Day 3: After Noon

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5:00. Judy finally went into her modest apartment. Tired and happy and full of color.
Since her noisy neighbors weren't home complaining at each other, Judy ardently cut on her music.
Piano music. The classical genre.
She can't get over how every classic song, uses the same instruments, same techniques, same chords and same progression.
Knowing this principle, it boggles her to know each song in her music library touches her in different ways.
How each song sounds different from another.
Each keynote a piano sings, the violins chanting dreamy vibes, cellos balancing the high notes, trumpets pulsating sounds of victory.
All these materials for a song expresses how Wire feels about the word confidence.
Judy may not know the fullness of confidence. But with classic music, she does.
Gives her the confidence to go out with Nick.
In an hour she goes out to him. She will see him. She will dine with him.
Her nerves are kicking, so badly.
Just thinking about eating in front of him, sends chills down her spine.
"Remember. Nick said its only a celebration. We're only eating to celebrate solving the case. It's not a.. Uhm.. Date." Judy talked lowly in her mind, trying to calm herself. "Nick and I are simply eating out together. That's it."
No matter how many times she told herself to act normal. She freaked out.
And when 6:00 came by. Her phone went off. Vibrated in notes of a cello. Not balancing out her nervous mind.
Judy took the call, realizing she isn't dressed for dinner. She's still in her police uniform.. "Shucks!" She yelled, changing super fast.


Nick smiled when 6:00 came by. He got out of Finnick's van and back under the bridge. He changed for dinner. Choosing his usual tan suit pants, striped tie and green floral patterned button up.
He didn't want to over dress or look too dressed for celebration. Plus he doesn't have a lot of clothes.
Boldly. Nick called Judy and waited for her to pick up.
He waited and waited.
And at the last second. Judy picked up.
"Hey Nick" Judy said, nervously.
"Hey Carrot. You ready to eat out?"
"Uhh. Sure am." Judy said with confidence. "Where we eating out at?"
Nick chuckled. "You'll see soon enough Carrot. I'll come over to you and pick you up."
"Okay Nick. See you when you get here."
Nick hung up, took the bold police car and met Judy outside her apartment complex.
Nick lifted his ears once he saw her.
She had on her straw hat, simple jeans and a pink button up.
She had that outfit on before. When she apologized to Nick about her impromptu speech. Saying that she's a dumb bunny.
When hugged her and embraced her for the first time.
Badly, Nick wanted her. And needed her.

