Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sight of clothes scattered across the floor and Riley's bed unmade. For a person who practically has full-on OCD, this is a nightmare to me.

I crawled out from under the warm sheets and stood up to stretch. My body felt relief with each muscle being stretched out, it's something I enjoyed doing as a morning ritual. With the last stretch of my leg, I bent down, picking up the shorts, shirts, and shoes randomly distributed across the floor and folded them neatly, placed them in the closet. I Then walked back to my bed and pulled the covers up, tucked in the sheets, and fluffed the pillows, placing them at the top of the bed. I moved over to Riley's bed and made her's too, before standing back and observing the room.

Looks pretty good. Riley can thank me later.

I skipped down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen, my slippers sliding with each step I took. The light came in through the windows and burnt my eyes with every turn, it's much more stronger than I'm used to. I reached up onto of the top of the fridge and grabbed a box of lucky charms, one of my favorite cereals. I violently tore off the plastic binding at the top of the bag and poured it into a bowl and grabbed the milk from the fridge, poured it in, and picked up a metal spoon before walking carefully to the dinning room table.

I shoved a spoonful of colorful, sugary marshmallows into my mouth, trying to come up with ideas for something to do today. There's nothing to really do because I don't know this town well enough to just get up and walk around, and Ruth may get mad if I try to sneak out and leave the house without her permission.

I checked my phone, scrolling through my social media and looking at all of the pictures of my friends on vacation. I went onto my alerts to see if I missed anything. No new messages. My mouth faded into a frown as I read this. I would have thought my friends would check on me by now, ask me how my new life is, but no. I stare down at the blank notification screen for a few more minutes before placing my phone back in the pocket of my pajamas.

I don't need them anyway, I have a new life now. A new life where nobody knows who I am. I'm no longer 'the girl who is really smart but has no social life'. I was getting tired of that title anyway, I needed to mix it up a bit. Maybe I'll be 'the girl who's always up to something' or some type of rebellious name like that. Yea, that sounds nice.

I looked down at the almost empty bowl of cereal, watching as the small pieces of cereal swirl around in the milk. I followed the slow circular motions with my eyes as I began to think again. I haven't had any time alone yet, so having deep thoughts hasn't happened in awhile. Or until now, as I began to reminisce on the past when I was with my parents. I was so close to them. We would watch movies together, ask each other about our day, and spend every moment laughing and talking.

I felt my eyes begin to tear up, especially because during this time I had someone to talk to. As of right now, I'm just coping and reflecting on the memories of a time when I had a family. A real family.

I picked up my bowl which now only contained milk and carefully carried it back to the kitchen, placing it into the shallow sink. I grabbed a sponge and washed all of the plates and dishes, scrubbing them clean and placing them into the dishwasher, until I heard a loud crash come from upstairs.

What was that, I thought to myself, running through my head all of the possible things it could have been. There may be someone in the house, like a person coming to kill me for something I've done in the past. Or maybe it's a robber coming to steal everything.

I cautiously tiptoes out of the kitchen and up the stairs, trying to be as silent as possible as I snook around the corned of the stairway. I heard the sound of shuffling coming from the room next to mine, it came and went every few seconds but the sound of moving papers continued to run through the air. I silently hopped down the hall to my room, grabbed a softball bat from under my bed, and tiptoed quietly back into the hallway.

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