The End To A New Begining

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Katherine's POV:

I can feel my heart pounding as it breaks into tiny little pieces. At the back of my mind, something tells me that it's better if I stay, but I've been broken to many times, I've been hurt too many times. I don't know if I will still able to bear the longing pain each and every day of my life. I'm tired of it, I want to fade it all away, even for some time I want to escape my deadly reality.

I take a step inside the door and saw Klaus looking at exactly nowhere. I know he already know that I am in here, and I know that he is hurting. I was hesitant to take steps closer to him but I found myself walking nearer and nearer towards him. I took a gulp to suppress my tears.

"I'm leaving." I said softly almost in a whisper but I know he was able to hear it.

"Can you forgive me?" He said which I hear clearly but still not sure if he really said that.

"Is Klaus Mikaelson asking for forgiveness?" I mock and he let out a chuckle but in a split second, the emotions on his face changed.

"Well, I'm not gonna lie Klaus, you did so terrible things to me, you hurt me so many many times that I have lost track already. You slaughtered my family, killed my child...and I don't know. Because even if I say to you right now that I forgive you, the pain that you brought to me will still forever be with me. It's gonna stay in here and I won't be able to forget all of that. So I don't know, I'm sorry but I won't be able to say to you right now that I forgive you but maybe someday...someday I will learn how." What I'm saying right now is just pure honesty. Forgiving someone who have done collateral damage in your life is not easy and I know that everybody knows that.

He nods at me slowly and looks at the floor and at the surroundings. I heard him took a deep breath. Seconds have past but he didn't say a word, I waited but I think that he's not in the mood to talk to me so I turn my back around and walk away slowly. And in every step that I take, I can feel my heart shattering into pieces. A tear escape in my eye and I close my eyes.

I'm waiting for him to speak, to say something even just a plain goodbye, or take care, but nothing, all I hear is nothing, nothing but a deafening silence. I was to fully go out but I was stopped when I heard him say something which broke my heart even more.

"Stay." There was a hint of sadness in his voice. I wasn't able to control my tears anymore. I felt him taking steps closer and closer to me and I took a gulp before facing him.

"Stay." He repeated once again. All I can see is desperation, hurt and sadness in his eyes. Hundred years have pass and this is the only time that I heard someone tells me to stay once again. I even forgot how that word felt, but now I remember, I remember it so well. But I know I can't, I can't stay anymore because I don't want to. I already decided.

"Don't make this harder for me Klaus." I said beneath my breath as I look directly in his now watery eyes.

"I miss the bright side, I miss how it felt to be free, how it felt to be normal, I miss how it felt to live a life with contentment Klaus." I said as tears pour down in my eyes.

"Katerina, please, I swear to you, no more lies, no more secrets." He said and I just nod my head.

"You can't just leave. I need you." I took a deep shaky breath and I can't say something all I did was hug him, and he hug me back.

"I beg of you Katerina. I'm sorry, I did not mean to do all of these things, I just got too fed up by the allure of darkness." He said and I close my eyes and bit my lips to avoid making sounds while crying.

"I'm hurting, and I know you are too. But we need to open our eyes, we can never have a happy ending together, we will just cause collateral damage to each other. And both of our hearts believe, that maybe one day, some day, there will come that person who will really be for us, who will stay by our side no matter what, who will understand us. We are not for each other." I said letting go of him.

He put his hands on my face and let his forehead touch mine. I close my eyes and hold his hands. I don't want to let go of this feeling but I need to.

"I guess this is how our story ends." I commented and he looks directly into his watery eyes.

"Maybe one day, someday, we'll be able to meet again. And I hope when that time comes, we are both happy and contented for what we have." I gave him a weak smile and his lips parted from each other while he consecutively nods at me slowly. I wipe away the tears and he let go of his hands. He look at the ceiling trying to suppress the threatening tears then he directly look into my eyes.

"The minute you walk away this compound, the minute you turn your back around, you will forget everything, every little bad things that had happened in your life, the trouble, the pain, the misery, you will forget it all you will remember nothing but fun, you will remember the reckless vampire named Katherine, you will not remember the horrible things that you did. All you will remember are the fun, the happiness, the joy. You will never remember the loneliness; you will live a happy and contented life away from vanity, away from danger. Your reality ones will be nothing but dreams, and the dreams that you'd been longing for will become your reality. But before you walk away Katherine, before you turn your back, I just want you to say that I will wait for you, I will always be there for you, whatever happens, you will be the Katerina Petrova that I know, you will forever remain in my heart and my soul." A tear roll down in his eyes as he hold my hands tightly and he slowly kiss me at my forehead and gave me a weak smile.

"Goodbye Katerina." I begin to cry a river, I thought it would be that easy, but I didn't know that it would be this hard. I don't want to let go of his hands, I don't want to end this feeling, but maybe I have to, maybe I need to. I need a change, in order to fix a broken thing, you must sacrifice something.

The time comes when he slowly let go of my hands and I walk away trying to drag my feet. I was out of the room when I notice that he gave me the necklace that he gave me before. I took grip at it. When I fully got out of the room, I saw Cami, Elijah, Hayley, Rebekah, and Marcel waiting for me.

They say their goodbyes, and farewells, and we did a group hug. Then I know I would have to leave, I look at the door and I walk towards it slowly. And before I got out of this compound and fully turn my back at them, before I totally forgot everything, I look back at them and wave a goodbye, and at the corner of my eyes, I also caught Klaus staring at me, hurt can be seen in his face.

Who would have thought that this moment will come, who would have thought that I would decide to lose track of who I am and create a brand new simple life. Many things had happened, many moments have passed by, the hurt, the lies, the secrets, it fed me up too much, the world spared me, it made me choose the path that I don't really want to go through, it made me the person that I never wanted to be, it made me alone, it made me weak, it crushed my soul. But now, it will be over, everything will be over.

This is gonna be the end of the story of the fierce, psychotic, dysfunctional, bitch, Katherine Pierce. This is gonna be the end to a new beginning.

I took a deep breath and close my eyes as I take my final step to a new kind of story, to a new beginning, to my freedom.

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