Nick & Judy

"Ready Carrot?" He said, walking up to her.
"Sure am Green Eyes."
With heart, Nick widened his forest colored eyes, feeling his heart tingle.
Judy giggled at him, wagging her little bunny tail.
"To shay purple eyes. Any thing else you want to surprise me with?"
"I like your green eyes." She whispered. "Green as the forest, green as grass, green as your shirt."
Nick had trouble responding with this. So he scratched the back of his head, reacting the way Judy expected. Nervous.
"Heh. Thanks Carrot. I'd love to elaborate about your eyes. But I can't find anything more exotic than that shine in your perfect eyes."
He's being serious.
Judy can tell from his thick truthful accent.
An accent of admiration.
Which admiration is the first step of love.
"C'mon Carrot." Nick gestured his head, walking on. If only he reached for her hand, the will she feel whole.
It was nice, walking softly to the police car. Until Nick zipped right passed it, as if he didn't see it.
"Aren't you going to drive?" Judy said looking back at the car. Confused.
What's Nick up to?
"Nah Carrot. How about we walk there? It won't be so bad. Trust me trouble Bunny." He shouldered her. Gently.
"To where?"
He only starred at her. Not telling what he's up to. In reply, Judy rolled her eyes. "Alright Nick."
Together both of them smoothly walked, with a perfect sky. Not too dark, not too bright.
But perfect, like this moment.
This proud moment.
"Can you tell me now Nick? And what's with that basket?"
Nick smiled. Pointing. "You see that park right there Purple Eyes?"
Judy giggled. "Yeah."
"We're eating out in there."
"At what a hot dog stand?" Judy grinned.
"That would be nice, but no. We're going to have a little picnic. The two of us. Celebrating this day and relaxing. And gee Carrot. I really needed this day. The calmness of silent sound. It's like classic music to my ears. To hear the wind, pitching in a balance. Just wow. I waited for the calmness."
What Nick said, the classic music part, how it's calm and such.
Judy felt the same exact way. She didn't even know Nick listened to that genre of music.
For a while Judy pondered that Nick listened to any blood rushing score. To get himself through the day. Not classic.
"You listen to classic music Nick?" She had to ask.
"I do Carrot. When I can. Pianos are my favorite instrument. The sophisticated sounds it performs. It's magic."
"I agree. That's my favorite instrument too. Do you know how to play the piano?"
Easily Nick answered, entering in the park. "Yea I tried. I sucked. What about yourself Bunny?"
"Nope. It looked too hard. There's so many keys. Sadly I can't play anything."
Judging on Nick's face. He can see she can.
"I'm sure you can sing Carrot. You have the voice."
"How would you know?"
Nick didn't respond to her. Not until he sat his mat and picnic supplies down.
"I heard you before. Matter of fact. Your sweet voice sings to me everyday. Every word you say is a song. And a tone. That's just like classic music. And this soothing weather." He cooed out his voice to her. Casually handing her a lettuce and berry sandwich. Nick's favorite thing to eat.
Judy accepted it with all her heart.
"Nick you... You always know what to say to me. That's what I like about you." She smiled. Sitting next to him. Taking a bite of her strange sandwich. "Woah... Did you make this Nick?"
"Yep. It's my favorite thing to eat. Lettuce and berries. Pretty strange for a predator like me to adore this stuff." Berry sandwiches never disappoint Nick.
Judy can see how. "Wow it's so good Nick! Say.. Do you even eat insects?" She said this.. Thinking of Wire.
"Nah. That's nasty. Finnick however loves that stuff. Not me. He offered a Beetle to me. One look at it I was done for. I'm.. Actually like you. I eat berries and carrots. The only difference we have is that I'm a better driver." He laughed.
Judy punched his shoulder playing around. "What ever Nick."
Nick only starred at her. Smiling like never before.
"What?" She blushed. "Do I have crumbs on my face?"
He shook his head, dazed from her. "You know Judy. You're—."
Judy quickly intruded him. "Cute? Only bunnies can call each other that. It's weird when others animals say it."
"Well.. I was going to say beautiful. But I guess that'll do."
Judy dropped her berry sandwich. Giving him the look. That special look of admiration, and jumped into Nick's firm arms. She ate his sandwich while at it.
Nick didn't expect her to do this.
"Heh. Carrot are you.. Going to eat your sandwich?"
She hugged him real tight, snuggled herself in his lap.
Nick shrugged and coated his arms around her waist.
Now her tail wagged. Eyes closed and face burying in his chest.
Judy's done with step one of love.
She's ready for step two. Being together.
Nick is too.
"Nick.. Your heart.. I can hear it."
"It's beating for you Judy. Always has. Always will." Nick snuggled her. Embraced her like she's the last thing he's going to hold on to in a long while.
"I can hear yours too Judy. Running wild as the jungle. Racing faster than Flash's car."
Romantically. Judy got out of his hold and leaned onto him.. Then kissed his cheek. His furry soft cheek.
Judy has never seen Nick blush.
That kiss though. Made his cheeks glow like sunset.
"Aww Nick you're blushing."
Nick reflected her actions. By kissing her cheek. Watching her face redden like his. "Aww Judy. You're blushing."
Both of them laughed, then leaned onto each other, wishing for this moment to last forever.
"What about now Carrot. Can I call you cute? Cause you sure are cute."
"Of course you can. You can call me what ever you want." She whispered. Lovingly.
"Okay, dumb bunny. How does that sound?"
"Romantic." Sarcasm played from her voice. She knew not to take that seriously.
"You know Nick.. I didn't expect this to happen."
"What do you mean Bunny?" He faced his eyes at her. Watching her stare at the descending sky.
"When I first saw you Nick. I saw you walk into an ice cream shop, meant for elephants. I followed you in and.." She paused. Smiling through retrospect memories.
"And?" Nick nudged her.
She giggled and continued. "From the moment I met you. I didn't trust you one bit.. But now. It's more than trust. It's.." Judy wanted to say love. Yet didn't. It felt to early for that.
"It's something weird."
"And crazy." Nick finished for her, watching her beautiful eyes. He can see the sun in her eyes. And the sun in her eyes had to be the greatest monument he's laid his green eyes on.
"I didn't like you." He said bluntly. "You were a cop. So I didn't like you for that reason. I didn't see you as anything but a cute and dumb bunny. Now you're.. My partner. We are cops together. I ran away from people like you because I was a dumb fox.. You were never a dumb bunny. You were always the smart one. The cute one and the greatest one."
"Aww Nick. My Heart might explode. I'm soo happy right now that you have no idea.. I.. I never felt this way. These feeling i'm getting. It's so amazing and wonderful. I can literally take flight."
"Same here Judy. Same here."
"Nick I'm not the greatest, the smartest one or the cutest." She said. staying humble.
"Sure.. Maybe not to the world. But in my world. You are." Nick hugged her one last time and got up. Cleaning his picnic stuff..

"What're you doing Nick?"
"Well we're done eating Carrot. Let's take a walk together. Before the sun falls all the way down. What do you say?" Judy didn't dare to say no. She went with his call.
"Nick. Can you believe it?"
"Believe what?"
"It's only been three days. And all this already happened."
"I know. Three days ago we caught Flash speeding. Three days ago we became partners. And tomorrow will be the fourth day. And then the fifth day. And so on." Nick fell in retrospect. Going back through recent memories.
"What do you think will happen within a month from now?" She asked, dreamily. "How will the two of us be?"
"I don't know Carrot. Guess we will see when the time comes. We can't predict what will happen. Predicting the future is like folding a coin in half with your bare hands— however, I can say." Quickly he lowered his keen voice. Kneeling into Judy's long ears. "The future is going to be beautiful.. For the two of us."
Judy couldn't agree more.
Which Nick is right.
The future for the two of them. It's definitely going to be weird. And also crazy. Like how the past three days have been.
For the two of them.

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