Day 11: I Need Ü

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Gazelle is pleased she took a spin at the library this morning, found tons of information on wolves.
She knows that Jack is a dark timber wolf. And it bothers her.. It's not the fact he's a timber wolf. It's the part of loyalty.
She can't get his compliments out of her head. It plays over and over again like a song verse that gets stuck in the head.
Ugh she's fed up with it and bothered by it.
To take things off her mind. She met up with a few composers in the Tundra district and made another song.
She made her first song, which she named Wow.
This second track of this album stars off with a chill organ solo, additional electronic melodies play in-background. Acoustic percussion sets the drums, including cymbals.
Gazelle can't ever forget cymbals.
They set a good emotive charge.
The clash of heavens, as what she calls it.
Her voice is the main focus of this ear boggling track.
She's naming this track I Need Ü.
A lot of history is behind it.
Has to do with you know..
Love and Jack and his perfect qualities.

10:00 in the night rolled by.
Gazelle finished her track with the composers and set to meet again the day after tomorrow.
They departed and went their ways.
All went home.
Except for Gazelle.
She walked around Tundra Town. Aimlessly going in motion on the dark peaceful night.
Sure outside is cold.
Her red jacket covered that.
What about her hands?
Easy. She bought herself a hot latte. Caramel flavor. With honey.
It's her favorite.
Something about this night felt right for her.
Walking alone, no one around in the mountain range area. No surprises, not a noise inflicted her peace.
Sounds of nature stayed low, at ease.
The sky sparkled bright. So many stars illuminated the night, shining like the beautiful grains of Sahara..
Wait, didn't Jack say that to her?
That she's a star that shines like the grains of Sahara?
He sure did.
Poor Gazelle warped herself in her mind. Began contemplating so hard about Jack. Where they went to dinner.
She membered Ü saying he sings to the flowers in his garden.
Gee, Gazelle would do anything to hear his voice. Singing like angels, sounding like a rainbow of sound.
He's overtaking her mind.
She's a zombie over him.
It's all she can really think about..
About thirty minutes of walking. She sighed heavily and drove back to Zootopia.
Instead of going to Helix Hotel.
She took a walk around.. Trying to get Jack off her mind.

Here comes 11:36.
Gazelle is still walking the night streets, going down quiet isolated neighborhoods.
Relaxing herself on the buzzing sounds of street lamps, chattering crickets, water sprinklers and her foot steps.
Nothing can be more perfect.. Or so she thought.
It all changed when she walked down one certain neighborhood..
Immediately Gazelle ceased to walk, stopped thinking and stopped all her voluntary muscles from moving.
She heard humming.. Beautiful humming.
Rich in tone, heavy in harmonics and way to alien to be on this planet.
Maybe this is what singing sounds like in the fourth dimension.
Vibrations of motion that speak supernatural nature.
Now who in the world is humming? Gazelle checked her phone to see the time set as 12:00.
Either an angel landed and Gazelle is lucky to witness it or this is some exotic miracle.
Keenly her ears followed the sound, detecting it as a sonar system would. Or a satellite to a distress signal.
For a pure minute of chasing.
The humming lead to a backyard..
Sure enough Gazelle peeped over and saw Jack... Him in his sweater pajamas. Watering his flowers, singing to them.
The sight of seeing Jack and hearing his choir voice made Gazelle emotional, making her want to cry. Too much beauty for her.
He really cared for his flowers.. Singing to each one of them. Praising them, cherishing them and showing affection.
What a perfect gardner he is.
What a gentle wolf he is.
No wonder why that Arctic wolf girl saw something in him.. He's perfect.
Gazelle only wishes to be one of those flowers. And also wishes to be the Arctic wolf.
She'd do anything to be with Jack. She'd even give up her organs, her life, her fame,
her glory and everything in life she has.
She'd take it all away for him. .

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