Chapter 10

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The next morning we one of great horribleness. As I made my way down the hall from my room in the institute. However, that is not the awkward part the awkward part is that when I walked into the kitchen Jace and Clary were making out on the table total gross factor. I let out a small gasp then fell to the floor holding my throat like I was suffocating which affectivity got their attention as they pulled apart and looked at me as I still dramatically died on the floor. Jace chuckled and stood in front of me "jealous squirt?" He asked as I pushed up of the ground "squirt! Who you calling squirt?" I questioned pushing my figure into his chest and he held him hands up in surrender "your just small that's all" I puffed out a breath "I'm not that much shorter then you" pointed out. "Yes you are!" He exclaimed
"Am not!"
"Yes you are"
"Yes you are"
We stood toe-to-toe with each other, my arms crossed over my chest and his hands on his hips.
"Lady's, lady's, after breakfast you too can deal with it in the training room" Alec said stumbling into the kitchen.
"Alec go back to bed!" I demanded stepping around Jace and taking his arm tugging him lightly towards the hall.
"No I'm fine" he tried to shrug me off but I held on tighter "get to bed I'll bring you some breakfast. Do you want pancakes?" I asked and he sighed but nodded and reluctantly let me pull him to his room.

Back in the kitchen the others were already sitting around the table talking and eating pancakes and cereal so I made my way over to the stove and turned it on and started to make two sets of pancakes, and took one to Alec which he ate happily. When I came back from giving Alec his pancakes I sat at the table and ate with the others when Simon bursted into the room he looked pale paler then normal and his eyes were wide and filled with fear I pushed back from the table and quickly made my way over to him putting my hands on his shoulders I asked calmly "Simon, Simon what's wrong?" But he didn't answer just grabbed my shoulders and tried to pull me out the door but I planted my feet and forced him to stop and look at me "Simon what's wrong? I can help you just tell me what's wrong!" I begged and finally he said "we have to go you have to go know there coming their going to get you we have to go I have to keep you safe" this scared me who was coming for me but I forced myself to stay calm "Simon who's coming?" I asked the others were up standing behind me just as concerned "they are I don't know what they are but their coming for you and I can't- I just can't- I have to-" he broke of with a sob "its Ok Simon nothing is going to happen I promise, I promise." I whispered as he cried with no tears but chocking sobs that hurt me it hurt me that anything could do this to Simon, my Simon.

We were quiet after that until Simon composed himself then we headed to the library and all sat around ready to get on this case and take care of business. Everyone looked at Simon then waiting for him to start but he seemed to be waiting for something so I decided to help "Simon start from the beginning" I prompted he nodded. "I was out early this morning going for a run before I came here to hang out with you guys" I nodded encouragingly "then there was a woman's screaming coming from a little ways ahead of me so I went to see what was going on but when I got there it wasn't a person like I thought it was it was a demon." He choked slightly so I lay a comforting hand on his arm "he came at me and I went to run but he grabbed the back of my shirt I don't know how it moved so fast I've never seen a demon move that fast but then I was against the wall and the thing spoke it said" he paused again the tension in the room building "that it was coming for you that it was coming for all Nephiliam but the it needed Luce for the finally part the resurrecting or something like that then they would raise and that I was going to help with it." He looking down but then looked back up right into my eyes and whispered "he said I was going to kill you."
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another update finally sorry for the long wait I know that this story has not had much direction lately but I think I have an idea. How many of you guys have read or are reading the lady midnight book? I am and am this king about bringing in a few of thoughts characters but I'm only half way through the book. Anyways tell me what you think any opinions or suggestion are helpful.
" if you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you should have just asked."
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