Chapter 10

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o Zayn's POV o

I took the whip cream bottle from him smirking and stood a few feet from him. "Let the games begin", he said running away. I ran after him and shot. It missed and sprayed some on my forehead. 

I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. He was about to run away when I sprayed his cheek. He gave me a passionate kiss and pulled away a little to quick for my liking. He was about to pull away when i sprayed again and I got him on the lips jackpot.

He smiled and let my arms snake around him. "Im all your's babe". I thought for a moment trying to decide what i'll make him do. I finally came to one idea.  "You have to go to a party some of my friends are hosting tomorrow evening". "Zaaaaaaayyyyyyyyynnnnnn, you know I hate parties", I groaned frustrated. "I won, so your going to the party and it'll be fun dont worry". "Fine, but if I feel to uncomfortable can we leave?". 

I kissed his forehead and nodded. He yawned and pulled me to the couch. I pulled him on my lap and he curled up instantly. I turned the tv and put Niall on the couch getting a blanket and turning off the lights. I layed down and snaked my arms around Niall putting the blanket around is and falling asleep.

o Niall's POV o

I woke up to hear peacefully snoring from behind me. I shifted to look behind me and saw Zayn sleeping softly. I smiled and pushed some fringe of hair from his eyes. He shifted, but never woke.

"Zayn babe get up". "5 more minutes". "Come on Zaynie please?". "Whyyyyy?". "You're going to miss taking shower with me". His eyes shot open and he quickly got up off the couch making me fall. "Oh Niall sorry babe", he said pulling me up kissing me softly. I shot him a glare and pulled him towards the shower.

After we finished showering I got out handing him a towel and putting one on myself quickly. I lead us to my room throwing him a pair of blue skinnies, white shirt, black sweater, and some white supras. He got dressed and wrapped his arms around me as I tried to figure out what to wear. 

"Let me pick out an outfit snowflake". I sighed and he made his way to the closet. He picked out black skinnies, purple tee,  white sweater, and white TOMS. 'Thank you its perfect". "Your welcome snowflake", he said kissing my cheek.

I got dressed and we made our way downstairs. "Hungry?", I asked him. "A little, what shall we make?". "I don't know I dont really cook". "How about pasta and some salad". "I smiled and nodded. He grabbed the noddles, sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, bacon bits, carrots, and eggs. "I hope you like egg salad and italian style pasta". " Food is food", I shrugged and he chuckled.

He showed me how to dice the vegetable and add the ingredients to the salad. I got the hang of it quickly and he started the pasta adding all these spices. I finished and tossed the salad mixing it farely well.  He smiled at me proudly and finished the pasta turning of the burner. 

He set the table and we finished the past and salad. "that was some awesome salad snowflake". "I love the pasta Zaynie". "How about we go out to the movies and have are date?". "I would love to", I said hugging him and kissing him on the nose. He giggles and pulls me on his lap. "What would I do without you snowflake". "I don't know, but I do know that I will always be there when you need me". "Thats good enough for me".

I smiled and got up pulling him to the door. I locked the door and we made our way to his car. We got in and connected are hands all the way to the theater. "What would you like to see snowflake?", he asked me opening the car door like a gentleman. "How about something scary?". "Thats not something normal people would do on a date". "Who said we were normal and plus you can comfort me when I get scared".  He smirked and led me into the theater getting tickets to see Insidous.

o Zayn's POV o

I led him to the back, so we can have some privacy."Do you want anything before the movie starts?", he asks me standing up. " A large pepsi and some gummy bears please". He chuckles and leaves to get the items. 

I started tapping my finger impatiently  10 min. after Niall left. I get up not wanting to wait anymore and look around the theater for him. I finally check the bathroom and see something I never wanted to. " Jonny held Niall up by his neck choking him as he threw some blows to his stomach. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and he yelled in pain. 

I grabbed jonny roughly throwing him against another wall. He groaned and looked up smirking at me. "Come to save your fag of a boyfriend I see". I clench my teeth and fist wanting to lunge at him, but fought the urge. "He's not a fag and you need to leave him alone". "Why should I? He deserves to live as much as a rapist does". That snapped me and I threw a punch hitting his nose.

I heard a crack and blood came gushing out. He yelled cursing and glaring at me. I smirked and kicked him in the ribs. He curled up in a ball cursing out loud. After a few more kicks and punched were exchanged he ran out. 

I immediatly gathered Niall in my arms carrying him out of the theater to my car. He clung to me sobs errupting from his body. I crawled in the back with him and he wound his legs around me. I rubbed his back, kissing his forehead, and whispering sweet things in htis ear. He finally calmed enough to talk. 

"What happened my love", I asked sweeping fringe out of his eyes. He sniffled and buried his head in the crook of my neck. "I got up to go get the snack and Jonny was also there. He came up to me asking what I was doing here and I said I was on a date with you. He said something like oh you two fags are out on a date how sweet and I got angry, so I said were not the real fags here. He pulled me by my hair to the restrooms taking me by the neck and choking me while pinning me to the wall. I tried screaming for you, but he kissed me. He said that he's always had a crush on me and that he would get me one way or another. I told him I loved you and only you, so he got mad and smacked me, puncing me in the stomach until you walked in and saved me".

"He kissed you". "Yes, but I didn't kiss back I promise", he said shaking his head furiously. "I trust you and he will pay for touching my snowflake". "Thanks for saving me Zayn". "It's nothing babe you are my boyfriend and it's my job to teach anyone who comes near to hurting my snowflake a lesson". He blushed and looked down. I pulled his chin up making him look at me in the eyes before kissing him passionatly. He responded quickly and we pulled away enjoying eachothers presence.

"Shall we bring you home and watch a movie there?". "No let's get ice cream and take a midnight stroll. "Will do". He smiled and pulled us out the back and we got back up in front. On the way there he started to tap his fingers impatiently, so I took them in mine entertwining them. He smiled and looked out the windown again admiring the view. 

We got there and he asked which flavor I would like. After about 20 min of trying to decide which flavor I picked blue moon. Zayn ordered and payed. We walked out the shop eating are ice cream with one hand and connecting the others. It was peaceful and very nice. We made our way back to the car and he drove me home.

"Goodnight babe, love you", he said giving me a passionate kiss. "Goodnight angel, I will be here to pick you up in the morning. "All right bye". "Bye".

--- Well that was sweet. Heres another chapter hope you enjoyed bye---

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