Day 5: Evacuation

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"Hey Nick is going to be alright." Clawhauser tried to do anything he can to cheer sad Judy up. "He's saving people like you Judy, wonderful people. All sorts of fluffy bunnies."
"Thanks, but.. I don't want Nick to die." She sniffled. "He's.. He is everything to me. And you know I love him Clawhauser. I'm madly in love with a fox. With green eyes that take my heart. A fox whose handsome with a bold personality and beautiful figure that drives me crazy.. I — I love Nick. And I want to tell him myself." Judy started tearing up again, shedding grief. "I don't want him to die without hearing me say those three words. That I love him."
"He won't die Judy and That's so sweet I'm crying again!" Benjamin squealed, hugging Judy. "Ohh You're a lucky bunny and he's a lucky fox. Who cares about the fact he's a fox and you're a rabbit? Love is weird Judy. It's crazy. And if love isn't any of that, then it's not real."
Judy some what smiled. "Thanks Benjamin. I have high hopes. That nothing bad happens."
"I do to Judy. I do to. Maybe we should get Mr. Big to act on this."
Judy agreed, exploring around. Searching for Mr. Big.


"Ha!" Victoriously Nick re-routed the train. "I did it everyone!"
The bunnies who followed Nick cheered, with hope in their eyes.
"In a few minutes or so the train will arrive."
He declared. "I want all of you to stay here. When the train comes, go inside. You hear me?" Nick panted, sincerely.
All of them nodded, and troubled to see Nick go off, into the burning Burrows. Until Someone stopped him.
Nick turned, to see Finnick.
Finnick rushed behind Nick, scarred. "Nicky I thought we got everyone in that mess? You gonna go in again? Listen yo, I don't wanna loose you Nicky. You almost died twice today already and I ain't lettin you die." Finnick complained, throwing a tantrum. "We in this together Nick!"
It's hard for Nick to believe Finnick is capable of such emotions. What if every animal is emotional? Deep down inside, every animal is soft. And Finnick. Has hidden himself. He's had a mask on, like Nick did before.
And now he's open and vulnerable, and he could care less.
"Finnick.. You stay here and do what you can for these bunnies. Something tells me we're not done here. I know there's some one else inside. And I will rescue whom ever is." Nick saluted Finnick, with all respect. "I'm still in this fight Finnick and if I die.. Tell Judy I love her."
"You didn't tell her yet!!?" He boomed upset.
Nick shook his head and ran. Ran to the Burning Burrows.

Debris of ash, obscured his line of sight. The stinging smell teared his eyes and the intense heat made him quiver.
Something told Nick he's not done here. And what ever he predicted is true.
Over the fire, he heard a girl call for help.
Coming from a house catching flames.
"I'm coming!" Nick sprinted intensively. Dodging falling debris, ducking over flaming obstacles and avoiding fierce sparks.
In the process of sprinting, his tail almost caught on fire twice.
His reflexes kept him safe, from the harm in his way. From these dangerous hazards.
"Help!" A bunny begged, seeing Nick.
"What is it you need?"
"It's my son he's stuck inside! Please help get him out." She pleaded, crying to him.
"M'am I'll get your son." He assured.
"Oh thank you mr. Fox!" She cried to him, watching him thrust inside.
Smoke filled the house; everywhere, making his senses vulnerable.
He couldn't see, the smell was too strong, flames corroded just about every corner.
The once nice wall paper, is now ash.
"Kid where are you!" Nick yelled.
"I'm here!" He shouted, crying.
Nick couldn't calculate where the direction took place, but he searched. Every where he did.
From the flaming kitchen, small cabinets, the dining room, all the rooms and bathrooms and didn't find him.
"Kid where are you!" He coughed, unable to breathe. Panicking to find the kid.
"Agh!" The kid screamed.
Nick heard where it came from..
Below him.
The kid is in a basement.
"I'm coming!" Nick boomed, toppling over broken boards, shards of glass and sharp objects.
When Nick found the basement door, it was shut tight and locked.
Inside he heard flames... And the kid screaming for help. Struck in shock from futile flames and plummeting smoke.
The kid could be drowning in flames, purged away at an early age.
Nick pictured the kid in his mind.. Him dying and the mother being upset for life.
He didn't like this reality, the one he imagined.
And he won't let this kid die..
"No!!" Nick bellowed. Loosing his tensed vision and on the verge to blacking out. "No!" He bellowed again, this time banged on the bulky door. Over and over again.
"Kid I'm not loosing you!"
That's when Nick backed up and rammed down the door. And flew inside like a rag doll, falling down steep stairs.
Luckily he didn't break a bone.
Quickly, getting himself up. Fast as lightening. He saw the whole basement going down to flames.. And he saw the kid crying in a corner.
"Kid over here!"
The little bunny stole glances at him, then leaped in his arms. "Where's my mommy?"
"She's okay. She's waiting for you. Let's get you out of here." He said, panting.
Through exhaustion, Nick made it out safe. Walked through the fire and flames. Looking like a hero.
A real hero. A someone Nick never expected himself to be.
"Oh it's my boy!" Cried the grieving mom.
"Mommy!" He shouted happily, hugging her. "Where's daddy?"
"He's out of this fire waiting for us."
"Then let's go mom!"
This moment touched Nick's heart. Made him feel proud, that he's doing the right thing.
That he's doing his job.
"You go on ahead m'am! I'll be right behind you."
She nodded and sprinted out. With confidence, holding her worried son.
And Nick stayed right behind them. Comforting them.
If only Bogo can see Nick.
Boy would he be proud.


