I followed Riley around the house until we arrived at the wall dividing us from the dining room.
"Now, when we get in there just act natural. If Colby says anything to insult you, just ignore him. He has a mean-streak, it just comes naturally to him."
"Which one is Colby?"
"Oh, you'll be able to tell which one Colby is. Trust me."
I laugh at this, but I'm cut short by my realization of how serious Riley's face is. This 'Colby' kid isn't a joke.
As we stepped into the archway of the dining room, we stopped, noticing everyone at the table looking up from their untouched food to stare at us.
"Well it's about time," a boy, slightly younger than me, growled while squinting his eyes in our direction.
"Colby!" Ruth whispered angrily under her breath while looking over at the boy.
That must be Colby. I can already tell he's a jerk and he's only spoken four words. Great, just another person to avoid and make my life miserable.
Riley pointed at a chair towards the end of the table, looking over at me.
"Haley, you can sit there. I'll sit in the chair next to you," I nodded as we begin walking over to the chairs.
I sat down cautiously and looked at the large meal that was placed in the middle of the table. Once I glanced up from the feast, I noticed everyone was still staring at me, almost as if they were trying to see through me.
"Okay, we can begin eating now. Kids, why don't you ask Haley some questions, get to know her better," Ruth ordered while picking up a fork from the table and stabbing a piece of chicken, popping it into her mouth.
"Where did you come from?" Colby snarled, looking over at me. I finished chewing before responding to his rude question.
"I lived in Paxton, two hours away," I respond, challenging him.
"Why are you here?"
"Because my parents died in a car accident and nobody else was able to take care of me."
"Were you in the car with them?"
"Ah, okay," Colby mumbled quietly before going back to eating.
He's such a bitch, I thought to myself while looking back down at my plate, feeling my face turn red with embarrassment.
"Why don't we ask Haley some questions she's comfortable with?" Ruth asked, looking over in Colby's direction. He met her glare and shrugged her off, going back to taking a bite out of his chicken.
"I'm Ethan," a little boy from the other end of the table announced.
"I'm Nathan," another little boy chimed in after him.
They must be the twins. They aren't identical, but clearly related.
"Nice to meet you two, I'm Haley," I responded, giving them a gentle smile. They blushed before going back to eating and whispering quietly to each other.
"Do you go to school?" A similar voice asked, breaking the silence of our chewing. I looked over to see none other than Colby, who is ready to challenge me with more questions.
"I finished this year. I started summer break last week."
"Well do you have a job at least?"
"No, why would I? I just moved here, how would I be able to get a job that fast?"
"It's possible."
"Yea, I'd rather get to know my way around first, thank you very much."
"So you're just going to sit in the house alone all day for the next week while we're at school?"
I looked over at Ruth, not knowing how to answer that question.
"Haley I forgot to tell you, I have work until late tomorrow night and the kids are still in school until Friday, so you have the house to yourself until they get home. Just don't wreck the place," Ruth finished, smiling and giving me a sly wink to show she trusts me. I smiled back at her before glaring back at Colby.
"She can't promise that. By the time we get home, the house will be a wreak," Colby growled, staring me down.
Riley nudged him on his elbow before giving him a look and mouthing the words 'stop'. He just gave her a look of disgust and went back to staring at his plate.
At least Riley has my back, unlike the rest of them.
I'm wasn't in the mood to fight with a twelve year old, so I finished eating and offered to clean the dishes. We all carried our plates and placed them in the sink. I helped Ruth, scrubbing down each plate with the bristles of a sponge, and placing them in the dishwasher while we talked about our plans for the week.
"Thank you for helping me Haley," Ruth said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to her.
"You're a big help. Don't listen to Colby. He just has a bit of an attitude"
"I noticed." I replied, smiling at her before breaking away from our hug and leaving the kitchen.
I trudged back up the stairs and down the hall to my room, locking the door behind me. I put on my pajamas and got into bed, placing my phone on the table next to my bed.
I looked to the other side of the room, noticing the bed across from mine is empty.
Riley must still be in the shower.
I turned to my side to face the wall and started to think about everything that has happened to me today. It went smoother than I thought it would, besides Colby being a jerk to me.
My mind wandered as I studied the small bumps of paint scattered across the wall. And then I remembered: Mute. I wonder if he's home. It's not like I could get up and check, I don't know where his room is. And besides that, I've never even met him. If I just knock on his door and act like we're well-establish friends it may scare him off.
Oh well, I'll worry about it tomorrow, I think to myself, drifting off into a deep sleep.

The Impeccable Infinity
Teen FictionHaley is a normal, average, run-of-the-mill sixteen year old. She goes to school, deals with drama, and try's her best at everything she encounters. But her world is flipped upside down when her parents pass away from a tragic car crash, leaving Hal...