Chapter 8

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o Zayn's POV o

There he was my boyfriend.... wait I can't even call him that can I? I haven't even asked him out and neither has he to I yet. I was shaken out of my thoughts by Niall engulfing me in a hug. I hugged him back stealing a few kisses and let go. He looked me in the eyes and then down to my outfit checking me out. He licked his bottom lip and bit it every so hotly. I then checked him out and noticed it wasn't his usual wear, but might I say he looked quite sexy. I licked my lips still checking him out and he blushed a bright pink making me laugh. He blushed even darker and hid his face in my chest getting a kiss on the forehead from me.

"Zayn I want to introduce you to Louis, my best friend", he said glancing up at Louis besides us. "I kind of already know him, I met him in the hospital. "Nialler shivered at the though making me hug him tighter and he nodded his head understandlingly. "Hi again mate and all I have to say is treat him well please and if you ever hurt him your arse will be mine". I chuckled and shook my head, leaving my hand out for a shake on it, which he gladly returned.

o Niall's POV o

"Let's get to class", he whispered in my ear making me jump. I nodded and grabbed his hand lacing our fingers together as we walked down the hall to the jail cell they call math. The whole math class Zayn and I kept passing notes and stealing looks from eachother, but then the bell just had to ring!!! Making our little moments get put on hold until 5th hour. He quick pecked my lips before heading off to science well I went to history yay... NOT.

The class went by suprisingly fast making me sigh in relief as we were learning about past wars. Boring!!! I walked out of the room as soon as the bell rang and I made my way to the boys bathroom seeing I had to go. After I went I washed my hands before a guy named Jonny walked in. He was known as the school tormentor and that was not good considering im in the same room as him. "Hey fag what you doing in here", he said coming closer making me back up against the wall. "I w-was g-going to the b-bathroom", I stuttered.

"Not anymore', he said punching my jaw. I fell to the ground cowering in fear. "Get up and fight fag oh wait you can't because you're gay", he said kicking me in the stomach laughing. "S-s-stop", I said sobbing. "Why should I fag?", he said picking me up by the collar of my shirt and punching my stomach. "Because you will have to deal with his boyfriend", an all to familiar voice said. I look to the right to see Zayn standing there, fist ready to lunge. "This is your boy toy Malik, oh man I didn't know", he said relising me and giving me an apologetic smile. I ran over to Zayns awaiting arms, hiding my face in his chest. He wrapped his ams around me protectivly and looked back at Jonny who was standing there awkwardly.

o Zayn's POV o

"I thought you were dont beating people up Jonny", I said questionly. He chuckled a little before answering, "Nah bro too much fun and they all fricken deserve it", he said humor in his tone. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth together. How did Niall deserve this in any way and all those others? "How did Niall deserve this?", I questioned him making Niall look up at him interested in his answer. "He's a fag Malik, and a wimp. Why are you even dating this piece of garbage anyway?, I mean you could do better", he said chuckling lightly and I felt Niall snuggle his head back in my chest tears soaking up my shirt.

"Now you pushed the line Tosler", I said letting go of Niall pushing him behind me before puching Jonny straight in the jaw. Niall curled up in a ball and hid his face in his knees not wanting to watch. "What the heck dude?, remember bros before hoes?". I tightened my fists before calmly saying, "he's not a hoe and if you consider him one then you definitly are not a bro". He looked up at me in awe before shaking his head madly and flipping me off. I just roll my eyes and pick Niall up setting him on the counter examining his face.

He has a large purple bruise and I become enraged. I ended up punching one of the stall doors making Niall jump and run to me. He held my fists and laces are fingers together making me look at him angrily. He cringes and hugs me. I soften up and hug him back, kissing his hair lightly. He smiles into my chest and pushes are lips together giving me a slight shiver. I pull back and grip his hand a bit more tightly pulling him out of the school building. He looks at me in awe, for skipping are last hour.

"I'm taking you for ice cream", I said with a sheepish smile. He rolls his eyes and gets in the passenger side along with me. Once we get there he runs into the shop like a little kid earning a giggle from me. I see him try to decide on what flavor he wants and he looks at me depsperatly. I laugh and order him a sampler which consists of a little bit of every flavor. He looks at me thankfully and I peck him on the lips. I order just a simple banana sundae and we sit after grabbing our ice cream.

We spark up a conversation about the future and he ends up asking me where I want to be in the future. I cheekly smile and answer, "With you". He turns beet red and I kiss his cheeks. We finish are ice cream and take a walk down to the park across the street. 

o Niall's POV o

I see the swings and run for them right away leaving a giggling Zayn running for me. He helps me up on them and pushes me from behind. He ends up getting  tired and I get down pulling him towards the meadow part of the park. We lay in the grass and I rip out blades of grass while Zayn is laying down looking at me silently.

"Niall where do you see yourself in the future?". "With you in a nice house along with are daughter Iris Rose Malik or Horan and Blake john Malik or Horan". "I really love you, you know that right?". "Yes", and I reconnected are lips in a blissful kiss.

" You know we have to go back home in a little bit, so our parents don't get suspicious right?". "Please Zaynie can we stay and just run away from all the people who try to bring us down?". "I'm sorry love, but we can't run away from our problems". " I know it's just im scared what if Jonny tries to hurt me again and bring his gang with him when your not there and -". "Niall shut up, I love you and I will not let anyone hurt you ever again. I will be there when you need me the most. I would never hurt you and or let anyone hurt you got it snowflake?". I smiled and pulled him up off the ground in a sweet kiss. Then we walked back hand in hand to the car.

--- hey guys sorry I didn't upload sooner I was busy with the family and all, so yeah. Also what do you guys think of Jonny being in the story quite a twist right yea yea no well fine then! jk, so im getting my hair done and im super excited, but the day after i have to go get a shot :( not happy... byeee love you guys ----

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