When Bogo saw the purging flames, the brave cops pulling bunnies out. He knew it wasn't to late.
Nick is out there some where. Saving bunnies, risking his life.
Bogo started running around, screaming Nick's name. Dodging running bunnies, and evading debris.
He had no clue where to look, no idea where to go.
But he did follow the bunnies. Followed them up to a train station, where a train rested still and where Finnick is.
"Who are you?!" Bogo shouted, getting Finnick's attention.
"I'm Nick's friend. Waitin for Nicky to get back!"
"Where is he?"
Finnick pointed. At a street swallowed in flames.
"He went in there, and he been inside there for a good ten minutes. He's been in since before this train arrived yo.. I'm scared that he dead."
Bogo bulked up his face. Seeing no other bunnies in the distance. No one else needed to be evacuated. The cops and fire fighters got all them out. They did their job.
"Is Nicky alive?" Finnick panicked.
Bogo didn't answer, only looked and looked.. Until he saw something..
"Wait.. Look there!" Bogo pointed. Watching a shadow in the distance, running out the crumbling Burrows.
When the shadow became clear.
Clear as day, Bogo saw two bunnies. A mother and her son. Shouting in happiness.
"We made it!" The kid yelled.
Bogo when up to the lady bunny, concerned. "Miss have you seen a fox?"
"Oh yes I have! He saved my son in my burning house. He followed right behind me as I left.. He's right.." The woman looked behind her. Shifted left and right. Panicking now.
For Nick wasn't there.. "He was right behind me I swear he was.."
Bogo widened his senses and charged inside the Burrows. "Nick! Where are you!"
No answer..
Only crumbling houses. Plummeting on the floor.
"Nick!!!" Bogo boomed, scouting for him. Lost inside the what's left of the Burrows.
He didn't see Nick anywhere.. Not inside flaming houses or anywhere.. But there is one place Bogo didn't check.. Judy's house. What if Nick is there?
"Agh Nick!!"
Bravely Bogo pounced inside the house. To see Nick. On the floor covered in boards.. Flaming boards.
"No!" Bogo cried. "Nick don't die on me!"
Through desperation.. Bogo threw the boards, picking Nick up.
Nick didn't open his eyes or have any.. Pulse..
"Medic!!" Bogo yelled, now Running through the flames.. Through the houses, the destruction, the fire and of all the threats.
Nick can't die.. If he does.
This will change everyone.. And devastate Judy..

Finnick saw Bogo carrying Nick. Strong and Brave. Finnick cried in happiness.. Until he saw the upset look on Bogo's face. And when Bogo shook his head at Finnick..
Finnick lost it. He began moping. Regretting the cruel things he's done to Nick, regretting that he's never revealed to Nick about whom he really is.
"Call the medics!" Bogo screamed. Placing Nick's body down.
"We have an officer down.. I repeat. We have an officer down.." Bogo said this in all cop comms. For everyone to hear.. Even for Benjamin to hear.. Even for Judy. "Nick is down... He's.. Down."

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