Sometimes it's nice to be independent. I've always been somewhat used to it from living as an only child my whole life, but now that I'm living with six other people, it's a bit different.
It's not that I have any form of social anxiety, because to tell you the truth, I actually like getting to know people and hear what they have to say. I've been shy and have had anxiety for years now, which has make it hard to be in certain situations sometimes. But I want to make an effort today to get past that and embrace the idea of talking to new people.
I got up early and asked Ruth if I could go into town for the day. It took some debating with her, but in the end, she agreed to let me go as long as I promised to be back by dark and return the spare car that's been sitting in the driveway for months.
I smiled as she handed me the keys and told me to drive safe and not crash the car.
I got outside and slid into the leather driving seat. The car was warm and musty from the humidity of the heat and summer sun. I gripped the heated steering wheel and allowed the temperate leather to warm my fingers.
I adjusted the seat and mirrors of the beat up car, something I haven't done in awhile. I never had my own car, but my parents taught me enough for me to get my license. From then on, I just borrowed their cars to drive around.
I pulled the gear back into reverse and slowly let off on the break, allowing the car to roll slowly out of the driveway and onto the road. I pushed on the pedal and began driving down the street. I had a good enough idea of where I was going from the last time I went with Mute, but I was still somewhat lost.
I drove basically aimlessly until I arrived into town. I was surprised at the fact that I actually got here, considering how horrible I am with directions. The car moved forward with the motor humming quietly, until I parallel parked into a small spot off to the side of a cake shop. It's weird being here alone without anyone keeping me company, but at the same time I'm proud of myself for at least getting here on my own and all in one piece.
I turned off the ignition and got out, slamming the creaking door behind myself. I locked the car and stood on the sidewalk and started to look around for somewhere to go. I came without a plan, my only goal is to find a new friend. I didn't know how I was going to do it, but I guess I had to start by breaking out of my comfort zone a bit.
I walked into a small coffee shop and approached the cashier, who greeted me with a smile.
"Hello, what can I get for you?" He asked, placing his hands down on the counter.
"Just a regular decaf coffee with milk," I said, trying my best to sound like I knew what I was talking about.
"Got it."
I sat down at the counter and watched as the barista turned on the machines and added various scoops of coffee beans and flavorings. He looks about my age, with black hair and a tall and muscular frame. He's nothing like Mute, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's not attractive.
"So are you from around here?" The barista asked, now leaning his elbow against the counter to come to eye level with me.
"Yeah, I moved here a few weeks. This is only my second time in town though."
"Nice. So, did you meet any new people yet?"
This is my chance, this is the person who's going to be my new friend. He's exactly what I wanted too: friendly, good looking, and interesting. He hasn't told me anything about himself yet, but I can tell he has a lot to talk about.
"Only a few people, not too many though. It's kind of hard making friends here right now, considering its summer and I'm not being forced to go to school and meet people," I said, making him laugh at my sarcastic response.
"Well, you know me now."
"Yea, I guess I do. Well, I'm Haley."
"I'm Alex," he said, putting out his hand and allowing me to shake it.
"So what are you doing in town today Haley?"
"I don't know yet. I just came here to meet some new people and get to know the area better."
"Well I can show you around later," he offered, now going back to the machine to get my coffee.
"Sure. When are you done work?"
"Tonight at about ten. I have a long shift today. Would that be a problem?"
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair as I remembered Ruth's new curfew rule.
"Yea, kind of. I have to be home around nine tonight. Is there any other time we can hangout?"
"Why don't you come with me to a party tomorrow?" He asked, handing me my coffee.
I've never really been to a party. At my
old high school I would just hangout with my friends on the weekend, but I've never been to a legit party with people my age. Yea, I've been to those small gathering parties with some of my other close friends where we would eat cake, play games, and laugh at each other. But an actually party is a bit different.I took a sip of coffee to stall on my answer. It's not that I don't want to go, it's more that I just met this guy and I don't know if I'm ready to go to a party with him. I do have anxiety, so I don't want to get there and feel overwhelmed by all of the people talking and the loud music.
"So, can you come?" He asked, watching as I placed my coffee down on the counter and began biting at my lower lip.
"Yea sure. It sounds like fun."
"Great, can I get your number?"
I nodded as he pulled out a small piece of scrap paper and handed it to me with a black pen. I leaned down and scribbled each number across the paper, writing my name at the bottom just in case he forgets.
It's a very nice gesture, one that most people would see as exciting and groundbreaking. But to me, it felt like writing my number was like signing away to death.
"Great I'll call you tonight," he said, smiling and walking to the back of the coffee shop.
I stood up from my barstool and walked outside, pushing the glass door aside as I listened to the small bell ring as I opened the door.
Well, I got what I wanted. It may not be exactly how I planned, but it's diffidently something. And maybe I'll have a great time, maybe I'll even be able to put my anxiety aside and actually enjoy myself for once.
I continued walking through the town for a few hours and picked up an outfit for the party, a pair of high heels, and some other random things that I probably don't need but bought anyway. I've always randomly bought things, and it's beginning to make me realize how much stuff I don't actually need but still own.
I got back to the car and put the heap of shopping bags in the backseat and then got into the drivers side and started up the car. I sat in silence for a few seconds and ran my hands over my face, feeling overwhelmed with everything that had happened today.
I put the car into drive and began making my way home. The sun was in the sky and it was still early in the day, but somehow the town looked just as beautiful without a sunset. I've never really stopped and looked around, but maybe I'll start to do that more.
I don't quite know how to feel. I mean, I'm glad I made a friend and all, but what if he's not all he turns out to be? What if he's using me, or is just planning to bring me to the party as a joke? It's not like I can ask Mute if he knows him, because I'm still mad at him for getting us into trouble and acting so self centered
Then again, I do overwhelm myself with a lot of things. Instead, I should just let life happen and go with it. Maybe Alex will be a great guy and help me get over Mute.
I smiled at the thought of Alex, and began to think about the both of us talking and having an amazing time. He's not Mute, and probably never will be Mute, but he's still sweet, and that's all the matters to me at this point.

The Impeccable Infinity
Teen FictionHaley is a normal, average, run-of-the-mill sixteen year old. She goes to school, deals with drama, and try's her best at everything she encounters. But her world is flipped upside down when her parents pass away from a tragic car crash, leaving Hal...