lady asks without seeming phased at the fact that my voice had just cracked on every single word.
The nurse behind the desk begins typing in my name and clicking a few times before she stops to examine the screen. A small look of disappointment runs across her face while her expression softens before she finally looks back at me.
"What? Are they okay?" I ask while frantically shifting back and forth.
"Okay honey, why don't you take a seat and I'll call down the doctor to talk to you, okay?" she asks in a sweet tone, much different than the way she had spoken to me when I first started talking to her.
I nod before turning around and scanning the waiting room, looking for a place to sit. I weave in between the rows of chairs, picking a seat close to the window. My gaze focuses on the world outside of the hospital, as the sky seems to now be painted a lighter shade of blue from the sun rising behind the large buildings of the town. I've been so focused on my parents I haven't realized how fast the time has passed.
As my body relaxes into the uncomfortable chair, I just now begin to realize how badly my lungs burn from all of my running, while my calves are aching in pain. But as much as it all hurts - and as much as I want to just get up and leave and go back to living my normal life - my heart is what hurts the most. Not in a way where I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack, but more like I just lost everything I ever loved and now have to pretend as if everything's going to be okay - which I already know it isn't.
My vision scans around the waiting room, searching for a sign on how my parents are doing, but the beige walls and tile flooring reveal nothing. The stench of medicine and cleaning products loom throughout the air, which isn't help my upset stomach either. I hate hospitals, the only time I've ever had to come to one was for when I was sick with the flu. Even at that I still cried like a baby as they connected me to monitors and pumped medicines into my bloodstream.
I let out a loud sigh and move farther back into the uncomfortable chair, resting my head against the glass window. I watch as the cars moved past and people walked through the streets with coffees in their hands - all of them oblivious to the fact that I'm about to be told I'm the last person in my family that's alive.

The Impeccable Infinity
Teen FictionHaley is a normal, average, run-of-the-mill sixteen year old. She goes to school, deals with drama, and try's her best at everything she encounters. But her world is flipped upside down when her parents pass away from a tragic car crash, leaving Hal...