Day 11: Lies

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One whole day of traveling. Jumping epic modest sized mountains (that are actually foot sized dry dirt clumps), leaping from giant tower to another (in other words grass) and making ways through massive tubes of splintering wood. (Small tree logs. Or least to say, hallow dead tree branches.. Am I ruining Wire's epic quest with these side details? I pretty much am.)
Pillar stayed close to Wire the entire way.
And when they both made it to Whisper Willows. They nodded at each other. To enter in...
Once in; They hid themselves. Snuck around patrolling mantis guards and traveled around with no clue where to go.
However that wasn't a problem. For they heard a bunch of Mantis chatter coming from one area. So they climbed to the sound.. Followed up a hill slope and down to a huge coliseum. Housing thousands of Mantises. All sorts of species.
The big stadium was crafted from twigs, sticks, rocks, dead leaves, dead flower pedals, tree bark and all sorts of materials.
"Quick hide in these dry leaves" Pillar whispered.
Wire listened.
Cloaking himself under a big decayed leaf pile with Pillar.
"Wow.. What's going on?" Pillar shot out.
Confident Wire observed. What each Mantis focused on, and how each faced one general direction.
"Their having an intervention of some sort." Wire declared.
"Look." Pillar pointed, using his machine leg. "It's Windlor. He's about to give a speech. Let's listen in on this."
"Okay." Wire agreed. Pouring each sense to The Mantis world and at Windlor's worried face giving no grace.
"Settle down." Windlor announced. Taming down the chatter. "Okay. I have a solution to our food problem. Which please everyone.. Stop blaming the spiders. They didn't cause it. They wouldn't do such a torturous thing as that.. So stop turning your heads to them." Interesting enough, no one intruded him. So he went on. "Rationing won't last us long. Especially since there are so many of us. Our only conclusion is something crazy.. Something I would never dare to say.." He blew a breath, showing is honest disgruntled face. "But we have no choice folks. . So listen up. Here's what we're going to do." From the look of his tight face, he didn't want to admit what truth he needs to share. He has no choice. It's about survival. And this is his best choice. "We as a species must make amends with the spiders." That's when everyone slaughtered the silence and threw tantrums at him. Displeased of this decision, angry over this. Many got so mad that they started fights with each other and went ballistic. "Stop! Let me explain!" He yelled. Bombed over their hatred ratchet. "I hate this idea as much as you! Believe me. If I could choose something else. I would."
"Why can't we go beyond Whisper Willows!?" Said half the crowd.
"Because the fungus outside of our home will consume us and grow into us! We already risked that before..." Emotionally he said this. Looking to and fro. "I've lost my wife from doing so.. As we all know.. So. We have to make amends with those spiders because they have nice lands, fertile soil, fruit trees and everything that we need. It's heaven over there.. Look, Honestly we only hate the spiders because they control us. And I want to change that. What if there were no more control? Why can't we be like the animals in Zootopia?"
He did have a point. "The predators get along fine with the prey, so why can't we grow up like them and become something better?."
The crowd booed him. Except for one person..
His daughter.
The angry crowd didn't give him another word to speak. Since Windlor took a moment to pause. Wire and Pillar began talking.
Pillar broke his concentration. Figured something out.. Something suspicious.
"Wire... This doesn't make sense." Pillar shot out. Disturbed if anything.
"What doesn't?"
"This whole thing.." He elaborated. "Look Wire. Do you remember the speech Fog gave?"
Wire nodded. Still not understanding his point.
"Your father said that Windlor is blaming us for this giant mess. Saying that we started the fire, we took away their food and supplies. Fog also declared to us that Windlor says we're dumb spiders, thinks that we're fools. Some unintelligent race."
Wire still didn't understand his point. "I know Pillar. But what about it?"
Frustrated Pillar continued. "How can that be true Wire? Because Windlor just said stop blaming the spiders, we didn't cause this monstrosity. Windlor even admitted to the fact of making an alliance with us.. Do you see where I'm getting at? T-this makes no sense.."
Wire's light bulb finally lit. He understood.
"OMGoodness, Pillar! This does make sense! Like it does." Goose bumps traveled up his eight legs. "Don't you get it? Fog lied to everyone. He wants to get rid of the Mantis's once and for all!"
"He can't!" Pillar exclaimed. Not loud enough for the angry crowd to hear. "Because wiping out the Mantises will take away our main line of food supply! They are atleast 75% of our food.. We survive off of eating them and such Wire.. He can't get rid of them all."
"Not true.." Said Wire.. Breathing hard now. Feeling upset and under so much grief.
But why did Wire feel this way?
Was it the 75% of Mantises being there food fact?
How about when Pillar said the spiders survive off of eating them?
It's none of that. It's because a sudden memory hit him.. Of his childhood. How his father demanded him to sack Mantises and bugs. Told him that the spiders only fuel is bugs and Mantises... But that can't be true. Wire never consumed the life of a Mantis or bug. He always sucked the nectar from flowers and ate leaves like the Mantises.. Yet he still lives fine. He has energy just like every other spider. He's capable of the same attributes and physical strength like every other spider.
So in conclusion of this.. Spiders don't need to eat bugs or any organisms to live. They can drink Nectar. And eat flower pedals and eat everything a Mantis can eat.
Wire felt so disturbed.. His little heart pumped drastically, circulating his blood flow way too high. He began sweating and panting. Loosing breath.
"Wire are you okay? What's wrong?!" Pillar panicked.
"I'm fine.. I.. Oh my.. We. We've been lied to." Anger built inside of Wire. Opposite of his colorful body.
"Pillar.. I don't consume the force of life out of bugs. I don't. I drink nectar from the flowers. I eat leaves and I eat everything the Mantises consume. Yet I'm standing as you.. Don't you see the truth?! I don't eat bugs. And I'm alive like you.." Wire bellowed out his words. Emotionally unstable.
Pillar stopped moving. Widened his eyes. "Ohh..."
That's all he implied. Because he figured it out just like Wire..
For Fog lied to every one.
For generations.. Many generations.. Every spider leader lied.. Twisting up the spiders to stay savage.
What a big lie..

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