Day 16: Midnight Visit

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Midnight is here, ready to begin the next day. Day sixteen of the month. The day of peculiar change. Day of woe, hours of shadowy despair. Seconds of no horizon, no light. Nothing gentle. Something wonderful needs to happen. Not just for Judy or those around her, but the whole region of Zootopia and other districts. Other cities deserve a better stage of light. No one here deserves the darkest hours of Carnicus and Snock.
The two need to be eliminated, wiped out and stopped. These two are restless monsters that agonize the night and pain the morning.
No matter where they are, where they prime themselves. Fear is always in touch, crafting everyone to lifeless sculptures. . Why do the villains sustain the fact of fear? They always use fear as a weapon, it's the only thing valuable to them. Even Bellwether used this concept of fear. She wanted to eliminate the predators, by doing so she controlled the evolution of fear. The phobia of the living is much more stronger than the philia they have.
Some of Zootpia hopes for the better good to happen. The modest crescent moon in the limitless space matches the faith of Zootopia. The Quarter of the population is dimmed in ambition, faced in faith for Utopia, waiting for castles in the air to come down and terminate what evil stands. Meanwhile the rest of the population is stricken in doubt, raising anchors on their own ships, sinking without fighting and soaked in overwhelming anxieties and depression.
All this despair, no smiling faces.
This struggle for happiness.
Judy is sick of this.
She's sick and tired of being sick and tired. So much worry, so little confidence.
Nick is in the hospital, the evil threat is out there in the night, Bogo is upset about his home town, Jack is dead, the Zootopia tram system pummeled down a slope hill, Mayor Lionheart is stressed about keeping hope under the roof of the people, Clawhauser isn't that happy as he was before, Wire might be lost and Gazelle won't stop screaming for the pain to stop. For it to end.
All of Judy's friends are layered like the night sky. The one dark shadow stretching across the atmosphere. Addition with dense murky fog.
It seems like earth has lost its place in the stars just like millions of other stars.
Just like Zootopia lost its happiness amongst other cities.

Rain also showers the quiet roads, hitting Judy's apartment window, sliding down without effort.
Gravity declined the rain's effort to stick.
Like some repellent spray.
Bits of rain droplets slid down and collided with other bits. Raindrops formed bigger water bubbles, then toppled against the window seal.
Judy watched the rain, the droplets stack on top of each other. Watching them race each other to the bottom of the window.
Just by surveying simple rain, Judy's swinging mood calmed, opposite of the outside weather. Hearing the rain indulged her mind to steady, take up on the sleepy side.
Before she dozed off watching the rain, she checked the time. Which read as 12:45am.
Time doesn't exist when your inside your own head.
Time in the mind is irrelevant to space time and the time zone of Zootopia.
It's itself without discipline, no principle. Just a projection of an arrow going forwards. Flying in one relative direction; straight.
While sad Judy stared into her phone screen, a number quickly called.
And unknown number, not her parents, not Gazelle or Gideon or anyone she knows.
So she didn't pick up, until that number called her over and over again.
Then that's when she picked up, nervous and tensed. "H-hello?" Judy spoke, off the ease.
"Hello is this Judy?"
"Uhh.. Yes I'm Judy. Who is this?"
"It's you oh that's good!" Said the voice, the a anonymous speaker jumped in joy to here Judy. But who is he? His voice has no recognition to Judy, some odd accent, deep tone assembled in excitement.
Who ever it was, Judy spoke with him.
Awaited to hear his name.
"Pardon my random call. I had to search your name on file and such. But anyways. I'm Doctor Mustang and I need to have a word with you asap.. You won't believe this. It's about Nick. And.. It's such a miracle!" Mustang chanted his words, framed in excitement, happy and jolly as a senior graduating from high school.
Judy didn't know how to feel. She didn't expect a call from a doctor, especially at a time like this. But she didn't care about the time.
Her feet danced on the floor, her long ears twitched like crazy and random tears spilled out her eyes. She wanted to speak back to the doctor, but frogs backed up her throat. Her ears flew up so high her straw hat flew high. And she sobbed like the time Nick held her after apologizing about her awful speech.
"Hurry come over here!"
"Okay!!" Judy screamed, hanging up the phone.
Immediately she left to Paw Hospital. Floored the gas pedal, pedaled to the metal and drove like crazy. Judy ran about twelve stop lights, not caring of the honking people and mad drivers around her. Midnight drivers tend to be crazy, but not as Judy.
Nick is right about her being a crazy driver.

Eventually Judy parked, ran in the hospital without equipping an umbrella. Twice she almost slipped in the pouring rain, thank her bunny reflexes for acting so quick.
When Judy plunged the glass door open, a strange looking wolf awaited her presence. He postured tall and broad, producing a genuine smile. He seemed happy. His teeth are white as his white button up. A clean slated expression profound of eagerness.
He had a metal red pen tucked in one of his sleeves. His button up tucked into his pants, which his pants are also white, revealing nothing but some fresh color of authentic hope.
His fur seemed to be Black around the body and face. Except for his chest and lower jaw. Those areas colored as orange. A tan orange color. It's a strange color for a wolf, but Judy didn't pay much mind with the species of the doctor. She focused on his name tag, which had the name S.Mustang.
He's the one Judy needed to talk to, or vice versa.
Words can't express how happy she is. Jolly joy stamped on her face and her feet couldn't stop prancing around.
By her attitude. The doctor knew that she's Judy, she looks exactly like the bunny from Mayor's speech, just without her uniform. She appears identical to the bunny on the Pro-Love page. Judy is everywhere, just like Gazelle is.
"Judy. Please follow me." Mustang beamed, walking down the white hallway.
"What is this miracle you wanted to say??" Judy panted, pacing along with Mustang.
He only smiled at her, a smile that told her to be patient and wait.
That waiting can't wait. Judy is determined by it. Every passing second is torturing her..
By time Mustang lead Judy to Nick's ward. The wait was worth it.

Nick reclined in the hospital bed, hooked up to machines, tubes surrounded him, keeping him breathing. A loosely tied bandage wrapped around half his head, soaked in dry blood stains. All the scars on his face were covered by that bandage.
The rest of his figure, seemed fine.
His condition.. Had yet to be known.
And Mustang elaborated of Nick.
"What ever happened to him.. He's not suppose to be alive. Yet he's here and he's recovering on a really fast pace. His self regeneration is way up the task. —His fatal fall has not broke any of his bones. Something prevented that. What ever it was. It's a miracle he's still able to function his nerves, move his limbs and preform all his senses. — One other strange occurrence about Nick. Is the surgery. I was requested to hinder his swelling brain. The only solution possible was to penetrate his frontal and occipital lobes. Surely those were the critical points of inflammation."
Judy locked eyes on Nick, listening to the doctor intently, word for word.
"But for some peculiar reason.. I didn't need to engage surgery. After a couple of hours, the inflamed brain calmed, slowed the swelling and began recovering all by itself.. So in conclusion of this information. Nick is going to live officer Hopps. I can't promise you when he will be up on his feet, but just know that he one day will be out this ward, right into the police department working right beside you." Mustang smiled, seeing tears of joy stream from the emotional officer.
"You can stay in this room as long as you wish Hopps.. Inform me if you need anything." Mustang patted her shoulder and left the room.
Leaving Judy with Nick.

Without words Judy sat herself beside Nick, clutched his dangling paw and fell asleep. Her midnight visit stole away her hopelessness. Restored her confidence and handed her the broken pieces of her heart.
For Nick is alive.
And will soon recover.

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