Chapter 11

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o Niall"s POV o

I woke up to the birds chirping and the sunlight creeping through my window. WRONG!!!!!! I woke up to a pounding headache and bruised all over my torse from last nights events and to add on it was pouring rain. I could barely get up, but gave in and striped getting into the shower. I scrubbed my skin raw trying to get all of the bruised to 'wash away'- but failed. Seeing it was pointless I washed my hair and turned off the shower.

I picked out some gray sweats, A black underarmor shirt, blue sweater, and some blue converses. I swept my hair to the side and made my way downstairs. My tumy growled meaning time to eat.

Nothing in the fridge.

shelves? Nope.

Ahhhhhh  theres nothing to eat.

My phone broke my angry rant and I picked it up.


"Hi snowflake ill be there in 10 to pick you up"!

"Yay, i'll be waiting"!!!

"Love you".

I hesitated tears gathering in my eyes. He really does love me.

"I love you too"...

He clicked the end button and the room was once again silent. I plopped down on the couch and turned on The Big Bang Theory. As I was laughing at one of the actors the door opened revealing a grinning Zayn holding.... MCDONALDS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

"Oh My God, I love you soo much Zaynieboo".

"Ummm thanks, I guess".

He looked at me confused, but hugged me back anyway. My stomach just HAD to sound like a dying whale right at that moment. "Ahhh now I get it", he chuckled pulling me to the kitchen.

He opened the bag to reveal 4 breakfast bagels and 2 Iced lattes. He handed me my food and I anxiously grabbed them. As he took his first bite I was already half way done to my first. "that's my boy", he giggled. I grinned my toothy grin and finished up. We threw away the trash and I grabbed my backpack.

I pulled him back before he opened the door into a sweet passionate kiss. I could practically taste the iced coffe and bagel on his lips and moaned from the taste. He pulled away panting and red as a tomatoe.

I laughed and kissed his cheek probally looking the same. We linked fingers and walked into school searching for our gang. There by my locker was Louis, Eleanor, Liam, Harry, and Misty. We smiled and walked up to them.

"I have some news to announce!", Louis shouts and we all laugh. "Whats up Lou?", Liam asks rolling his eyes. "El and I have some big news". "Oh god Lou is El pregnant", Harry asks eyes wide with anticipation. He and El blush- but shake their heads in a no matter. "Not until or if we get married Haz", El says calmly still blushing fiercly. 

We all bursted into a chorus of giggles and chuckles. "I don't think Louis has it in him anyway", I say laughing again. Louis pulls a serious look. "I do to have it in me", he pouts. "Nah I dont think soooo", I say waiting for a reaction smirking. He pouts even more. " I think that I could I mean my b-". "SHUT IT", El says interrupting Louis blushing a more crimson color.

We laugh and say are goodbyes heading to class. I have Math first and Liam does too, so we walked together. He sits next to me a row away, but there only one flaw. Jonny sits right behind me. As the lesson started I could feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head. 

"Why is Jonny staring at you?", Liam whispers puzzlement clouds his face. "I don't know", I say halfheartedly. "Should I do something?'. "Nah he'll get over it, I hope", I whisper that last part. Liam still doesn't look convinced, but huffs and turns away continueing with the work.

"How is your boy-toy", Jonny whispers in my ear making shivers run up my spine. " He's not my boy-toy", I hiss. He just continues leaning forward and I can feel his hot breath running down my neck. "Just leave us alone alright?", I say more confidently. "Never in your dreams, Zayn has something I want". "What?". "You".

I cringe at that last part and my stomach starts doing the tango. "Im will never be yours, I will alway be Zayn's", I say rather harshly. "Then we'll just have to fix that now won't we?", he asks and I take a deep gulp.

Can this day get any better?

The way to my next class I feel better knowing Zayns is in it with me and we sit together at the third table. I plop down and let out a deep sigh. "What's wrong babe?", he whispers rubbing circles on my leg. I look at him and force a smile onto my mouth. "Just some pre-excitement jitters I guess.

"What do you mean?". "I was just thinking about that party were going to tonight". "Don't worry love it will be fine", he says giving me a quick peck while the teachers not looking. I lay my head on his shoulder and he snakes his arm around my waist.  The whole class time consisted of the two of us chatting, doing work, listening to the teacher, and stealing a few kisses.

The bell rings and we give eachother a goodbye kiss. I head to the locker room in gym changing my clothes. As I was shirtless trying to look for my shirt an arm wrapped around my waist. "Zayn?". "Nope, try again Nialler", said an all too familiar voice. "Get away from me Jonny", I say realizing the locker room is now empty. He just chuckles and slams me into the locker pushing his lips onto mine. I fight against his grip but the more i struggle the more his girp tightens. It gets to the point were I scream in pain from his hands, but there muffled against his lips. He pulls away a smug grin on his face.

I let hot tears roll down my face and he wipes them away before I had the chance to slap him. "Don't Zayn or this relationship you have will be teared right out of your hands". I wince and nod running into the gym rubbing my wrists which now are swollen and have plum colored finger prints on them.

After gym I run straight to the locker rooms and change before anyone else has the chance to get to. I run out and to the lunchroom to meet everyone waiting for me. I know what Jonny said, but I love Zayn and can't lie to him. They all look at me worried and I realize I must look pale.

"Z-zayn can I talk to you?". "Sure love". I practically dragged him out of the building to the football field and onto the last row of the bleahers. No one practiced here or came here during lucnh so we were safe. That's when I broke down into tears. He hugged me pulling me down to sit. I crawled onto his lap and desperatly cluched his shirt as I sobbed. "What's wrong babe?". "Jonny"....

--- IM SOOOOO SORRY  i didnt upload sooner i feel terrible for making you wait ;( I've been so busy with school and stuff and im sorry you can hate me sorry, Im going to start doing Ziall imagines on the side from now on so you can read those too by the way----

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