Chapter 9

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o Niall's POV o

I woke up the next morning with a huge headache and I felt like hurling. I quickly ran to the bathroom and sat on the floor next to the toilet. As on que lasts night dinner came up and I quicly wiped my mouth.

I can't be sick not today. Zayn asked me out on a date for tonight and now I can't go. I decided to text him before school started telling him I will be home and not to worry about me. Also that I need a raincheck on the date. I hope he won't be too dissappointed. I got up and checked he time seeing it was only 5:00 am. That means school starts in only a half an hour. I quickly texted him.

To: Zayniebear <3 <3 <3

From: Nialler <3

Hey babe I have to cancel our date im not feeling well today, so im just going to stay home, have fun, Love you <3


From: Zayniebear <3 <3 <3

To: Nialler <3

Aww babe hope you get better, and its fine we can have our date tom. Love you <3


I smiled and turn off my phone putting on my green hoodie over my black topmans and walked to the living room. I turned on the t.v. putting on Nemo. Yes I still watch Nemo, don't judge!!! Then I made my way to the kitchen trying to find something to eat, but am dissapointed to see almost everything gone. I was about to go upstairs to get changd when I heard a soft knock on the door.

I opened  the door to see Zayn standing there a plastic bag in hand. I let him in smiling warmly and hugging him. He hugged me back pecking me on the cheek and ushered for me to sit down on the couch.

I did as he told me to do eyeing the bag suspiciously. He opeend it to reveal cheesy romance movies, ice cream, chips and dip, games, and roses. I looked at him stunned before hugging him wrapping my legs around his waist. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"I wanted to help you get better", he said cheekly. I smiled and giggled before letting him go and pecking his cheek, but he turned in time to let his lips be smushed by mine. I pulled away quickly gasping. He looked at me amused and chuckled again. "Zayn I could get you sick!". "I don't care, I love you and I wanted a kiss". "Aww Zayn", I said blushing. He picked me up and put me on his lap sitting on the couch.

I just realized I was still in my Topmans and looked down suddenly insecure. He looked at me confused and I pointed to my boxers. He checked me out before kissing me softly. " Don't be insecure I love your body", he whispered kissing the top of my ear sending shivers down my back.

We put in Love Actually and digged out the ice cream. He got 2 flavors, Chocolate swirl and cotton candy. "What do you want babe?". "COTTON CANDY", I yelled grabbing it out of the bag. He looked at me amusement dancing in his eyes before fishing out the spoons. We watched the movie with me laying on the couch, legs laying on Zayns lap and Zayn laying next to me. We fed eachother and watched bits and pieces of the movie.

After It was done we put in Titanic and fished out the chips and dip. " I still don't get why she would wear that thing it must be like a million pounds around her neck", I questioned Zayn refering to the necklace. "I don't know babe, although might I add she looks hot wearing it. I gasped and acted offended. " Are you saying she's hotter than me?". "No babe im just saying she looks hot with the necklace on". I got up off the couch crossing my arms and looking at him. "I should get a necklace like that so you think im hot". 

His face redened and I had to hold back the giggle. "Why do you want to buy a necklace that looks like a million dollars, just to look hot?. "Because if you think a simple piece of jewelry can make a girl look hot then it should make me look sexy".

'Babe don't do that please, she doesn't look hot you look hot and sexy and beautiful please don't", he begged. I giggled and sat on his lap resting my head on his chest playing with his fingers.

"I was just joking babe, I don't wear jewelry anyways and why wouldn't you want me to buy a necklace?". "Because it would take over your true beauty". I started blushing like mad and kissed him sweetly and addictively. He pulled away and put his forehead to mine.

"I mean it to Niall. Don't change yourself just for someone you are beautiful the way you are". I nodded and got up off the couch heading in the kitchen. "What are you doing babe?", he yelled form the kitchen.

o Zayn's POV o

He came back a smirk on his face and 2 whip cream bottles in his hands. "Lets play a game, if you get sprayed you give the shooter a kiss, If they get your lips, then you get to do what ever you want to them, wanna play?" "Fine by me", then the game began...

--- Whats going to happen, no one will ever know. Jk it will be in the next chapter!!! I know im evil for stopping there, but wat eves byeeee---

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